Jiu Xi's chin lifted slightly, and he said, "What do you think you are?" Dare to dictate what I'm doing? Just take care of yourself!

"What, just because I am a character, I will beat you, hurry up and hand over the game, so as not to suffer from flesh and skin."

"You, you, you~"

Jia Renyi's lung tube was about to explode.

Pointing at Jiuxi, he was slapped down by Jiuxi.

The back of the hand hurts hotly.

Not surprisingly, his hands should be red and swollen.

Jia Renyi hated Jiu Xi to death.

I wanted to call back.

But thinking that Jiuxi is a little wrong today.

Besides, how did Jiuxi know about that game?

The game was exchanged by her from a mysterious man.

She checked it on the Internet, and this game is very weird, and the whole network can't find it.

Could it be that Song Rentong's idiot leaked out?

Speculation flashed through Jia Renyi's mind.

Suddenly, her scalp tightened, followed by a pain in her heart.

"Ah! Song Jiuxi, you are a slut! What are you pulling my hair for! Jiu

Xi's face was innocent, and he still grabbed a large handful of hair in his hand.

There was a tingling pain above Jia Renyi's head.

She reached out and touched it, almost dying of anger.

The blood on one hand, like any scalp has been torn off, whether or not hair will grow in the future is one thing.

"Song Jiuxi! I'm going to fight with you! Aaaa

Jia Renyi crashed into Jiu Xi like crazy.


"You hit it yourself, it has nothing to do with me, but I lost a few hairs, is it necessary to be so angry? If you are angry and hurt your liver, you will become a yellow-faced woman!

Jiuxi smiled and flashed to the side to look at the joke.

On the ground is Jia Renyi, who fell and gnawed.

At this moment, Jia Renyi was embarrassed to the extreme.

The mouth was full of blood, and there seemed to be something on the tongue.


Jia Renyi spat out a mouthful of blood, and there were half white teeth on the ground.


The moment he saw the teeth, the string in Jia Renyi's brain broke.

There was only one thought in her mind: she broke her phase, and she was broken by Song Jiuxi, that slut! She wants to kill Song Jiuxi!

Jia Renyi was furious, lying on the ground for half a sound, and said in a strange tone: "Didn't you want that game?" I'll give it to you, but you're going to promise me a condition.

Jiuxi frowned.

Touching his chin and thinking for a second, he decisively refused.

Agreeing to other people's conditions or something, she will not do this kind of stupid thing easily.

At the moment, Jia Renyi is obviously abnormal.

In this case, what is promised may be a contractual commitment.

It's like if someone asks you for directions and you point in a random direction, then there will be cause and effect between passers-by and you.

If you deliberately point the wrong way with teasing, you will go to hell and be cut off your tongue when you die.

Although Jiuxi is not afraid of this, Jiuxi will not tolerate others playing him as a fool.

Jiu Xi walked over, punched Jia Renyi, and took out his mobile phone from Jia Renyi's clothes.

"Fat system, come out and work!"

[Fertilizer system that is chewing Gu Dan: A little reluctant, recently the host has not paid much attention to me, and Dan Dan has become less! ] The

fat system said so, and the furry paws were not idle, and they unlocked Jia Renyi's mobile phone with a few clicks.

Finding the file where the game is located, Jiuxi transfers the game to his mobile phone.

The whole game exudes a weird, ominous, evil aura.

Even though the game is just a carrier, Jiu Xi still feels the evil from the game.

If ordinary people come into contact with it, it won't be long before they will be manipulated by the game, and then fall into the game world and can't get out, and finally die in the game world.

After finishing the game, Jiuxi put the phone back.

Before leaving, he looked in the direction of the second floor, and a strand of hair burned out of thin air, and finally turned into a fire shape and extinguished.

"Take care of yourself, Jia Renyi."

Leaving Jia's house, Jiuxi rushed to Song's house again.

The Song family is there, Liu Aihua is still working in the supermarket, and Jiu Xi did not see Liu Aihua when she went.

"Xiaoxi, everyone hasn't seen you for a long time, don't leave when you come today, stay at home for dinner and then leave."

A slightly obese old woman sat on the sofa without moving, holding a plate full of longan.

Jiu Xi raised his eyebrows.

Isn't this what the original owner saved money to buy for Liu Aihua?

Jiu Xi looked at the room where Liu Aihua was, and sure enough, the door was opened.

It seems that Mrs. Song went in and took it herself.

Old Lady Song took care of herself and ate dragon's eye, and after greeting Jiuxi perfunctorily, she stopped taking care of Jiuxi.

Jiu Xi walked over and naturally took away the dragon's eye, and then calmly took out a red plastic bag in the stunned eyes of Mrs. Song, and poured the whole plate of longan into the plastic bag with extremely natural movements.

"Xiaoxi, you,"

"Huh~ Grandma Song, do you want it?" Naw, here you go! Jiu

Xi generously grabbed the smallest dragon's eye and put it on Old Lady Song's fat hand, lifted the bag and walked out.

Old Lady Song looked at the dragon eye in her hand in disbelief, wanting to stop Jiu Xi to put down the dragon eye.

But thinking that this was taken out by her going to Liu Aihua's room, she also knew that this longan was bought by Jiuxi for Liu Aihua, and she still had a face, so she didn't shout out when it came to her mouth.

Jiu Xi came to the outside of the house and said to Father Song, who was washing the car: "Uncle, my brother took Xiaotian to the abandoned village to do a terrorist live broadcast, do you know about this?"

"What? Horror live? Father

Song's action of washing the car stopped.

Horror live broadcast This Father Song knows, after all, he is a person who often brushes the beauty live broadcast, and he occasionally brushes the horror live broadcast.

"Are you sure? Won't the abandoned village be a ghost village that has been abandoned for a long time 3,000 miles away? Seeing

Jiu Xi nodding, Father Song's brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Put down the water gun in your hand and take out your mobile phone to call your eldest son.

"Toot toot ~"

A series of several phone calls, all of which cannot be reached.

Father Song was a little panicked in his heart.

"This kid! Come back, see I can't break his leg! Dare to go anywhere, it's really fatal! If something happens, tell us how to live! Father

Song was furious, and his face was full of worry.

Jiu Xi looked on coldly, and left a sentence when leaving: "It was Jia Renyi who let her brother go, and she also played a game called Eighteen Layers of Hell for her brother, it is said that people who have played this game will hallucinate and commit suicide soon after, uncle, you have to quickly find a way to find your brother and brother back." Father

Song was stunned.

After reflecting the meaning of Jiuxi's words, Jiuxi had already left.

Contradictions have been planted.

Jia Renyi will not be so lucky to avoid disputes.

Make a big deal first, as long as Song Ren and the others have not returned at night, the Song family will not be able to sit still and go to the police.

Then the people behind Jia Renyi will be involved.

Even if you don't pull out the person behind it, you can pull Jia Renyi into the water first, and if there is any problem in the future, the first suspect of the police will be Jia Renyi.

After doing all this, Jiu Xi drove a rented pickup truck all the way to an abandoned village thousands of miles away.

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