Dr. Chen couldn't figure it out, how could there be a mutated zombie second generation?

Fortunately, Jiu Xi discovered the mutated zombie second generation, otherwise, once any of them were attacked, then the entire underground base would become a hell again.

Jiu Xi expressionlessly released the second generation of zombies frozen by ice and snow, in order to prevent other second generation zombies from being stimulated and crazy.

"Dr. Chen, today's experiment will start with this dead body, from now on, we will stay here for three days, during these three days, you will be responsible for dissecting the second generation of zombies for research, and my teammates and I will go out to find suitable means of transportation and other abnormal evolution of the second generation of zombies."

"This is a pager, you can contact us at any time if you have questions."

Dr. Chen answered the call in a daze, as if he had not yet recovered from the scene just now.

Jiu Xi, who walked to the door, suddenly stopped, looked back at Dr. Chen and said: "The second generation of zombies is very dangerous, you don't contact other zombie second generation for the time being, I will go outside later, Doctor, your research can also begin." "

Huh? Okay, okay, we'll go prepare for the experiment now. Dr

. Chen woke up like a dream, pushed the frozen zombie crib and walked out.

As soon as the two came out of the stone room, they were smashed by the smelly shoes flying in front of them.

The survivors in the base frantically ate and grabbed food, Wang Daqiang and the two were surrounded by dozens of survivors, the clothes on other medical experts were torn thin, and the female expert who accompanied Dr. Chen into the laboratory fell to the ground, her head bleeding.

Jiu Xi looked at the chaos in front of him, and couldn't bear to throw out twelve ice picks and stab at the fiercest old man.

"Aaaaah! What is it? Help me! Come and save me! "

The man in his sixties was nailed to the wall by an ice pick, unable to move, and the man with cold bones was screaming.

The others were frightened by this sudden situation, and the noisy scene instantly quieted down.

Jiu Xi's face was expressionless, his eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and he looked at the survivors of the crazy robbery and said coldly: "If anyone is unruly and robs materials to attack people, I will let whoever gets out!"

"By what?! I'm your uncle! I'm sixty-five years old, you hairy boy actually dares to abuse me as an old man! You're not ready to release me! When

the fixed old man saw that Jiu Xi was just a hairy boy in his early thirties, the anger in his heart immediately grew.

Jiu Xi ignored the old man, turned his head and ordered An Chutian to formulate the rules of the base, but if anyone did not cooperate, he immediately threw it out to fend for himself.

As soon as this move came out, the other survivors immediately did not dare to make any more trouble, and their hearts also stopped thinking of taking advantage of the chaos.

After leaving Wang Daqiang and the two to guard the base, Jiu Xi went out alone to find supplies and transportation to the north.

Outside the base, those zombies immediately scattered when they saw Jiuxi, revealing Li Qusi in the iron cage.

Well, in addition to his clothes and tattered body, Li Qusi did not have a trace of being scratched and bitten by zombies all over his body.

Gee, he is really a person favored by God.

In the previous life, everyone died, and Li Qusi was still alive.

It's still so moisturizing.

After all, she is the queen of the zombie king!

Jiu Xi walked to the iron cage, took out the iron chain and locked it around Li Qusi's neck, rudely pulled out Li Qusi, and signaled her to lead the way to the nearby supermarket.

Li Qusi had red and swollen eyes, staring at Jiu Xi with resentment in his eyes, and his face was full of humiliation.

"Why are you doing this to me! I am just a defenseless woman, why are you humiliating and torturing me everywhere? What the hell am I doing wrong? The

more Li Qusi spoke, the more excited he became, with endless grievances in his voice, as if Jiu Xi was a heinous demon.

"Woohoo! Now everyone should help each other, shouldn't they? Can't you just let me live? Jiu

Xi looked at Li Qusi coldly, and snorted coldly with disdain: "You are a sinner of mankind, like those who release the zombie virus, they are all sluts who are not worth dying, remember, everything you have suffered now is just to pay for your selfishness!"

"Enjoy this near-death fear and despair!"

After speaking, Jiu Xi whipped on Li Qusi's body, and Li Qusi immediately trembled in pain, and his face turned pale.

The long whip mark was quickly soaked in blood, and without waiting for Li Qusi to shout, the second whip was slammed on her back, and even with it, shocking blood marks appeared on her white and tender face.

"Aaaaah! I'll go, I'll go, woo-woo, please don't fight anymore, I'm willing to do anything!

Li Qusi curled up in a ball and lay on the ground, that look, it was really a little pitiful.

"Then you kneel and lead the way." Jiu Xi smashed the chain impatiently, fiercely reprimanded: Ink again, throw you to the zombie tide!

Li Qusi cried for a while, and he hated Jiu Xi in his heart.

Originally thought that he could let this dead man let him go by selling miserable weakness, and he didn't want to be hard-hearted and didn't accept her play at all.

Seeing that Jiu Xi was becoming more and more impatient, worried that he would really be thrown to feed the zombies, Li Qusi had to endure the humiliation and kneel like a dead dog towards the nearby supermarket.

After the people hiding in the experimental base saw Jiuxi's means of rectifying Li Qusi, they became more and more afraid of Jiuxi.

Gee, that's a hot hand destroying the flower lord, it's not easy to mess with, don't dare to provoke.


The Flying Tiger Squad stared at the canned food in front of the supermarket not far away, and the cute boy sitting on the steps.

Brother Hu frowned, feeling how strange this picture looked.

Why is there not a single zombie in this area?

Moreover, how can a small child sit outside and eat canned food with such a big grin?

But their squad squatted here hungry for a long time, and they didn't see anything unusual about the little boy.

"Hongyi, you go get the can, we secretly protect you," Brother Hu looked at Hongyi and pushed Hongyi out.

Hong Yi pursed his lips, didn't say anything, raised his gun and slowly approached the boy.

The little boy looks three or four years old, with delicate facial features, and a pair of big black eyes full of innocence and ignorance.

The boy didn't seem to detect Hongyi's vigilance and malice, holding the can in his hand, his voice was soft, and asked Hongyi: "Sister?" Did you see my mother?

The red clothes pointed a gun at the little boy, and after carefully looking at the little boy, he asked carefully: "Little friend, are you alone?" Have you ever seen a very ugly and fierce monster? The

little boy didn't seem to understand what the red clothes were saying, tilted his head, and smiled cutely.

The sun just hit him, the boy sat obediently, and there was silence around him, this picture, in the eyes of everyone in the Flying Tiger Squad, is that the years are quiet.

It seems to have returned to the pre-apocalyptic period, walking through the forest with friends and family.

Hong Yi gradually let down his vigilance, took the gun and squatted in front of the boy and asked: "Little brother, is there anyone else in the supermarket?" The

little boy slowly shook his head and said in a milky voice: "It's just me, there are a lot of delicious food in it, sister, do you want it?" I'll take you.

Red Yi was about to speak, but was interrupted by members of the Flying Tigers.

"What nonsense with him, quickly go in and find supplies."

"That is, when are you still in the mood to coax the child, what a woman's kindness!"

"Red clothes, you just stay outside and watch the wind, we will come when we go."

Brother Hu dragged the little boy, threw down the red clothes and walked into the supermarket without looking back.

Hong Yi clenched his fists and said nothing in the end.

Suddenly, a male voice sounded in Red's ears.

"How, consider joining our team?"

The red-clothed figure froze, slowly turned around, and fell into a warm and hard chest.

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