Village Chief Ma left after speaking, and Jiu Xi followed behind.

I didn't see a few people along the way, so I must have gone to work.

Follow the village dirt road to the threshing ground, which is bordered by a skewer tree several stories high.

When the group went, an old man with gray hair was sitting in front of a gray-tiled barn weaving a bamboo basket.

"Old Uncle Ma, I brought the newly arrived young man to eat."

"Huh? Knowing the youth again? Old

Uncle Ma put down the bamboo strip in his hand, and his face showed displeasure.

Village Chief Ma glanced at Jiu Xi and the others awkwardly, and stepped forward to whisper to Uncle Ma for a while.

I don't know what Village Chief Ma said, Uncle Ma's eyes obviously lit up when he touched Jiu Xi.

When his gaze fell on the three white and pure male intellectuals, he subconsciously frowned.

"Okay, okay, the key is in the old place, you go and get it."

"Hehe~ trouble uncle ha."

Village Chief Ma smiled, walked behind the tile house, and returned to the warehouse in about a minute.


The door of the barn opened, revealing grain inside in nylon pockets.

The grain was suspended in the air on a wooden shelf that had been erected, and a tanuki cat nested above the grain.

When a few people came in, the cat looked lazily at it and tilted its head to continue sleeping.

"A few of you come in, this is what is given to you, and everyone will use it together."

Chief Ma pointed to the broom in the corner, a hoe with a missing mouth, an iron pot, and a small half bag of grain.

"There is enough food for you to eat for half a month, this is lent to the young people in the village, from today onwards, you will earn food on your own hands, and you will starve without work, deliberately lazy and grind foreign unions to be distributed to the cowpen mountain to sweep the cowshed."

"And those."

Chief Ma pointed to the straw piled up by the sun and said, "You will bundle these straws one by one and spread them on the ground for sleeping." It's not cold now, and when it's cold at night, you wrap the straw on your body.

"When it's cold, exchange your work for more straw."

"Okay, that's all I have to say, you hurry up and send your things back, I'll go and borrow you some steamed buns to pad your stomach, and then go down to the fields with me to spread cow dung later."

Several people walked back with piles of straw and tools.

Jiu Xi was carrying a pot and hoe in his hand.

The three male intellectuals competed to be the first to offer their hospitality in front of Jiuxi.

"Comrade Jiuxi, are you a martial arts student? Which family and which faction is inherited?

"Comrade Jiuxi, my name is Zhao Youqian, you can call me Comrade Daqian."

The big man who helped Jiu Xi hold the straw squeezed next to Jiu Xi and introduced himself enthusiastically.

The tall and thin male intellectuals laboriously carried straw and half a bag of coarse grain, panting and not forgetting to introduce themselves.

"I, I am Cheng Daming, Comrade Jiuxi, everyone will take care of me in the future."

The other man was about the same age as Jiuxi, and he couldn't see anyone while holding a bundle of straw.

But his voice rang joyfully through the straw in everyone's ears.

"I am Zhao Zilong, the cousin of Brother Da Qian."

All the way there were three people talking.

Jiu Xi didn't know why these half-old teenagers were so broken.

When a few people arrived at the baking house, Village Chief Ma had been waiting for a long time.

When he met him, Village Chief Ma accused: "You are too slow, why don't you go as fast as me." Don't do this next time, it's okay to be lazy and slippery, understand? "


The three people who opened the chatterbox no longer pretended to be honest people at this time, and took the words of Village Chief Ma with a smile and nodded.

Seeing this, Village Chief Ma was not good to say anything.

He handed the four children's fist-sized buns in the basket to Zhao Youqian, who looked older, and said, "Eat quickly, I will take you to work, and get acquainted with Arama Village." "

The bun is black and dark, and I can't see what face it is made of.

Jiu Xi took the bun without eating, and said to Village Chief Ma: "Village chief, when will the later Zhiqing arrive?"

Village Chief Ma looked at Jiu Xi and said, "How?" Presumably, it's time for dinner. Jiu

Xi shook his head with a smile and said, "Village chief, how much work is needed to repair this house?"

Village Chief Ma looked at Jiuxi's thin body and hesitated: "The roof of this house needs to be re-tiled and repaired, this is the work of the men in the village, twenty jobs a day, and the village packs lunch."

Jiu Xi couldn't help nodding.

The village chief who watched drummed in his heart.

He pointed out: "You are still young, and you are new to the village, first familiarize yourself with the work in the village, and take your time, it is not difficult."

Zhang Youqian bit into the bun and swallowed it with difficulty.

Leaned in front of Village Chief Ma and said, "Village chief, I have strength, and my heart is full of vitality for building the motherland!" I'll go to work when I'm done! It is bound to build Arama Village into a heavenly kingdom!

"Yes, yes, yes! When I came, I said that young people must endure more hardships in order to become good officials in the future!

Zhao Zilong squeezed to Zhao Youqian to echo.

The black bun was finished in three or two strokes in his hand.

But it can be seen that the bun is not delicious, and Zhao Zilong's two eyes burst out when he swallowed.

Village Chief Ma glanced at the two brothers without speaking.

This kind of stunned young just went to the countryside is hot.

The sky is not afraid, and if you can't work for three days, you will be tired.

This kind of knowledgeable young horse village chief has seen a lot.

It was also Jiu Xilisuo's satisfaction to the village chief Ma.

"Village chief, I'm in charge of picking up tiles, and I won't work with you in the afternoon."


Village Chief Ma plucked his ears.

I thought I had auditory hallucinations.

The three male intellectuals also looked at Jiu Xi with an expression that I heard correctly.

Jiu Xi nodded and said, "I went to pick up tiles, it is also a workman, as you said, the village chief, picking up tiles is twenty minutes a day, and lunch is also included."

"When I'm at home, I do everything, do laundry, cook, pick up light bulbs, pick up tiles, repair buckets, all of it."

"Really?" Village Chief Ma looked Jiu Xi up and down, still not believing Jiu Xi's words in his heart.

Didn't you look away yourself?

This girl is actually a trick style, in order to be lazy and slippery, so she lied that she would pick up tiles?

Jiu Xi knew that no one believed it.

Without explaining, he climbed down the small stairs to the roof, and a few people under the fright shouted to get down quickly and be careful to fall.

Jiu Xi didn't pay attention, and picked up the tiles with extremely fast hands and rebuilt the tiles.

Gradually, the roof, which had been full of light, began to become neat and airtight.

Village Chief Ma and several people stood under the house, watching the mute sound of the repaired roof gradually taking shape.

"I'll drop a good drop, and I won't let my eyebrows go!" I'm kind of an eye-opener! "

For the thin and white Jiuxi, the male intellectuals only think it looks good at first glance.

The ugly point is the vase.

When they got off the train together, everyone was repulsed and separated from Jiu Xi in their hearts.

After all, girls have little strength and earn less work.

If you are divided into a group to do things at that time, this progress must not be slowed down a lot?

No one wants to be dragged down.

But at this moment, Jiu Xi once again refreshed their cognition, and several people only felt that the pressure was doubled.

In the future, if they are compared by Jiu Xi, where will the faces of these men fall?

It is passed out that several of their masters are not as good as a woman, how awkward this looks.

Village Chief Ma didn't know what the three were thinking.

After experiencing the fear of trembling, the heart that Village Chief Ma was carrying began to land.

"Amazing! What a diligent and clever girl! I don't know which kid is cheaper in the future.

Village Chief Ma shook his head with emotion.

"Old man, this world is still the world of young people."

Village Chief Ma raised his head and said to Jiuxi on the roof: "Little comrade Jiuxi, you are leisurely, don't fall, I'll go find you a few sturdy boards."

"You three, go with me to the field first to spread manure."

"Walk around, scatter dung! We can't be compared to lesbians. The

three of them walked out excitedly, looking like a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger.

Railway station.

Sang Xiaoxing cried and walked out of the station with a large bag and a small bag.

She hated Jiu Xi in her heart.

The people in the office didn't want to change their words and let her go, Sang Mu said all the good things, but the people in the office just didn't answer.

There was no way, she could only cry and pack clothes.

Sang Xingxing's eyes were dry and astringent, and she cried all night last night, and was scolded and mourned by Sang's father.

Fortunately, when she left, Sangmu stuffed her with ten yuan and some tickets.

Sang Xiaoxing straightened up the package behind her back, gritting her teeth to keep up with the Zhiqing in front.

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