"She is the heroine, and she will definitely give birth smoothly." Liu Weiwei kept saying to herself in her heart, her brows were still slightly frowned, and she paced back and forth anxiously at the door of the delivery room.

I knew earlier that I would have to wait for a long time, but when I really had to wait, I realized that this period of time was really too difficult! Moreover, Liu Weiwei took two steps closer to the door of the delivery room, why couldn't she hear Yang Wenxue's voice, it was too quiet, isn't giving birth in TV dramas heartbreaking?

Tired from walking, leaning against the wall, Liu Weiwei closed her eyes slightly, and after an unknown amount of time, a baby's cry sounded, Liu Weiwei opened her eyes, and let out a heavy breath, it was over.

"Is Yang Wenxue's family there?"

"Here." Liu Weiwei responded immediately.

"A boy was born," the nurse said.

"How is your lord?"

"My lord is fine."

"That's good."


On the hospital bed, Yang Wenxue was sleeping, and Liu Weiwei looked at the baby next to him, a small one, like a little monkey, Liu Weiwei reached out and poked his little hand, feeling the soft touch under his hand, only felt that his heart softened .

The baby is the cutest when it is asleep, and when it cries, go to the confinement lady!

Yang Wenxue was awakened by the baby's crying, and called out, "Sister Weiwei."

"You're awake, is it still hurting?" Liu Weiwei asked quickly.

"Where's the baby?" Yang Wenxue said, the first thing the mother did when she woke up was to look for the baby.

"Yuesao is holding her." Liu Weiwei replied, beckoning to Yuesao, who carried the child to Yang Wenxue.

Yang Wenxue looked at the child, and the confinement wife carried the child to the side to coax her again.

"When did sister Weiwei invite confinement wife?" Yang Wenxue asked.

"I contacted you half a month ago." Liu Weiwei replied.

"It's expensive, right?" Yang Wenxue pursed her lips and said.

"Expensive." Liu Weiwei nodded. There is no need to lie. Among many professions, Yuesao is notoriously expensive. Before Yang Wenxue could continue speaking, Liu Weiwei said, "But I think it's worth it. You just gave birth. The body is weak, can you take care of such a small child now? I can't, and besides us, there is no one to help, the money must be spent wisely, this confinement woman must be hired. "

Yang Wenxue lowered her eyes and stopped talking, thinking for a while, Yang Wenxue raised her eyes, but before she could say anything, Liu Weiwei said again: "Besides, my confinement sister-in-law is not for you, but for my godson, take care of me." You are just passing by, but you have been honored by my godson."

"Sister Weiwei~" Yang Wenxue looked at Liu Weiwei movedly, tears rolled down her eyes, she said that the hatred in the confinement can be remembered for a lifetime, and the kindness in the confinement can also be remembered for a lifetime.

"Hey, don't cry, don't cry, you can't have such big mood swings just after giving birth." Liu Weiwei hurriedly said.

Yang Wenxue wiped away her tears and said, "Sister Weiwei, from now on, you are my own sister."

"Sister, won't I become the child's aunt?" Liu Weiwei shook her head, "No, I'm going to be a godmother!"

After hearing Liu Weiwei's words, Yang Wenxue couldn't laugh or cry, the sadness just now was swept away, and she said helplessly, "Sister Weiwei."

"Hee hee." Liu Weiwei smiled and said nothing.

"Sister Weiwei, can you name the child?"

"Ah!?" Liu Weiwei was stunned. The right to name the child belongs to her. It seems that she has firmly grasped this thigh.

The baby was coaxed to sleep by the confinement wife, and Liu Weiwei reached out and gently touched his face.

"Xiu'an, what about this name?" Liu Weiwei asked, "Your name is yours, Yang Xiu'an."

"Xiu'an." Yang Wenxue chanted these two words and nodded, "It sounds good, but does it have any meaning?"

"An, I hope he is safe, Xiu...my favorite heroine in the novel is called Xiu." Liu Weiwei's eyes fluttered, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, and then he returned to a serious look. It is very suitable for the occasion, the heroine's child , the proper little hero in the future, what's wrong with using the name of the hero of the novel!

Children eat and sleep well, almost every day.


This year, Liu Weiwei was 34 years old, Yang Wenxue was 27 years old, and Yang Xiuan was 6 years old.

In the store, there are already a number of regular customers, not many, and Liu Weiwei's high fees cannot be supported. There is a slight surplus every month, which is enough for Liu Weiwei.

Yang Wenxue went to university when Yang Xiu'an was able to go to kindergarten. After graduating from university, she resolutely quit her job in Liu Weiwei's store and found another one. After working, Yang Wenxue began to pay Liu Weiwei, and she took care of the money It's called Jiaojia.

Compared with the employment relationship, they really get along more like family members.

As for Yang Xiu'an, Liu Weiwei looked at the little luotou who was brushing aside doing junior high school exercises, and sighed silently, this IQ is definitely inherited from his father!

The phone rang, and Liu Weiwei looked at the string of phone numbers on the screen, before answering the phone, he sighed, and the sound of the sigh attracted Yang Xiu'an to look at Liu Weiwei.

Liu Weiwei answered the phone, "Hello, Mom."


"I'm hurrying up, isn't this not the right one?"

"How can this be done casually!"

"don't want."

"I got it, I got it, I'll make sure to get one back for you next time."

"Hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Weiwei lay down on the table, resting her head on her arm, "ε=(ο`*))) Oh!"

Turning his head, his eyes met Yang Xiu'an who was on the side, Liu Weiwei said: "Xiao An'an, can you put my son down?"

"No." She refused mercilessly.

Pointing at Yang Xiu'an's arm, Liu Weiwei blinked: "Are you so ruthless?"

"Dingling, Dingling." It was the sound of the store door opening.

Yang Xiu'an turned his head and complained to the visitor: "Mom, someone wants to rob you of the child."

The person who came was Yang Wenxue, with exquisite and capable makeup, a pair of black high heels, and a professional small suit. Not only the appearance, but even the temperament was more than a little bit more mature than the previous Yang Wenxue. Also, how could it not change in six years.

Liu Weiwei looked at the person and said, "Wen Xue, lend me Xiao An'an for a while!"

"Sister Weiwei, what are you doing with Xiao An'an?" Yang Wenxue put down her bag and asked suspiciously.

"Mom is urging the marriage again, let Xiao An'an pretend to be my son, once and for all." Liu Weiwei raised an eyebrow at Yang Wenxue.

"Sister Weiwei, my son is not a boyfriend. You can change him next time." Yang Wenxue said helplessly. In the past few years, Yang Wenxue has witnessed Liu Weiwei's various operations to avoid marriage urges.

Rented a boyfriend to meet the parents, and rented the same person for the first two years, and there was a slight hint of marriage in the family, so Liu Weiwei immediately broke up with the family.

Rented and divided.

Rented and divided.

The year before last, Yang Wenxue saw with her own eyes that Liu Weiwei called her family, and she was crying miserably on the other end of the phone, saying that she had been cheated, that the other party was already married, and that she had been made a mistress, and that she would never find a partner again. That's it, the family is afraid of causing Liu Weiwei's sadness, so Liu Weiwei has been clean for more than a year.

"Hey!" Liu Weiwei sighed and couldn't help complaining: "You said it's been so many years, why doesn't my family give up on me!?"

"Sister Weiwei, isn't someone chasing you? You can really try to fall in love." Yang Wenxue said.

"I'm not interested." Liu Weiwei said without hesitation, "Let's rent another one. You said it was just the story I made up last time. I said he was divorced and wanted to be with me. I'm so stupid that he won't marry. You say Does my mother have to try her best to stop me?" Liu Weiwei smiled maliciously.

Yang Wenxue twitched her lips helplessly as she watched Liu Weiwei who was excitedly preparing to do something. Sister Weiwei really didn't look like a person in her thirties.

Thirty? Yang Wenxue stared at Liu Weiwei, "Sister Weiwei?"

"Huh?" Liu Weiwei raised her head and looked at Yang Wenxue: "What's wrong?"

When she was in the store, Liu Weiwei usually dressed in ancient costumes. Today she was wearing a light green dress with a belt of the same color that tied her slender waist. Her long black hair was scattered behind her, and her face was fair and delicate.

At this time, Yang Wenxue was standing, and Liu Weiwei was sitting. Liu Weiwei looked up at Yang Wenxue with a trace of doubt on his face. The natural sunlight hit Liu Weiwei's face, making Liu Weiwei's face have a soft light effect. In terms of status, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is twenty years old.

Yang Wenxue looked at the window, and Liu Weiwei didn't understand, so she followed her. The transparent window showed two faint shadows. Yang Wenxue looked at the comparison of the two shadows, and said, "I just feel that after so many years, Miss Weiwei It really hasn't changed at all, and now we both look like I'm older than you."

"What are you thinking about!" Liu Wei only gave you a nonsense expression: "You are wearing makeup to look mature, besides, the money I spent on my face these years, those skin care products are not for nothing."

Yang Wenxue didn't hesitate, and said with a smile, "Sister Weiwei's temperament hasn't changed at all."

"Because there's nothing to worry about!" Liu Weiwei put her hands on her face and said cutely to Yang Wenxue. Liu Weiwei really didn't have any sense of disobedience in doing this kind of pretending to be cute.

Waking up early, Liu Weiwei sat in front of the vanity mirror and looked at her face in the mirror. Yang Wenxue was right, her face did not change much. Holding the bottles and cans on the table, Liu Weiwei started to do skin care. Who stipulated that more than thirty A woman who is 12 years old must be old, and some of those stars in their forties and fifties look like they are in their twenties. In her case, it is trivial!

"Dingling, Dingling." The store door was pushed open, and Liu Weiwei went up to greet her, "Welcome to Inch Time."

Seeing the visitor, Liu Wei was startled.

When the man saw Liu Weiwei's appearance, surprise flashed in his eyes. Seeing Liu Weiwei staring at him blankly, the surprise in his eyes turned into impatience, and he said coldly, "Find me a quiet place."

"Please follow me." Liu Weiwei regained consciousness, nodded slightly and began to lead the way.

Liu Weiwei walked in front, and the people behind him couldn't see Liu Weiwei's expression, so naturally they couldn't see the complex look on Liu Weiwei's face. He was indeed very handsome, but he definitely couldn't make Liu Weiwei stunned. The reason she stared blankly was because the man behind him looked a lot like Yang Xiu'an.

I often read novels. In the novel, the child born after the heroine runs with the ball grows into a replica of the hero. This small replica is the opportunity for the hero and heroine to recognize each other and the assist of their relationship. She really saw it this time, and the resemblance is more than It's the appearance, even the temperament is extraordinarily similar, but because Yang Xiu'an is young, the look he made with that cold aura is a cool and cool look.

Is this the beginning of the drama?

Yang Wenxue hasn't left work yet, and Yang Xiu'an hasn't finished school yet, so it seems that they won't be able to meet each other for the time being.

Thinking about things in his mind, and taking the place, Liu Weiwei made a gesture of please to the man, then turned and left.

After a while, another person came, this person came for the second time.

"Welcome to Inch Time." Liu Weiwei said.

"Bamboo Pavilion, I'll go by myself," said the man.

"Please." Liu Weiwei said.

Looking at the back of that person leaving, Liu Weiwei frowned slightly. This person knows the hero, is it a supporting role?

Shaking her head, Liu Weiwei didn't think about it anymore, it had nothing to do with her.

After preparing tea and snacks, Liu Weiwei went to deliver them once, and left after delivering them.

etc! Liu Weiwei paused, and frowned, recalling, did that person meet Yang Xiu'an?


Inside the Bamboo Pavilion

Xie Zhe said: "This place is not bad."

Gu Yanfeng took a sip of tea and commented: "Tea is average."

Xie Zhe smiled, took a sip of tea from his teacup, and said meaningfully: "It doesn't matter if you are ordinary tea, but it's fine if you are not ordinary people."

Gu Yanfeng said, "What?"

Xie Zhe looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "It's not time to see you yet, I'll take you to meet someone later."

This moment, it was two hours, Gu Yanfeng waited a little impatiently, and said, "What do you want from me?"

"Immediately." Xie Zhe said.

"I still have something to do..."

Before Gu Yanfeng finished speaking, Xie Zhe asked, "Do you want to meet your son?"

Gu Yanfeng's words paused, and then he frowned and said, "What are you kidding?"

Xie Zhe shrugged and said, "I'm also surprised, but the fact is, don't you know it at a glance?"

Gu Yanfeng saw that Xie Zhe's expression did not seem to be lying, and continued to wait full of doubts.

After another fifteen minutes, Xie Zhe raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said, "It's almost there, come with me."

This one follows me, that is, the two of them hid behind a tree and looked in the direction of the store entrance.

Xie Zhe's attitude of being a thief made Gu Yanfeng frown, Xie Zhe pulled Gu Yanfeng's arm, lowered his voice and said excitedly: "Here we come!"

Gu Yanfeng subconsciously looked in the direction of the store entrance.

"Dingling, Dingling." The bell rang, the door of the store was pushed open, and a small man walked in coolly with a schoolbag on his back.

Xie Zhe elbowed Gu Yanfeng who was stunned, and said, "How about it, is it your son? From the looks of it, it definitely is, you are really good, your son is so old, and you don't even know it."

"Just a simple resemblance?" Gu Yanfeng said uncertainly, his eyes fixed on the creature not far away that seemed to be his son.

"It doesn't look like the past, it's just copy and paste!" Xie Zhe shook his head, obviously not agreeing with Gu Yanfeng's words, "Didn't the old man urge you to get married? It's all right now, children are like this big."

"Let's do a paternity test first." Gu Yanfeng said, there is no real evidence, and it is really impossible to judge just by appearance.


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