Jiu Xi put the bike away.

Stand with cross-legged legs, hands open, in an encircling position.


Jiu Xi closed his eyes in enjoyment and breathed the fresh air from nature.

"Ahhhh Xixi girl, when did you come back, why is there no news at all? Jiu

Xi didn't have to turn around to know who was coming.


Jiu Xi turned around, and the package behind him made a "clattering" sound.

Village Chief Ye reluctantly took a few steps back so as not to be hit by Jiu Xina's package.

"What are you bringing here, bulging bags, not tired?"

Village Chief Ye stepped forward and reached out to pick up the package behind Jiu Xi.

I didn't want to sink hard, so I almost didn't catch it.

Jiu Xi moved slightly, waved the village chief's hand, and waved: "Uncle, you retreat first, I will come by myself." Without

waiting for Village Chief Ye's reaction, he carried the huge package with one hand and easily placed it on the ground.


Village Chief Ye's eyelids jumped by Jiuxi's rough technique.

Is it really okay to put the contents inside like this?

"Hehe~ I came back this time and brought good things to everyone."

Jiu Xi grinned, clapped his hands, and crossed his waist.

I don't know where to take out a big speaker and start howling.

"I, Ye Jiuxi, have returned to the village! Uncles, aunts, and children! Come and receive the gift under the big peach blossom tree at the head of the village~First come, first served~"

After speaking, he rummaged through the package on the ground, pulled out a checkered cloth and spread it on the ground, opened the package, and began to place the items inside.

As Jiu Xi took out something, Village Chief Ye's expression on the side became more and more strange.

Jiu Xi squatted on the ground and muttered something in his mouth.

"This is food, the best beef jerky shot by the five-star chef of the Lan family, this is milk candy compressed with milk powder, this is medicine, mobile phones, crayons, books, wine, socks, radios,...... there

are more and more things on the ground.

There are all kinds of miscellaneous things.

But the most eye-catching thing is the brand new thousand-dollar mobile phone.

Village Chief Ye was a little numb from the shock.

The heart has mixed tastes.

Jiu Xi was still placing the gifts she had brought back.

Some of the people of Yejiazhai rushed to the head of the village after hearing Jiu Xi's howl.

Especially children, with fast feet, have long gathered around Jiu Xi to jump happily.

"Sister Jiuxi, I want this," "Aunt Jiuxi, I want to eat sugar,"

Village Chief Ye maintained order on the side, making these children quiet with a tiger face.

Jiu Xi swept over the children present, very good, no more, no less thirty-eight.

"You guys line up obediently, come one by one, everyone has it, the younger one comes first, and the older brothers and sisters let the younger brothers and sisters."

These children are also very obedient, the main thing is that they dare not listen.

Because, Jiu Xi really dared to beat people.

If you don't believe it, you see Niu Er, who is firmly imprisoned under his arm and crying, struggling for a long time, and Jiuxi birds don't bird him.

Or the last one to get a gift.

The gifts given to the children are nothing more than books, brushes, candy.

When the adults of Yejiazhai arrived, the little fart children were happily squatting on the ground and flipping through fairy tale books.

"Isn't this Xixi? Why didn't you stay at your mother's house for a few more days?

"Did the family your mother marry bully you?" I said, if you have a stepfather, you will have a stepmother, but Xixi is not afraid, with us, she is not rare! A

large group of fifty or sixty grandpas and aunts surrounded Jiuxi, all with tacit worry on their faces.

Jiu Xi smiled brightly.

Jiang Yazhi and the Lan family bullied her, and Jiu Xi didn't know.

But anyway, I am bullying them!

It's not that I'm afraid of bullying and there is no good show, and Jiu Xi may have to stay a few more days.

"What are the aunts and uncles worried about? Am I that good bully? Come on, come on, let's not talk about that, I brought you something. Jiu

Xi squatted on the ground and picked up a mobile phone of about a thousand and stuffed it to Village Chief Ye.

Seeing that Village Chief Ye was delayed, Jiu Xibi made a stop gesture to explain to these old men.

"Uncles and aunts, I understand your thoughts, but now that I have money, I want to repay you for taking care of you over the years, but it's just some small things, so don't be polite, so as not to give birth!"

"Besides, I can now make our village accessible to the road, so I'm not afraid of this little money."

Village Chief Ye looked at Jiu Xi disapprovingly, "You kid, you can't keep a little money in your hand, your contribution to the village is big enough, where to buy these things now!"

"Yes, Xixi, Aunt, I know that you are a talented person and have a more flexible brain than us, but you still have to save some money." These phones you return to. "

These phones are not cheap when they look at them.

In every household, young people who went out to work bought mobile phones.

But that is also because it is necessary outside, and those of them who have stepped into the loess half-cut off are not wasted to use these.

Besides, even if the road construction is funded, it is also earned by Jiuxi with great effort, and originally these money Jiuxi can take it himself.

That's a lot of money!

Money that can't be earned in a lifetime!

Jiu Xi understood what these simple old men were thinking.

Without further ado, stuff mobile phones suitable for everyone into them.

The gifts were divided into stacks and put away, and they left without looking back without looking back.

"The things are there, a pile in every household, if you don't take it, you throw it away, it's impossible to retreat, I still want face."

Everyone looked at each other.

Village Chief Ye frowned and thought for a while, and finally waved his hand helplessly: "Everyone take it back, this is the intention of Xixi's child, we can't live up to it." I understand everyone's thinking, as long as we are doubly good to Xixi in the future. "

The village chief is right, take the things, and you will have to make up for Xixi in the future."

"Yes, take the things away, and with the mobile phone, you can easily contact our eldest child." When Xixi gets married, my aunt will give her a thick dowry!

Village Chief Ye watched with satisfaction as everyone reacted.

It's good that you didn't get jealous of Jiu Xi because of some belongings.

Jiu Xi returned to the small house built by the original owner's wooden house, and Grandma Sun had long been snuggled up on the edge of the bamboo fence and waiting for Jiu Xi.

As soon as Jiu Xi appeared, Grandma Sun's pleated face immediately smiled, revealing the few remaining teeth and bare gums.

"Xixi, you're back."

Grandma Sun struggled to go over to pick up Jiuxi.

Jiu Xi quickly came to Grandma Sun's side and held her up.

"Milk, take a walk, I brought you something good!"

"Good, good, good. Good to come back, bring something. Grandma

Sun smiled happily, her thin hand tightly holding Jiuxi's hand, and there was concern in her cloudy eyes that could not be hidden.

Jiu Xi looked at the thin Grandma Sun, and a sourness surged in her heart, which was an emotion that belonged to the memory of the original owner.

According to the original plot, Grandma Sun will be hit and killed by Lan Xinhui's car in a month.

When she died, Grandma Sun's thin hand was still clutching a purse wrapped in layers of cloth.

There were 2,805 cents, which Grandma Sun had saved for a long time by breaking corn for money despite her physical discomfort.

Grandma Sun is very light when she is old, less than eighty pounds.

Eight or nine meters were hit by Lan Xinhui's car.

The thin body rubbed far away on the ground, and when the original owner went to see Grandma Sun's relics, the clothes on his left shoulder were rubbed thinly.

The farthest place Grandma Sun has been in her life is Kyoto.

Grandma Sun is very uncomfortable with the high-speed changes in the outside world, she does not know what a high-speed rail is, and she does not know how to cross the road.

The first time I went out, I saw the colorful outside world, and it also ended the old man's life.

The last days of Grandma Sun's life were curled up in a pool of blood in pain, her cloudy old eyes looking at the sky full of stars, and her mouth was still shouting the name of the original owner.

"Niu, niu, milk protects you, don't be afraid."

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