Regardless of how the zombie king roared, Jiu Xi ran towards the Xuemin Mountain base in his memory without looking back.

After coming to the top of the mountain, it is unlocked by fingerprint and the underground base is opened.

Jiu Xi locked the iron door and confirmed that it was safe before stumbling to the base hall.

The base is more than two hundred square meters, five or six houses, and a strange machine is placed in the center of the living room.

Presumably a time shuttle among the population.

Feeling the weakness spreading from his limbs and the tingling pain in his head, Jiu Xi lay on the ground and exhaled heavily.

He took out a soul nourishing pill and a bone strengthening pill from the space and took it, and slowly adjusted the head that was about to be burst by spiritual power.

Although this body is a superpower, its physical body is still too weak to withstand Jiuxi's powerful and terrifying spiritual power.

Two hours later, the recovered Jiuxi finished receiving the plot, took out the blue crystal nucleus, and fell into deep thought.

The client of this time is a soldier who has been in the army for ten years.

He was also a man in his early thirties, named An Chuxiong.

The five people who just died on the way to escape are An Chuxiong's teammates, and they are all from the same team.

The zombies chasing and killing everyone appeared three years ago.

Three years ago, the high-ranking elite billionaires of Country M launched a human eradication program, releasing a biochemical virus to prison inmates.

The three hundred prisoners who were injected with this virus soon became mad, and the prisoners would bite when they saw people, and those who were scratched and bitten would also turn into bloodthirsty monsters.

That is, zombies.

The zombie virus quickly swept the world.

The high-level officials of various countries immediately jointly sent troops to stop it, but they did not want to be disturbed by the treacherous people planted in various countries by country M.

Then there were more and more zombies, and finally they got out of control, and the whole world was killed by inexhaustible zombies.

M Guo also suffered its own consequences, and when the world fell, the secret base of M Guo's high-level elite rich was broken by the rapidly evolving and changing old generation of zombie kings.

At this time, the last military base in the H country, which has always been united, was still there.

This base is humanity's last safe haven.

Country H has accepted survivors from various countries with humanitarian support, and the base is slowly growing.

Everything was going well.

Until the base ushered in a group of zombie second generations born of zombie generation.

This group of zombies is exactly the same as human babies, at least in appearance, no different from normal human children.

There are more than thirty of these zombies in the second generation, all of which are handed over to the base's scientific research team to observe and experiment.

After observation, the people of the scientific research team found a shocking news.

That is, the second generation of zombies grows extremely fast, but in just a few months, the size has reached the size of a human child aged five or six.

What's more terrifying is that these zombies have extraordinary intelligence that does not belong to human five-year-old children.

One of the zombie boys stands out.

This boy is good at disguise, usually looks like a cute baby, and is used to selling cute and well-behaved.

A young female teacher in the base is extremely fond of this zombie second generation.

Take care of this zombie second generation everywhere, not to mention, and even confront the officers in the base for this zombie second generation.

And this female teacher is the culprit that ruined the ultimate hope of mankind.

The female teacher is Li Qusi, and the second generation of zombie boys is the new zombie king who will rule the world in the future.

Li Qusi is also a person who fled, because he was a teacher before the end of the world, so he was responsible for teaching human knowledge to the second generation of these zombies after coming to the base.

Teaching zombies the second generation of human emotions and civilization habits is also an experiment in scientific research.

When Li Qusi was just assigned to these zombies to teach knowledge in the second generation, he was very disgusted and afraid in his heart.

Because she had witnessed a cute and well-behaved child one second, and the next second she opened her blood basin and bit the guarding soldiers to death.

Immediately after that, a group of out-of-control zombies pounced on the screaming soldiers.

By the time the other patrolling soldiers found out, the scene was out of control.

Except for Li Qusi, who hid in the corner and did not dare to move and squeak, there were only the remains of soldiers on the ground that had long been a pool of bloody skeletons.

That scene left a serious shadow in Li Qusi's heart.

Even once wanted to kill this group of zombies in human skin.

Until she met the well-behaved and obedient future zombie king little boy, in her eyes, the zombie king little boy was good anywhere.

In addition, the little boy grew very fast, and he grew into a handsome and handsome guy in less than half a year, so Li Qusi also had strange feelings for the zombie king.

And the little boy of the zombie king also relies very much on Li Qusi, a gentle and beautiful female teacher.

Then Li Qusi quickly put aside his prejudice against the second generation of zombies and fell in love with the handsome zombie king boy.

Li Qusi, who fell in love, had reason to speak of, not only for the zombie king to stun Dr. Chen, who wanted to dissect the zombie king, but also let the zombie king go privately.

Seeing that Dr. Chen is about to develop an antidote and vaccine for the treatment of zombies, he is only one last step away from extracting serum from the zombie king.

Once the highly intelligent zombie king serum is extracted, then the human dilemma will be solved, and those infected people and zombies will have a chance to return to normal.

But no matter how Dr. Chen explained to Li Qusi, Li Qusi just didn't listen.

And how can you be so cruel, they are obviously children!

They just can't control their desires, but aren't humans too? Why are you sacrificing the lives of these children for the future of humanity?

All beings are equal, aren't they?!

Humans must not be selfish! Zombies can coexist with humans!

There must be the best of both worlds, neither sacrificing these intelligent zombies second generation, nor stopping the existence of humans!

The people at the base were mad by Li Qusi Qingqi's shit brain circuit.

The younger brother of the original owner couldn't help but step forward and slap Li Qusi, grabbed Li Qusi's hair and said fiercely: You idiot fool! Dr. Chen only extracted some of the serum and brain contents of the second generation of zombies, and these would not affect the second generation of zombies at all!

But no matter how everyone explains and persuades, Li Qusi is only immersed in his own world, lamenting the selfishness and sinister nature of human nature.

Then the original owner proposed that since Li Qusi had a deep relationship with the second generation of zombies who ran away, it was better to use Li Qusi as bait and throw it into the zombie group outside, and the second generation of zombies who ran away might come to rescue her.

This proposal has not yet been implemented, and the second generation of zombies, who are familiar with the route of the base, broke the base with countless zombies, and then this base in country H also completely fell.

The original owner and a group of soldiers drove a modified car to escort several surviving scientific researchers to escape.

And Li Qusi actually sneaked up the back box without shame and followed the last group of survivors to open the way to escape.

After everyone fled to a desert with few people, they found Li Qusi.

Li Qusi begged everyone to take her in, saying that everyone was a surviving human being and should help each other.

The brother of the original owner and several scientific researchers strongly refused, because if it were not for Li Qusi, the base might have developed an antidote long ago.

But the soft-hearted Dr. Chen could not stand Li Qusi's pleading, and finally accepted Li Qusi.

I didn't want this kindness, but I was chased and killed by the second generation of zombies.

The zombie king boy followed the smell of Li Qusi and found everyone.

Then the zombie king killed Dr. Chen and other researchers, and bit the original owner's brother to death for Li Qusi.

And Li Qusi said this after seeing that the human who had saved her was killed by her beloved zombie king: This is the scourge of killing caused by your unkindness!

Jiu Xi was already angry when he saw this, and he couldn't wait to kill Li Qusi, the stinky bitch who was standing up and running.

The original owner and the remaining soldiers fled by car, and after hardships, fled to Xuemin Mountain, where the zombies did not dare to approach.

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