Shi Chu's expression was complicated, and after a long time, he sighed.

"Shi Chu: This little green heart is good, but I'm afraid it's a good heart to do bad things. She wistfully said, "Well, sometimes being popular is a sweet torture. Remember to help me block out the pain at night, little 8. Why

do you want to block out the pain? 8384 shocked.

"8384: The male protagonist is going to torture you again?╭(°A°')╮

" "Shi Chu: Almost, it's just a sweet torture ^ω^"

The next group talks didn't go off topic, the whole process revolved around the possible inner ghost, Wen Ze and Chen Qing were very calm, Anderson smashed the table and lifted the table at every turn, showing the word reckless man vividly.

But at first, I didn't know that Anderson was helpless to do this.

Ever since the conversation between the two had a bad conversation, the atmosphere in the room had been very solid, so that Anderson, who let his nature fly in the barracks every day, couldn't breathe at all, and could only find a way to make himself feel better.

He felt bitter in his heart, wasn't this Lian Sheng taken away by the rebels a long time ago? Why did these two people talk about her so deeply?

It is estimated that it is another matter in the court. The political struggle is too complicated, I don't understand, woo, he just wants to go back to the barracks to fight.

As he was listening to their conversation, he saw Yuffie hurrying over.

"His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince has come down, you lead him to the lounge and entertain him. Yuffie said. This newcomer named Yun is very clever, and she likes to call this girl to do many things now.

Shi Chu respectfully led the four princes to the lounge.

The fourth prince's hair is also silver, but it is cut very short, and both ears are full of studs, which looks quite unruly. His facial features are also outstanding, but they can't be compared with a demonic appearance like Wen Ze.

"You're a newcomer to the second brother's family, I haven't seen you before. The fourth prince, Heywood, suddenly asked, with a hint of interest between his words.

Shi Chucheng said with trepidation, "I'm new here." "

Look up.

Shi Chu raised his head a little ignorantly, his eyes flashing with doubt.

Heywood looked at her for a moment, then smiled.

"What is nervous, and it won't do anything to you. He leaned down and whispered in Shi Chu's ear, "My second brother is a tasteless and fierce to his subordinates, do you want to follow me?" "

「8384:...... Aren't you already wearing a mask!" It stands to reason that this face can only be regarded as delicate now, how did you recruit the four princes.

"Shi Chu: Hey, little 8, if being popular is a sin, then I have already been unforgivable!(∩_∩)" Shi

Chu's eyes were full of horror, and the tips of his ears were dyed red by the breath between the words, like a frightened rabbit. She pretended to be calm and said, "Fourth Highness, you are laughing, I am just a servant, and I dare not ask for more."

"There is an old saying in the ancient earth, water flows to low places, and people go to high places. Heywood said innocently, "Don't worry, if you go to my place and think it's better to be here with the second brother, I'll send you back." "

You're going to send back a fart. Shi Chu smiled on his face, and his heart was full of wheat.

"No need......

" Before she could finish her sentence, Heywood impatiently grabbed her wrist and pulled her in front of her, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not asking for your opinion. "

It's just a slightly beautiful servant, he doesn't believe that the second brother will not give it to him.

Before this, Heywood's orientation was hot and sexy, but this girl's eyes were so beautiful that he suddenly had the idea of changing his taste.

"At the beginning of the hour: Wenze, how long will it take for them to get here?"

"8384: Ten seconds.

Shi Chu adjusted his posture and angle to make sure that Wen Ze saw his most pitiful side when he walked.

"What are you doing?" Wen Ze's voice came from around the corner of the hallway, a low, magnetic voice faintly tinged with anger.

Heywood grabbed Shi Chu's wrist and looked at Wen Ze with a hippie smile, "Yo, General Anderson and General Chen Qing are also there." That's right, second brother, I have taken a fancy to a servant of your family, you won't even disagree with this little request.

Wen Ze stepped closer and raised his hand. At first, he thought he was going to hit himself, but he couldn't help but close his eyes and shrink his neck.

When he saw Shi Chu, he subconsciously thought that he was going to hurt her, and Wen Ze felt a little more indescribable irritability in his heart.

Shi Chu didn't wait for the pain that fell on his body, but the confinement on his wrist was violently pulled away by Wen Ze.

Heywood has always been a little afraid of his decisive second brother, looking at the two cold turquoise in Wen Ze's eyes, he was so frightened that he stammered, "Second, second brother, it's just one, it's just a servant, there's no need to really get angry." "

You've been a little lawless lately. Wen Ze's thin lips moved slightly, "Didn't you stay enough in the galaxy frontier before?"

The unruliness on Heywood's face immediately became tamed, and he howled, "I was wrong second brother! Don't send me there again! I shouldn't do anything to your servant, I was wrong second brother, I admit my mistake!"

Wen Ze had trained his brother enough, Wen Ze said to Shi Chu without looking back, "Go to my room."

Anderson didn't control his expression all the time, and accidentally revealed a bit of gossip: Go to Wen Ze's room? Isn't this cold-hearted and cold-hearted crown prince always unapproachable to women, and broke the ring? This girl looks okay, but compared with those noble girls, she is a little worse, and I don't know where to attract His Royal Highness.

Chen Qing stared at Shi Chu's face, as if he wanted to see through her. Even Shi Chu's back disappeared at the end of the hallway, his eyes still looking in the direction she left.

"Have you seen enough?" Wen Ze said coldly to Chen Qing.

Anderson quietly dragged Chen Qing, "Look at you, how distracted you are today."

Chen Qing retracted his gaze and said lightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't sleep well last night."

Wen Ze said, "Then go make up for sleep." He turned to leave, "No more visitors." "

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