After returning to the camp, everyone was ordered to keep the secret and not to tell it, so as not to disturb the army's morale, and then returned to the dormitory separately.

Soon sirens sounded throughout the barracks.

The lieutenant's serious voice came over the radio: No one is allowed to go out at will, except outside the guard room of the regular patrol squad.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the entire barracks became inexplicably serious, and the ordinary amusement and jokes disappeared.

The tranquility before a storm.

Jiu Xi, who returned to the dormitory, found Wang Daqiang and told him about encountering a zombie attack, and warned him that it was best not to run around in recent days, and everyone took care of each other together.

Wang Daqiang nodded to indicate that he understood, and when he turned to leave, he felt a pain in his neck.

"You, you,"


Before Wang Daqiang, who was one meter eight, finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and smashed it on the ground.

Jiu Xi put away the serum virus syringe containing the serum virus that stimulated human energy, picked up Wang Daqiang on the ground with one hand and threw it on the bed, closed the door, and came to the M country military camp in a flash.

The M country barracks have returned to calm, as if the zombie attacks that occurred not long ago were hallucinations.

Jiu Xi sneaked into the M country barracks, and the deeper he walked into the barracks, the tighter Jiu Xi's brows furrowed.

Because it was so quiet.

Not a single figure could be seen in the entire barracks.

Looking through the entire M country barracks, I did not find a single soldier.

Spiritual power swept through all places, and finally found a huge base underground.

Coming to the entrance of the base, looking at the password that needs to be unlocked by fingerprints, Jiu Xi didn't want to pull out the system and let it unlock.

System Bia chirped bia's mouth, and there was a suspicious water stain on the cat's beard.


The cat scratch pops up the virtual panel, a string of complex data is entered into it, only listening to the "ding", the entrance to the underground base opens.

The system put away the panel and vaguely reminded Jiuxi: "Host, there are 38,687 zombie infected people in the underground base, are you sure you want to go in?"

"Go in, when did I Jiuxi provoke?" However, when you see a zombie for a while, you will take it and post it on my social network, saying that country M deliberately throws biological and chemical weapons to create bloodthirsty monster zombies, so that the countrymen must be immediately isolated when they see similar infected people. Understand?

"Remember, if it doesn't work well, I'll take the elixir spirit fruit in your space!"

Jiu Xi fiercely threatened the fat system, and let the fat system close the door of the base and walked in.

The underground base is a long passage.

Spiritual power swept through, this passage was unusually long, and the exit led directly to the city of St. Jolen, hundreds of kilometers.

In the center of the passage, there is a huge square hall, the hall is crowded with zombies, and the soldiers of country M in camouflage are quickly retreating through the long passage.

Scold! This approach of country M is too special to be speechless.

Actually deliberately put zombies in the base.

It's clear what purpose this is.

Jiu Xi sneered, quickly came to the hall, took out a machine gun and shot all the way, and the zombies that blocked the way were all shattered into slag.

After clearing the barricades, Jiu Xi went straight to the retreating M army.

The zombies behind him also hula-la followed behind Jiu Xi, making the originally particularly spacious passage extremely narrow.

Jiu Xi was extremely fast, but he came to the M army in a few minutes.

"Want to go? No way! Jiu

Xi sneered, put on the rebound vest, climbed the upper wall of the passage with one jump, and used a machine gun to strafe the helicopter parked above the exit.


The helicopter was hit by a machine gun and fell to the ground, making a loud explosion.

At this time, the M army finally reacted and shot Jiu Xi on the passage, but did not want the bullet to hit her and did not have any effect at all.

If it doesn't work, forget it, then these bullets actually bounced back and immediately fell a large number of M troops.

"Garbage scum, if you harm people, you must have the consciousness of being harmed! Hum! Jiu

Xi sneered, and then quickly climbed to the top of the passage and rushed back.

Along the way, the black-pressed zombies were led to the M army, and soon, the screaming sounds of the M army and the creepy chewing sound came.

Jiuxi specially asked the fat system to give a close-up and transmit the video of the zombie attacking people to social networks.

Returning to the entrance, Jiu Xi took out the bomb, and found a large amount of explosives from the M country barracks, and threw them into the zombie group to blow up the underground base.


The base erupted into violent trembling, and the passage to Country H was completely blown up.

Patting off the unwarranted dust on his body, Jiu Xi searched for all the materials in the M barracks again, and then rushed towards the H country barracks.

When they returned to the dormitory, An Chutian and Wang Daqiang were struggling painfully.

As if he hadn't seen it, Jiu Xi came to the two people, and a machete stunned the two who were fluttering indiscriminately.

He opened the eyelids of the two and looked inside the serum virus of the awakened supernatural in the two people, and found that the virus spread very quickly, and the speed of fusing with the blood was also considerable.

As long as they survive the most painful stage, the two can stimulate their respective abilities.

At the same time, the video uploaded by the fat system did not attract everyone's attention.

Because everyone thinks that this is just a video shot by a skilled media person.

No one believed it to be true at all.

In addition, Jiuxi's video quickly attracted the attention of the treacherous, and then Jiuxi's video was deleted by the platform.

This move completely angered Jiu Xi.

Jiu Xi bounced up angrily and ordered the fat system to immediately transmit the video throughout Country H! In a minute! H nationwide! This video must appear for all electronics!

Then, almost at the same time, all parts of country H, all TVs, computers, mobile phones, flat panel projectors, etc., appeared zombie attack videos.

No matter how people turn it off, the video is like the most tenacious virus, it can't be turned off at all, or it loops! It was also broadcast for two hours!

Ill-intentioned people are angry!

The people who organized the human cleanup plan were furious!

Then some people with strong wealth and one hand covering the sky, after using thunder means to find out the identity background of Jiuxi, the other party immediately made a move.

The next day, Jiuxi was pulled aside by the lieutenant to ask about the video, and Jiuxi said with a naïve and ignorant look, I don't know, I don't understand.

The lieutenant frowned, thought about it or said to Jiuxi: "Someone above wants to trouble you, it may be this day or two, you are prepared in your heart." "

Jiu Xi doesn't care, come on, I'm not afraid."

But before the fool could trouble Jiuxi, the zombie tide was inevitable.

After all, those videos of Jiu Xifa have a little vigilance against the people of country H.

After seeing the incident of people on the street going crazy and biting and eating people, people did not take it for granted that it was a rabies attack.

After all, where is there a rabies attack that eats human flesh?

When people saw this scene, they immediately stayed away from the zombies, and the police directly dispatched to violently stop the crazy and biting zombies and conduct a rapid investigation.

However, the high-level of country H still reacted too slowly, and the treacherous people deliberately confused the public, so that when the zombie virus spread rapidly, they did not make an effective attack on it.

This led to the spread of the zombie virus in country H, and soon the big city of country H fell.

Especially in that kind of international big city, the huge prosperity brought by the flow of foreign population on weekdays has also become a talisman at this moment.

As soon as those long-infected international flights landed, the zombies that rushed out immediately surrounded the entire airport.

Coupled with the rapid spread of the zombie virus, the infection rate is extremely high, but in just five hours, these big cities have become purgatory on earth.

Jiuxi, who was far away at the border, watched this scene in the system monitoring, resisted the urge to burst into foul language, and smashed the cabinet in the dormitory with a punch.

How stupid!

Humans are still relatively good at self-destruction at some times.

She stopped it so hard, to remind country H, the result?

Country H did not pay attention to it at all!

A big country is not even clear about the outbreak of zombies in neighboring countries, and there is only one reason to explain.

The elite rich of country H are also involved in the purge plan!

These soldiers, including most of them, are abandoned pawns.

If it weren't for the fact that the human race in the previous life was out of play, the only remaining people needed to huddle to keep warm, and these soldiers would not be so popular, let alone have a say in the last human base.

As soon as he thought of this possibility, Jiu Xi was unhappy!

In particular, she successfully blocked the zombie attack on this side of the border, and as a result, H was pulled across!

Jiu Xi decided that when Wang Daqiang and An Chutian woke up, they would take the two of them out of this place where birds don't.

Always trapped in this place, the original owner is just an ordinary soldier, who has no right to speak in the army, and he has to be bound in everything.

Thinking of this, Jiu Xi stood up and came to the bed of the two, who had been in a coma for a day and a night, and walked around impatiently.

Suddenly, Jiu Xi quickly came to the two of them, raised a bucket of water, released the body's ice energy to quickly freeze the water, and then raised the bucket and poured it on the heads of the two.


"Ugh!! Ahem!! The

two were poured with cold water.

An Chutian reflexively bounced up and sat up, coughing violently, wanting to spray water out of his nostrils and throat.

"Ahem! What's going on? Elder brother! You are crazy?

An Chutian woke up early by a stab of ice water, the wind blew, and he snorted fiercely when he froze.

Jiu Xi frowned, why didn't this kid's power appear?

Thinking of a possibility, Jiu Xi pursed his lips and suddenly struck, and the ice system energy turned into an icicle towards An Chutian.

"Groove! What is it! Elder brother! You're not my brother! Help, there are yokai!

An Chutian bounced up from the bed and flashed to the door, saw Jiu Xi's eyes looking at him, and immediately disappeared into the Gobi, ten miles away from the barracks.

Jiu Xi was worried that he would be stupid and exposed, and immediately followed behind him, grabbed An Chutian's back collar, and scolded: "Stupid! Run what run! Aren't you also a monster? Do you see how fast you run? Seeing

An Chutian's shocked expression, Jiu Xi hurried to ask before he spoke.

"Do you feel that there is a mysterious power in your body? That is you awakened the power, during the time you were in a coma, the zombie virus broke out all over the world, some people were infected and mutated into bloodthirsty monsters, you and I were lucky, awakened the power.

"You relax your body, don't think about anything, concentrate on channeling your strength to your hand, and try another punch on the ground."

"Boom !!"

An Chutian punched the ground suspiciously according to Jiu Xi's words, and as a result, the soil on the ground actually burned out of thin air!

"This ??!" An Chutian looked at his palm in disbelief, "This is the awakening power?"

"Of course, you may not believe it now, and you won't be confused when you see the zombies."

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