Jiu Xi was going to leave.

But hearing this rightfully condescending tone, the idea of acting alone was overridden by the mentality of beating up the waste.

It is not too late to teach these self-righteous people a lesson before making plans.

In this way, Jiu Xi followed the group of sixteen people down to the roof.

Along the way, everyone was cautious, holding guns and looking at the corridor to prevent zombies from sneaking out.

The building has 60 floors, but the search and rescue target is 44 floors.

In order to ensure the efficiency of the search and rescue mission, everyone had to speed up the pace, and they had to carefully make sounds to attract zombies, coupled with the serious damage to the corridor, the lighting equipment flickered on and off, making the search and rescue task more difficult.

What's more, a few zombies wander from time to time in the stairs leading downstairs, and the zombies' sense of smell and hearing is extremely sensitive, and once they are within two meters of the zombies, they will be found and attacked by the zombies.

And they can't shoot, because although the gun is silenced, it will inevitably attract nearby zombies.

Jiu Xi could have closed his whole body's breath, but not a dozen other soldiers.

Jiu Xi made a pending gesture towards everyone, and a flash came behind the zombie, his hand rose and fell, and the heads of the two zombies fell, and Jiu Xi kicked it into the depths of the corridor with a loud noise.

The voice immediately attracted a large number of zombies, and Jiu Xi took the opportunity to drag two zombie corpses to everyone, quickly cut open the zombie's stomach, and signaled everyone to move quickly.

"Hurry up and rub this thing on your neck and hands, hurry up! What a grind! He

also looked at An Chutian and Wang Daqiang, suggesting that the two used their powers to isolate their own breath.

Wang Daqiang and the two: ... Won't you do it? How to use supernatural powers?

Jiu Xi's eyes twitched, and he came to the two and whispered: "Just wrap yourself up with magical energy, like a silkworm chrysalis, understand?"

He came to a dozen other soldiers and whispered: "Everyone move quickly, wipe that thing on your body to cover up the smell!" Just now the helicopter moved too much, presumably something must have rushed here! "

Jiu Xi didn't lie, just leaned out thousands of miles with spiritual power, and found that many corpse monsters were rushing towards the building.

They are all old soldiers, what scenes have they not seen?

Although wiping the contents of the zombie's stomach is disgusting, it can save its life by everyone silently pulling out the intestines and smearing something on the body.

After doing everything, Jiu Xi took the lead and ran downstairs quickly.

There was no danger along the way, and when he saw that he was about to reach the forty-fourth floor, Jiu Xi stopped and immediately made a pause gesture towards the person behind him.

When everyone who came afterwards saw the entrance to the forty-fourth floor, their faces turned green.

They are still wondering in their hearts, why there are only a few scattered zombies in the corridor, and their feelings are gathered here.

Countless zombies were densely packed with zombies blocking the forty-fourth floor corridor, and the slight movements of Jiu Xi and others still alarmed the zombies on the stairs and corridors.

The zombie roared and rushed towards everyone.

Jiu Xi shouted at the people behind him: "You guys hold still, don't move, the zombies won't attack if they can't hear your voice!" I'll find a way to lure these zombies away first!

After that, Jiu Xi took out the fierce gun in front of everyone and shot all the way, and the mental power swept through all the zombies, and after finding that there was an energy crystal nucleus in the zombie corpse, he immediately quickly and ruthlessly cut out the crystal nucleus and inserted it into the laser gun transformation energy chamber.

The densely packed zombies rushed towards Jiuxi, but they were blocked by the energy shield on Jiuxi's body.

When An Chutian saw Jiu Xi walking towards the zombie group alone, his face changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to save his old brother.

Wang Daqiang, too, had a blue forehead, jumped up and was about to move, but was startled by Jiuxi's laser gun.

An Chutian and the two looked at the meter-long laser gun in Jiuxi's hand and the laser beam that emitted deadly burning, and forgot their movements for a while.

This? Where did this thing come from? Isn't this the weapon of Superman in the movie?

By the time everyone recovered from the magical laser gun that appeared out of thin air, Jiu Xi had already disappeared at the entrance of the forty-fourth floor of stairs.

Jiu Xi hit the zombies in the corridor like a cannonball, and a large number of zombies frantically pounced on Jiu Xi.

If it weren't for Jiuxi's golden finger, to be honest, if it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that even the bone dregs would be gone.

Jiu Xi went straight to the floor-to-ceiling window in the hall at the end of the corridor, and after the ice energy turned into countless fist-sized ice picks and smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows, Jiu Xi jumped out without hesitation.

At the same time, several icicles were inserted into the wall of the building, and Jiu Xi grabbed the icicles and hung them in the air, and the huge gorge pipe wind blew Jiu Xi dangling.

"Roar, roar!"

Without waiting for Jiu Xi to adjust his posture, the black-pressed zombie followed closely behind, and pounced on Jiu Xi who was hanging in mid-air with red eyes.

Then, the zombies were like water discharging from a flood, and the servants fell from the forty-four-story building one after another.

Countless zombies smashed to the ground, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground soon attracted more zombies.

After the zombies on the forty-fourth floor fell down, Jiu Xi turned over and jumped into the hall, and the sporadic zombies were headshot by Jiu Xi's blow, and Wang Daqiang and others also entered the forty-fourth floor corridor.

As soon as An Chutian saw his old brother, he was excited to hug Jiuxi, and was pushed away by Jiuxi without mercy, and said to everyone: "Hurry up and save that fool, ah no, save people!" The zombie horde came towards the building.

"Go to room C1230!"

Everyone came to the room, knocked on the door, but no one responded.

Wang Daqiang knocked anxiously on the door, not understanding how the good rescue site seemed like no one?

Jiu Xi sneered, let Wang Dajun stop, then turned around and came to room C1235, smashing the door: "Open the door, the savior is here!" The

people inside the room had obviously heard everyone's voices for a long time, but the people inside seemed to be putting on his way.

"Knock what knock! What to do if you attract zombies! When

the man said east, he didn't mean to open the door at all.

Jiu Xi raised his eyebrows, kicked the door with little patience left, and swaggered in.

"What do you mean! How come in without my permission! None of you creeps can afford to mess with here! There

were more than a dozen people in the room, and the one who commanded Jiu Xi and the others was a thin middle-aged man with gold wire glasses.

Jiuxi birds did not bird him, took out a ten-meter big gun, looked at everyone in the room expressionlessly, and smiled.

"If anyone is blind Bibi again, I will send him to the Western Heavens." If you don't want to die, shut your self-righteous dog's mouth, and now, in the last days, you rich people or high-ranking officials have to rely on labor and management! Understand? Give me a tail between my legs and behave! As

soon as the words fell, the faces of the people in the room were mixed, and the man saw Jiuxi's cold and emotionless eyes, wanted to say something, and finally held back.

The other soldiers did not show it on their faces, but their hearts were particularly refreshed, and they had long wanted to dump these rich people for a shoestick, and the most speechless was to rely on them to save them and look like a disdainful dog.

Jiu Xi asked people to close the door of the room, looking more dragged than the people in the room to ask for benefits: "Everyone knows very well what it looks like outside, now we are your saviors, if you want to live, you have to pay the price, understand?"

"Come on, the big rich sign a contract, our brother saves your life and you pay 20% of the property, what about the high-ranking official, gee, what do you have to ask for?" Well? Jiu

Xi looked playful, looked at the two people in the room who had not spoken, and blatantly threatened: "It's hard to buy a dog's life, I counted three times, didn't meet my expectations, then, goodbye."

Wang Daqiang and the others did not speak.

This road Jiuxi's actions completely conquered the people accompanying him, and now Jiuxi said that they would not stop it.

The two who were stared at by Jiu Xi quietly looked at Jiu Xi and more than a dozen soldiers and determined Jiu Xi's position in the team.

The rich man smiled, "I signed this contract, as long as I can live."

Jiu Xi looked at the high-ranking official again.

The high-ranking official's smile stiffened, and he was about to say something when he was interrupted by a voice.

"You are soldiers! It is natural to sacrifice for the country and the people! How can you claim benefits for saving people! What about your conscience? What about military and German military regulations! If you are like this, how can you protect your home and defend the country, how can you be an example for young people?! Jiu

Xi smiled playfully, looking at the person who spoke coldly, his expression was unclear.

"Then you are so great, you stay here for him, and I will save the others in the house!"

After Jiu Xi finished speaking, he didn't wait for the man to explain, and turned to Wang Daqiang and said, "Captain, use your magical energy to connect a stone ladder to the outer wall, the zombies outside are pouring into here, and it won't work outside."

"Me? I can't! Wang Daqiang Lian Lian denied that he really had no confidence in himself.

"You have, think everyone needs you, okay, let's go!"

Jiu Xi threw out an ice pick and smashed the window, taking the lead and walking outside.

"Wait! You can't leave me behind! I'm a teacher! The future of humanity still needs me!

"Huh! Now the people in the house also need your sacrifice, because then I will save them!"

"So, you stay here and sacrifice for people!"

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