"Big, big sister?!"

After Sandamin shouted this claim, the beautiful young woman froze.

She turned around abruptly, her eyes wide open, and she looked at the old original owner with a shocked face.

"You, you're the eldest sister?"

The woman didn't seem to believe it.

But when her gaze fell on the face of the original owner's daughter, her pupils shrank.

Take a step backwards.

The original owner mockingly looked at the reactions of the three people.

Full of desolation.

Although he has not seen him for more than ten years, he hates the Sang family.

But who doesn't miss the Sang family?

She just blocked her breath, wanting the Sang family to take the initiative to let herself go back.

But this is indefinite.

The original owner waited until he got married, waited until his daughter was born, and waited until he was old, but he couldn't wait for the Sang family's active care and greetings.

So the original owner was completely dead.

Completely hate the Sangsang family.

But when he saw his former family again in this strange big city, how could the original owner be indifferent?

But what did she see?

All people live exquisitely.

Everyone forgot about her, the person who had made sacrifices.

It wasn't that the original owner didn't think about yelling and asking why the Sang family treated him like this.

But if you think about it, it's quite uninteresting.

Strong twisted melon is not sweet.

Now she has her own small home.

Her husband is a village teacher and she has a lovely daughter, she loves them, and they love her.

Right or wrong, don't want to entangle anymore.

After the original owner calmed down, he wiped his tears, said hello to Father Sang and the others, and then left with his husband and children.

After all, in the eyes of the original owner, all this has nothing to do with him.

But she thought wrong.

Her hair was grabbed from behind.

It's the boy's mother, Sang Xingxing.

Sang Xiaoxing angrily questioned the original owner: "Big sister, how can you be like this?" I bullied me when I was a child, and now I let your daughter bully my son, how can you be so vicious?!

"You let go!"

The husband of the original owner pushed Sang Xingxing away and protected the original owner behind him.

"A-Zhe, you get out of the way, I'll talk to her."

The original owner pushed her husband away, and there was no wave in his eyes.

She said lightly to Sang Xingxing: "Why am I vicious? Will I sacrifice my future to fulfill you? I have your malice? What have you done to me that you don't know?

"You, you know?"

Sang Xiaoxing looked unnaturally turned away.

Father Sang and the two also lowered their heads and did not look at the original owner.

But the original owner was immersed in grief at the time and did not notice this.

Although it was later proved that the boy's impact had nothing to do with the original owner's daughter.

But Sang Xiaoxing still thinks why the original owner did not catch the boy who fell to the ground, and why the original owner's family stood on the side of the road.

If the original owner had caught the little boy sooner, then the son would not have been injured.

The original owner's family found a small house to live in.

Not long after the stable days, he was disturbed by Sang Xingxing, who came to the door.

Sang Xiaoxing's beautiful eyes were red and swollen like a walnut.

As soon as she entered the door, she pointed at the nose of the original owner and scolded the original owner for not loving, why did she not push her son away at the moment the car crashed.

If she pushes away, her baby will not leave this world at such a young age.

Later, there were the Sang family couple, as well as Sang Dahui, the brother of the dragon and phoenix fetus.

The Sang family is worried about the emotionally unstable Sang Xingxing.

Sang Xiaoxing cried and made trouble, and the original owner was indifferent.

Originally, the Sang family still felt ashamed of the original owner.

But seeing the indifference of the original owner in the face of the heartbroken sister's loss of the child.

The Sang family's heart, which had already been biased to the armpit, instantly lost its mind.

The Sang family is accusing the original owner of not being so indifferent.

Even if this matter has nothing to do with you, but your own nephew dies, you always have to express your sadness.

The original owner looked at the group of people in front of him who had never cared about him, and couldn't help laughing.

She laughed at how there could be a family like the Sang family in the world.

It is clear that she is also a member of the Sang family, and it is clear that she sacrificed her years for the Sang family.

Why did everyone forget her in the end and blame her?

At that time, the original owner's husband was not at home.

Only the daughter is at home.

A group of adults, attacking and insulting the original owner in front of children, cold-blooded.

In the process of insulting the original owner, Father Sang accidentally leaked his mouth.

"You are shameless in being with men at a young age! Do you know what my neighbors said when I learned the news? Say I teach my daughter without a way!

"You are still taking the college entrance examination behind our back, are you expressing your dissatisfaction with me?" What we tell you not to do, you have to do!

"I was thankful to have taken your notice!" Otherwise, don't you have to turn the sky upside down?

"What, what?!"

The original owner's face suddenly turned pale.

Father Sang also realized that he had missed his mouth.

The faces of the room were a little embarrassed.

Even the heartbroken Sang Xiaoxing did not dare to look at the original owner again.

The original owner gasped, supported the table, and asked in a trembling voice: "For, why?" "

You can't see me so much? Aren't you afraid of retribution for doing this?! The

last sentence was shouted out by the original owner.

As soon as the words fell, Sang Xiaoxing jumped up as if she had been pricked by a needle.

She pointed hatefully at the original owner and said, "You shut up! Shut up! It was your malice that took away my treasure! It's just a notice, you're going to curse me?!

"I just really want to go to college at the same age as my brother, is that wrong?"

"You can get such a high score anyway, so what's wrong with you letting me go to college?" Just take the test again! Mom and Dad also said at that time, let me go first, and let you take the exam the next year! The

more Sang Xiaoxing spoke, the more she hated it.

She pointed at the nose of the original owner and said hysterically: "It's you yourself who don't want to face, you can't stand loneliness and male knowledge!" You discredited our family! That's why Mom and Dad are angry and don't care about you! Who are you to blame for mixing up like this now?! "


Sang Xiaoxing covered her hot right face in disbelief, and looked at the original owner with resentment in her eyes.

"You are not human, you get out! I, Sang Jiuxi, will break off my righteousness with you from now on! You guys get out! People are watching, and you will not be able to please! "

The Sang family was driven out by the original owner.

I thought this was the end of it.

Just when the original owner and her husband were discussing moving to a place where the Sang family could not find it, something happened to her daughter.

When the couple arrived at the school, they saw the body of their daughter, whose body had become stiff.

That's right, my daughter was killed by Sang Xingxing.

She bought off the school bully.

It was the school bully who pushed her daughter downstairs and fell to her death.

Jiu Xi's chest began to rise and fall violently.

That was the powerful remnant of the original owner.

Jiu Xi did not look at Father Sang's face, and his eyes were lowered without speaking.

The original owner's wish is to let the Sang family get the retribution they deserve.

The second is to let Sang Xiaoxing taste the pain she has experienced, let Sang Xingxing live better than die, and make everyone in the Sang family regret it.

Jiu Xi took a deep breath.

Looking up at Sang Xingxing, who was crying and wiping away tears, and Sang's father, who was frowning, he staggered the two expressionlessly and went back to the back room to change clothes.

Father Sang was rubbed upwards by Jiu Xi's anger.

Jiu Xi, the rebel daughter, ignored his father more and more.

It seems that he has to teach her a lesson and make her realize that this family is still in his hands.

"Rebel girl, you give me a stop!"

Jiu Xi paused and slowly turned around.

His eyes were ruthless, and he said coldly: "Toilet lights? "

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