Jiu Xi had an evil smile on his face and looked at Bai Mingzi wailing on the ground with satisfaction.

Bai Mingzi's painful face was distorted, and his cold and lustless face was full of hideousness.

"Huh! Bullied dogs, fighting to cultivate higher than me, older than me, thicker skin than me, heart darker than me, people do not want to face me to suppress me! Still want to die? Isn't death cheap, you brazen? Jiu

Xi completely ignored the threat of the white-haired old dog, and commanded the Star Swallowing Sword to quickly pierce Bai Mingzi's body.

"Poof! Hahaha! Sorry, think of a joke, you guys go ahead. Hua

Xizi was amused by Jiu Xi's words of scolding Sang, and she really couldn't hold back her laughter.

Gui Hezi's cold and frosty handsome face also rarely floated a faint smile.

"You! You guys! Good, good very!

"Good, we, of course very good!"

Jiu Xi mocked, stepped on Bai Mingzi's face, and looked at the white-haired old dog with a defiant look.

The white-haired old man was half dead by Jiuxi's provocation, and wanted to pinch Jiuxi to death, but he was worried that he would not be able to beat Gui Hezi.

After all, Gui Hezi was the tallest, youngest, and most promising person in the five great sects who had cultivated to the Upper Realm.

Although there are not for nothing in other sects who cultivate to the void, they are all old monsters who have not been born for thousands of years.

If it weren't for the calamity of the sect, the old monsters who evaded the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation would not have been born easily.

It was the white-haired old man who hated Jiu Xi, but because Gui Hezi was present, he did not dare to make a move.

Things just froze.

For a long time, the white-haired old man looked unwilling, gritted his teeth and asked, "How can you release people?" You know, Bai Mingzi is a key cultivator of the Taiyi Sect, if he is killed by you, the Taiyi Sect will never stop there!"

"Huh! As far as he is golden, I am still the fragrant golden pimple of the Xuantian Sword Sect!" I am now only sixteen years old, and I am already a Yuan Infant True Monarch, and Bai Mingzi is more than three hundred years old, but I am still only in the early days of my birth, what is there to be proud of! After

Jiu Xi finished speaking, another sword slashed at Bai Mingzi's body with his backhand, and blood flowed all over the place, and the onlookers felt numb in their scalps.

Jiuxi Zhenjun of the Secret Dao is not a soft-hearted master, and he doesn't want her to cultivate at a young age, and her scheming means are not lost to cultivators who have lived for hundreds of years.

Gui Hezi was not impressed by Jiu Xi's means, and the cultivator went against the sky, cultivating the divine soul and the heavenly fight, and fighting with people and all things.

If he hadn't flinched bloodily, then he wouldn't have picked Jiu Xi as a closed disciple in the first place.

People can be ruthless and selfish.

As long as he does not violate the bottom line of morality, does not violate principles, does not fall into the devil, does not fall into the devil, and does not fight to kill innocents in cultivation, then he can tolerate harmless small actions.

"Call the Taiyizong to ransom people, and then let your apprentice apprentice Sun apologize to Jiu Xi and Hua Xiaoyou, and the matter of killing people and planting stolen goods is easy to talk about."

"Hua Xiaoyou, what do you think?" Gui Hezi's azure eyes couldn't see clearly, and Hua Xizi, who was stared at by him, was uncomfortable, and immediately nodded to express the position of the Hehuan Sect.

"Yes, yes, yes! What Gui Hezi's predecessor said was extremely true, let the people of the Taiyi Sect redeem people with spirit stones, and then kowtow to admit their mistakes!

"You! Don't fool people too much! The

white-haired old man gritted his teeth, but he couldn't help it.

Seeing that this matter could not be easily settled, the white-haired old man had to agree and turned back to Taiyizong.

As for Bai Mingzi and He Xinxi, they were imprisoned in the Law Enforcement Hall of the Xuantian Sword Sect.

Afterwards, five people from the Taiyi Sect came, and as soon as they entered the Xuantian Sword Sect, they began to make friends, trying to let the Xuantian Sword Sect be the master and release Bai Mingzi and the two.

But the people of the Xuantian Sword Sect had long known the reason, so no matter how low the people of the Taiyi Sect were, they never let go.

As soon as Taiyizong saw the posture of the Xuantian Sword Sect, he knew that this trip must bleed heavily.

In order to appease the Jiuxi Zhenjun and the sect master of the Hehuan Sect, Hua Xizi, who had lost their loved ones, the Taiyi Sect gave a full six million top-grade spirit stones as a reparation.

In addition, in order to redeem Bai Mingzi, an additional one million superb spirit stones and two upper-level talisman treasures were added.

Everything went extremely smoothly, until everyone came to the dungeon of the Law Enforcement Hall to release people, and they were stunned by the scene in the dungeon.

As soon as I entered the dungeon, an extremely ambiguous voice sounded, and the entire dungeon was a mixed song of men and women who blushed and heartbeat.

There was a strange aura in the air, two white flowered flesh fighting desperately, so selfless communication that the movement of everyone coming in could not disturb the two.

Several people from the Taiyi Sect were embarrassed to death, and they couldn't wait to go back to the house immediately and pick their eyes.

Jiu Xi didn't hesitate to sigh, and looked meaningfully at the indistinguishable Bai Mingzi and He Xinxian two mocking.

"The name of the second largest sect of the Taiyi Sect is very watery! The master and the disciple are ambiguous, the disciple is humiliated, the master helps to kill and vent his anger, gee! This handwriting is quite similar to the unscrupulous demon people. Several

people from the Taiyi Sect dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and smiled dryly, and their faces were ugly, and they were about to step forward to interrupt the double cultivation of the master and apprentice.

At this time, Bai Mingzi had already sensed that someone was approaching, he wanted to end, but he didn't want the medicinal effect in A's body to recede, and he couldn't bear the discomfort of his beloved apprentice, so he could only grit his teeth and cast an anti-voyeuristic enchantment and continue to satisfy the dissatisfied He Xinside.

Then, everyone watched in amazement as the two disappeared into the dungeon.

If it weren't for the faint aura fluctuations in the dungeon, it indicated that the people who cast the enchantment were very emotionally unstable, and everyone thought that the two of them felt humiliated when they were discovered, so they went to the enchantment to get dressed.

Unexpectedly, I still did that!

The people of the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Hehuan Sect were amazed, and everyone said very generously: Since the matter of reparation is in place, then we are not in a hurry, and we will talk about apologizing when the two of them are in love.

Taiyizong's face was livid, and he wanted to rush up to break the enchantment, but he was afraid of seeing an even more unbearable picture.

Thinking of this, several people from the Taiyi Sect could only wait outside the dungeon with a stinking face.

That's three days....

Jiu Xi said that the physical strength of Xiu Zhen was good, and three days was not enough for their Xuantian Sword Sect to grace for a few more days.

And the love between the master and apprentice of the Taiyi Sect has long spread throughout Longyi City.

I don't know which excellent brother secretly recorded the scene of the fight between the two with the Shadow Stone, and then sold the Shadow Stone at a sky-high price in the black market auction hall.

Then the Shadow Stone was copied infinitely by the buyer, and countless Shadow Stone that recorded the fight between the two flowed into Fang City, and as soon as it was put on the shelves, it was coaxed and snatched clean by the monks.

After all, too many ordinary cultivators can't contact the disciples of the Great Sect, so when they heard that the Taiyi Sect's out-of-body power is better than that of a Qi cultivation junior, can you not go to the fun?

Then, Bai Mingzi's master and apprentice and Taiyizong became so famous.

So much so that when the cultivators of the Taiyi Sect practiced outside, they would be looked at with strange contempt.

Taiyi Zongnei.


"Can't hold up the mud on the wall! Destroy the name of my Taiyi Sect! "

Pass on the order, wait for Bai Mingzi and the two to return to the sect, immediately execute He Xinjian, and then punish Bai Mingzi to go to the Endless Dark Domain to be tortured and exiled for three years!" In addition, please ask the assassination pavilion of the Tian Yuan Continent to come out, I want to buy Song Jiuxi's head!"

"Since you can't make good friends, then destroy it before she grows!"

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