There was a knock on the door, and it was none other than Councillor Dena, who had just bid for Wen Ze.

Dena's long and narrow phoenix eyes were full of smiles, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were full of calculations, so it is no wonder that she made some achievements in the treacherous political world at a young age.

"Your Highness. She bowed to the door. Under normal circumstances, parliamentarians do not have to bow to the prince, and Dena bowed to Wen Ze with full respect.

"Councillor Dena. A casual smile hung on the corner of Wen Ze's mouth, "Is there anything important to rush over before the auction is over?" "

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince shares his worries for His Majesty all day long, and the state affairs he has worked on are all important matters, how can I say anything important in front of His Royal Highness the Prince." Dena said politely, a compliment that didn't leak.

"What's that for?" Wen Ze asked knowingly.

Dena raised one hand, and behind her approached two servants, each holding two books.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has always loved ancient books, but I have really been thinking about this set of books for a long time, and if I don't buy it, I'm afraid I will really regret it for life. "But it is indeed rude for me to take away the things that Your Highness loves." There are seven volumes in this set of books, and these four volumes are my gift to His Highness to make amends, and I hope His Highness will not dislike them.

"One more thing. Dena took another velvet box from the servant's hand, "A small gift, for this beautiful Miss Yun."

She opened the box herself, and inside was the first auction item, the Dona Star Sapphire. The light of the auction table fell through the transparent wall, and the warm white light was cut into a broken sea blue by the slightly irregularly shaped gemstones.

"She's just a servant. Wen Ze's originally unwavering eyes fluctuated faintly, "You still don't have to break the bank." As for books, there are dispensable things, and it's good that the parliamentarians like to keep them for themselves. In

a few sentences, he blocked all of Dena's courtesy. Apparently, Dena's behavior of giving Shichu the gift was unpleasant to him.

Instead of being annoyed, Dena smiled genuinely for the first time since entering the box.

"Dorothea is sad for a reason, Your Highness the Prince. She said.

"Don't be smart, Wavered. Wen Ze's calm voice was dangerous.

Knowing that she was bored, Dena said goodbye to the two of them and exited the box.

The face of the young councillor who went out changed suddenly, and his original smile disappeared, replaced by a cold and slightly arrogant expression. She closed the box in her hand and threw it to the servant beside her.

"It's terrifying, this person's aura. She muttered to herself, "I can't imagine what it would be like for him to be gentle...... "

For Dena's one-man show, Shi Chu thought it was much more interesting than the auction, and she was a little reluctant to see this person leave.

Although he hadn't figured out her intentions at the beginning, he obviously didn't have any good intentions.

The auction continues, and the auction items have been transformed from a few exotic treasures into weapons, most of which have been auctioned off by merchants in the astral capital to protect themselves while doing business in the interstellar world.

The lights of the entire venue suddenly dimmed, and only Chen Fei's soft voice came from the darkness.

"Next, there are the most anticipated items of the auction. All the items sold have been carefully selected and inspected, and I swear by the reputation of the Central Auction House that they will satisfy you. The

warm yellow light melted the thick darkness and reflected the scene on the stage: a row of cubes that could fit just enough for one person was covered with red flannel, and Chen Fei smiled and stood in front of a cube in the far corner.

Guessing what was about to happen, Lian Sheng's expression unconsciously stiffened. Her slender fingers clenched the corners of her clothes, and she did her best to keep her cool as she looked at the auction table.

She is now just a servant who has been manipulated and manipulated, a traitor who has been caught, and she is barely able to protect herself, where is the possibility to protect others.

Chen Fei lifted the flannel on the square behind him, and in the transparent container was a frightened young woman, cowering into the corner.

"This old human is called Vinya, he just turned twenty years old the day before yesterday, and he used to be a teacher in the old human settlement, and he is a very cute old human. Chen Fei opened a somewhat ambiguous smile, "This kind of appearance of the old human is very rare, the guests must not be stingy with the bidding button in front of them." "

The flannel cloth was lifted piece by piece, and the old humans in the container were bought by the nobles in turn, and the prices varied, but they were all amazing.

Eventually, only a flannel-covered cube remained.

Chen Fei blinked, with some deliberate temptation in his voice, "Under this cloth, it is the finale of this auction, and it has definitely reached the point of being amazing." Even if I've been an auctioneer for so long, I've never seen a product of this quality a few times. So, her starting price is 80 million Star Coins!" 80 million

Star Coins, which is higher than all the previous transaction prices.

The auction room fell silent suddenly, and everyone stared at the flannel, imagining the glamorous scene below.

The flannel is pulled apart.

Lian Sheng stood up suddenly, his face uncontrollably uncontrollable.

"Avila!" she cried out.

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