In the monitor, Shi Chu suddenly woke up from her frozen contemplation, sat up, slowly walked out the door, and left the officer's apartment.

After a while, an adjutant walked up behind Bel Air, "General, Miss Lian is on the first floor of the military headquarters, and I ask to see you." "

I guess I'm here to give a final answer. Bel Air nodded and said to the adjutant, "Send her up to my office."

Lian Sheng followed behind the leading officer with some timidity.

It's different from the Imperial Army.

She still remembered the first time she went to the Imperial Military Headquarters, she was so nervous that she didn't know where to look, everyone there had no expression on their faces, every place was cold temperature, pure white floor tiles and walls, and all kinds of mastermind-controlled machinery, which were so simple that they were intimidating. The rebel headquarters was much more humane, with soldiers and officers coming and going with mixed joys and sorrows, and the stairs between the floors were made of solid wood - Lian Sheng hadn't seen a non-mechanical staircase for a long time.

"Wait here, General Bel-Air will be here soon. The officer helped her open an office door.

He looked at Lian Sheng and had to admit that her appearance was also extremely superior among the new humans. However, he was also a little curious about what this pampered and difficult new human in the mouths of his brothers could talk about with the general.

Lian Sheng nodded, sat on the sofa, and obediently waited for Bel Air.

The officer involuntarily thought as he closed the door, this is not difficult to get along with, it is clearly quite easy to talk.

After a short wait, Bel Air pushed the door in.

"Miss Lian, are you here to give me an answer?" he sat on the sofa opposite Lian Sheng, his eyes unpredictable.

Lian Sheng's fingers were tightly twisted together, "Yes, General."

She took a deep breath, looked up into Belair's eyes, and said firmly, "I'm going to join your medical team!"

Bel-Air suppressed the turmoil in her heart, her expression was not touched in the slightest, "Can I ask why? If I'm not mistaken, you're a nobleman of the Empire." "

I'm a nobleman of the Empire, that's right. Shi Chu said.

Her face wandered with a little hesitation, and then quickly dissolved into the firmness in her eyes, "You know, my body has always been not very good, which is rare for new humans. I once told you it was because of something wrong with my genes. Now I apologize to you because this is my lie, in fact, I am a mixture of old and new humans.

In Bel Air's complicated eyes, Lian Sheng continued slowly, "My mother is an old human, and I met my father in an auction, and her identity is an auction item. This kind of auction will sell the good-looking old humans to the new ones as slaves, and it was the first time my father went, and he fell in love with his mother at first sight. It was hard for the new and the old to fall in love, and my father was almost kicked out of the house, and it wasn't until my grandfather died that my father finally withstood all the pressure to marry her.

"My mother would often ask my father to buy the old humans in the auction house and make them servants of the family, which was the best place for the auction items.

"My best playmate when I was a kid was an old human, a girl, only five years older than me, who could sing a lot. She hadn't suffered much, and she didn't have much idea of the gap between old and new humans. One day, she told me that there was a big event going on in town, and she wanted to see it too. The girl sneaked out on her own...... Our family searched for her for a long time, and what they found was her body. My mother wouldn't let me see it, but I secretly followed.

"It's not even a body, and I don't know why anyone would do this to an innocent girl, just because she's an old human being who doesn't have human rights.

"When I saw the wounded among you, I remembered the girl. None of this is reasonable, no one deserves to be treated like this, no one should be treated like this, old or new.

Lian Sheng's tone became excited, "I can't go on like this, I'm just, I just hope that I can do something to change the world like this."

When she finished speaking, she realized that she was growing in volume. Lian Sheng, who felt rude, lowered his head with a red face, and wiped the corners of his eyes that were a little moist with the back of his hand, "...... I'm sorry.

"8384: Bel Air +15 opinion, current opinion 40.

A tissue appeared in front of Lian Sheng's eyes, handed by Bel Air, and she took it and wiped it on her face.

However, Bel-Air did not withdraw his hand, but made a gesture of shaking hands.

"You are welcome to join us, Miss Lian. He said.

"8384: He accepted you!"

"Shi Chu: Don't get excited, this is the first step ^_^


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