With Chu Xin's confident movements and firm eyes, the theme song of "The Temptation to Go Home", which everyone is familiar with, echoed endlessly throughout the house.

Everyone except Chu Xin and Zhou Yucheng felt that they were on the verge of suffocation.

Zhou Yucheng listened to the whole theme song with great interest, and at the end, he didn't forget to applaud Chu Xin's confident performance.

Chu Xin bowed generously to Zhou Yucheng.

"Do you remember my favorite tune?" Zhou Yucheng asked.

"Of course I do. Chu Xin immediately answered, "Debussy's "Fantasia". But this one is too sad for today. I finally saw you today, the whole person is full of only joy, sad music can't come, I can only play some cheerful music for you.

She said as if she remembered something, "By the way, you may not have watched "The Temptation to Go Home", let me sing to you: for all the hurt of love attachment, for all the pain of hatred and attachment...... That's pretty much it.

Zhou Yucheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

- What are you alluding to?

He only found Chu Xin's innocuous tricks funny. They are ridiculously clumsy, but they bring some life to the always cold mansion.

The people felt that their hearts had become extremely strong after this battle, and they also expressed their sincere admiration for Chu Xin: daring to be nervous in front of the head of the family is equivalent to pulling teeth from the tiger's mouth and taking chestnuts from the fire, and it is rare to be able to live until now.

"Arrange a room for Miss Chu. Zhou Yucheng ordered.

Chu Xin immediately smiled when she heard this, and followed closely to the subordinate who arranged a room for her to prepare to move in, and did not look back at Zhou Yucheng from beginning to end, making it clear that the room was more important than Zhou Yucheng.

Zhou Yucheng shook his head with a smile and went back to his study to work.

It was late at night, and the lights were still on in Zhou Yucheng's study.

"At the beginning of the time: it's not easy to be a domineering president, let alone managing such a huge industry under the Zhou family. It's twelve o'clock, men often stay up late and it's easy to be empty, as a little lover who is now being raised by Zhou Yucheng, it's time to do something for him. 」


Chu Xin put on his slippers, ran downstairs, walked into the kitchen with great interest, opened the refrigerator, and looked up and down.

Heat the oil in a pan and fry a golden brown and crispy poached egg. After the water in the pot is boiled, the condiments are spread out in a bowl, the hot soup is poured, and the boiled noodles are added, and the poached eggs and spilled green onions are added to make it a simple and delicious bowl of Yangchun noodles.

Putting the noodles and chopsticks on the tray, Chu Xin held the tray and went up to the third floor.

Zhou Yucheng was taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes tiredly when he heard a knock on the door.

Dare to disturb him at this time, and guess who it is.

"Come in. Zhou Yucheng said.

Chu Xin entered the room with a plate and showed a huge smile to Zhou Yucheng.

"I saw that you hadn't slept so late, and I thought you would be hungry, so I went to the kitchen to cook noodles by myself. Chu Xin lifted the tray like a treasure, and his eyes were full of "Praise me", "Yangchun noodles, it's best to be a supper." Zhou

Yucheng didn't have the habit of eating supper, but the Yangchun noodles cooked by Chu Xin were really fragrant, which really made him want to eat them.

Chu Xin saw that Zhou Yucheng didn't answer for a long time, and blinked, "...... If you don't want to eat it, I'll take it.

"Put it down. Zhou Yucheng said.

"Okay. Chu Xin placed the tray on the coffee table in the study. Zhou Yucheng got up from behind his desk and sat down in front of the coffee table.

After a few chopsticks, Zhou Yucheng didn't speak, but just sped up the speed of eating noodles.

Chu Xin knew that he thought it was delicious, and immediately laughed sheepishly, "If you like me, I will cook for you every night in the future, where can you sleep hungry."

"8384: Zhou Yucheng's friendship +5, current friendship -10. 」

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