Yun Cijing took Xiao Ruyin back to the peak where she lived.

The peak is full of green bamboo, and among the bamboo forests, there is a small courtyard hidden in the three-in-one style, and from the outside, it is a very ordinary farmhouse scene.

But as soon as Xiao Ruyin stepped on this place, he felt the strong aura under this ordinary scenery.

Yun Cijing naturally wanted to take Xiao Baozi's hand and walk into the courtyard, but Xiao Ruyin shook his hand away.

Seeing the surprise on Yun Ci's mirror, Xiao Ruyin was a little annoyed.

He didn't resist the knee-jerk movements. Now, I'm afraid I'll be blamed by Yun Cijing.

Yun Cijing is indifferent, ruthless, and ...... angrily

"It's so important to guard men and women. Yun Cijing blinked, and suddenly laughed, "Yes! For the disciple who likes to keep male virtues, I will award you with delicious food tonight." "

...... Hypocrisy.

"8384: Xiao Ruyin's friendship +5, current friendship -80.

"At the beginning of the time: The people who adopted Xiao Ruyin were also very indifferent to him, and Xiao Baozi was still a child after all, and he lacked love. Let the teacher fill his soul with the love of master and apprentice.

8384's heart did not fluctuate.

Yun Cijing prepared a room for Xiao Ruyin, which was simply furnished, with only one bed and one table, but it was full of books of all kinds.

"This room was originally for your senior sister to live in, but now that she has gone down the mountain to practice, you can live in this house first. There is also one room that is so messy that I'm afraid it's uncomfortable to live in. Yun Cijing picked and chose among those books, "These books are also your senior sister's, just pick and read them at will." Hey, tell her not to buy these messy scripts under the mountain, which will shake the Dao heart.

Yun Cijing stood up, rubbed it on Xiao Baozi's head, ignored Xiao Ruyin's dark face, and said with satisfaction, "If you see those words about love in the world, you can just throw them away, and you can read them if you want to, but you are still young, I'm afraid you won't understand it." Adapt yourself first, and I'll get you the essentials.

After she left, Xiao Ruyin flicked the doors and windows of the room with her hand, wisps of black qi poured out from her fingertips, if there were any cultivators present, she would probably jump up in shock by this scene: the newly accepted disciple of Yun Cijing, the most powerful elder of the Cloud Chasing Sect, actually had demonic energy.

Those demonic qi floated above the doors and windows for a while, penetrating in little by little, and soon there was no trace left, even if it was cultivated as high as a cloud mirror, it could not feel any clues.

However, every move that happened in the courtyard would be clearly perceived by Xiao Ruyin from now on.

Although Yun Cijing is not suspicious of him now, he should still be careful.

Yun Cijing asked the elder in charge of internal affairs to ask for some daily necessities and clothes worn by his disciples, and then returned to Qiran Peak.

glanced out the window of Xiao Ruyin's room and saw Xiao Baozi reading a book at the desk, with a straight back.

She smiled and walked into a separate cabin at the back of the courtyard.

The realm of Yuncijing has long been cleared, and there is no need for food, and there will naturally be no kitchen in the small courtyard. However, the previous disciple Bai Li was addicted to eating, and Yun Cijing couldn't do it, so he had to ask someone to build a room behind the small courtyard to think that Bai Li was going to eat.

Now, even this kitchen has been inherited to Xiao Ruyin.

Yun Cijing is very confident in his craft, and he uses all the natural treasures sent by the sect, which is full of aura, and he is all used as an ordinary ingredient to cook.

If it is seen by others, it will definitely be heartbroken and bleeding.

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