"Groove! What is that?

Netizens gasped.

I feel that the temperature around me is dropping rapidly.

It was a man in a blood-colored cloak.

The blood-colored cloak was tattered and stained with black liquid.


The liquid smashed on the ground, and it seemed to smash into everyone's hearts.

Little Qiao with his eyes closed is smart.

Recruit death, straight to the blood-cloaked man to get the point.


The wooden sword stabbed fiercely into the heart nest of the cloaked ghost, and the cloak was blown off by the wind, revealing the miserable rotten face.

It was a female ghost with heavy makeup, unable to see clearly, and her skin was pale.

The left side of the female ghost's face looks like she was soaked in water for a long time and rotted, and finally eaten by fish and insects.

The most frightening thing was that half of the female ghost's body fell limply on the ground.

With each step she took, dark red blood pooled on the floor.

The female ghost who was stabbed in the center of the nest screamed bitterly.

She raised her hand to grab Little Joe, trying to tear her apart.

I didn't want my hand to touch Xiao Qiao, and I was hit by a golden light and disappeared.

Jiu Xiaoqiao, on the other hand, fell to the ground softly, opening his confused eyes and looking around.

Netizens confused, this is the end?

Xiao Qiao immediately remembered the fear just now.

She couldn't help but shrink.

Looking at the live broadcast room, he quickly came to the table, picked up his mobile phone and asked Jiuxi in fear: "Big, master, is that thing gone?"

Jiu Xi did not answer her immediately.

Instead, he manipulated the folded paper man in his hand to patrol the inside and outside of the house where Little Joe was.


There is not a trace of obscurity.

Seeing that he couldn't see anything for the time being, Jiu Xi no longer wasted time.

He opened his mouth to comfort Xiao Qiao: "You are safe for the time being, that female ghost is injured, her vitality is greatly damaged, and she will not come back to you immediately to seek revenge."

"But," "

But what?" Xiao Qiao was anxious, and the fear in his eyes had not yet dissipated.

"However, that thing is really not simple, it depends on how you arrange it with your family."

Xiao Qiao did not have the slightest hesitation, and blurted out: "Master, you come, I can decide this matter myself, even if it doesn't work, I will give you 30,000 rewards as compensation when you come, do you see?"

Where netizens couldn't see, the corners of Jiuxi's smiling mouth opened to the root behind his ear.

"No problem."

Jiuxi broadcast live to the evening, and successively sold charms and fortunes to netizens.

After the broadcast, Jiuxi withdrew money, and they were all dazzled by the amount of hundreds of thousands.

No wonder in the previous life, Jia Renyi and Song Ren and several others would engage in a terrorist live broadcast regardless of the danger.

The money did come quickly.

However, the income of a few hours is almost equal to the income of an ordinary family for more than a year.

"Or, the next plane will also come to the horror live broadcast? It's also too easy to make money. Jiu

Xi smiled and looked at the rapidly rising numbers in the bank card, and suddenly remembered that Song Rentong's fox friends had not yet given money.

"Jia Jia, I love you~"

Song Rentong is accompanying Jia Renyi to find a famous master in the industry to help watch the murderer.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang, pulling Song Rentong back to reality from the obscure terms in the clouds of the master.


"Song Rentong, quickly ask those classmates of yours to call me the money, and limit you to do this well within one day, otherwise, heh, you know."

Song Rentong was snorted by Jiu Xi's Senran's tone.

Hanging up the phone, a dark light flashed in Jia Renyi's eyes next to him.

"Rentong, what's wrong? It seems to be Xiaoxi's voice? "


Song Rentong stuffed the phone into his pocket.

Grabbed Jia Renyi and said with a smile: "She helped a few of our brothers, it was the last time I met the real guy in a horror live broadcast, if it weren't for her, a few of us would have to account for it."

"Is it? That's thanks to Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi is so kind, helpful, and really good to you.

Ren Jiayi looked at Song Rentong's expression with afterlight.

Pursing his lips and continuing: "Is Xiaoxi looking for you for something? Since Xiaoxi saved you, we still have to help.

Song Rentong hugged Jia Renyi, put his chin on the top of Jia Renyi's head, and sighed how lucky he was to meet such a kind girlfriend as Jia Renyi.

"She took us out of the ghost village at a price of 50,000 per person, and my reward has been given, but the others have not yet been given."

"So, Xiaoxi is here to ask for money?"

Jia Renyi covered his mouth, and his big almond eyes were full of disbelief.

It was as if Jiu Xi was asking for money to be a difficult thing to talk about.

"Xiaoxi, she is so short of money? Wasn't she very helpful before?

Song Rentong was looked at by Jia Renyi's eyes, and he only felt very faceless.

He opened his mouth to say anything, but in the end it turned into silent dissatisfaction.

Song Jiuxi's woman dropped money in her eyes, and even she was looked down upon.

Song Rentong was very angry, and he hated everyone related to Jiu Xi in his heart.

Jia Ren suppressed the pride in his heart.

Aren't you Song Jiuxi very good?

The last time I beat myself in severe pain, I went to the hospital for a check-up but nothing happened.

But those few days were really a few days of suffering.

Besides, if Song Jiuxi hadn't interrupted the spread of the game by obstructing it, how could he have been eaten back by the game.

No, you have to find a way to get out of the game as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it must be yourself who dies in the end.

Jia Ren lowered his eyes, and a trace of calculation flashed in his heart.

"Knock knock!"

Jiu Xi was woken up by a sharp knock on the door.

"Knock knock! Knock knock!


The door was opened by Jiu Xi unexpectedly.

The people who knocked on the door were stunned for a moment when they saw Jiuxi's expressionless face.


The man was stunned for a long time, and then said to Jiu Xi: "You are Liu Aihua and her daughter, right?"

Jiuxi nodded.

"What, your mother suddenly fainted and was hospitalized, I called the Song family, the other party hung up the phone when she heard that she fainted, and the Song family gave me your address, so I came to find you."

The other party was panting, and he could see that he was running over.

Jiu Xi let go and motioned for Aunt to come in.

"Auntie, you sit down for a while to catch your breath, I'll go change my clothes."

Jiu Xi enlarged a plate of fruit in front of her mother's table, poured her another glass of water, and then went back to the room to change clothes.

Jiu Xi's movements were fast, but he had already changed his clothes in two or three minutes.

"Auntie, let's go."

In the taxi, Jiuxi learned the cause of the matter during the conversation with her aunt.

Aunt is a fellow who works in a supermarket with Liu Aihua.

The job of the supermarket was introduced by Liu Aihua.

When the two were young, they were very good friends in the village.

After growing up, Liu Aihua experienced marrying a dead husband and then marrying into the Song family in the city.

During this period, the two did not see each other for almost ten years.

This morning, Liu Aihua came to the back warehouse of the supermarket very early to help clean up.

When he went to work, he found Liu Aihua poured into the pool.

Liu Xiaocui smiled embarrassedly at Jiuxi: "Girl, Auntie, I don't have any money on me, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you a girl, the hospital side has to pay the hospitalization fee before being willing to operate, I," Jiuxi


Interrupted her words with a smile to comfort: "Auntie, I thank you for sending my mother to the hospital is too late, why should I keep bothering you?" You don't have to worry, I have money in my hands. Jiu

Xi took out a sewn talisman from his pocket and stuffed it to Liu Xiaocui.

"Auntie, I am a fortune teller to drive away evil spirits, and I am also a little famous in the industry, and if you hold this safe charm, it should be my gratitude to you."

Liu Xiaocui wanted to resign.

But he was afraid of breaking Jiuxi's heart.

Put the talisman paper in your pocket and don't worry about anything else.

What Liu Xiaocui didn't know was that it was this talisman that saved her and the supermarket lady.

And she was also favored by the boss lady, and soon after was promoted to the team leader who managed logistics.

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