"You love your son so much, I will fulfill your motherly heart, and your mother and son will continue the relationship between mother and son and love each other." Enjoy the rest of your time with mother and son. Sang

Lianxing's eyes popped up with bone-eroding hatred.

She shouted frantically in the small room: "Sang Jiuxi! It's you Sang Jiuxi! You really are not human! Why are you hurting me?!

"My face must have been your fault!" Definitely! Sang Lianxing sat on the ground in despair, nervously yelling into the air.

However, the sound has disappeared.

No matter how she yelled, she would never get the slightest response.

"Aaaaa Slut, slut! If you hurt people like this, you will definitely go to hell! I curse you for life, the lone star, and you will not be loved by anyone! "


A thunderbolt sounded out of thin air.

Lightning illuminated the dark night, but it did not bring the slightest sense of security to Sang Lianxing.

Half a year has passed.

Sang Lianxing's face is already good.

No more rotting and smelly.

But the part of the face that was eaten by maggots and the rotten flesh dug up can no longer be healed.

Sang Lianxing returned to Sang's house after her face was good.

Although Father Sang did not agree, in the face of Sang Lianxing's dead stalking, in order not to let the neighbors gossip anymore, Father Sang had to let this once smart little daughter into the house.

The reputation of the Sang family could no longer withstand the ravages.

When he drove away Jiuxi, he was criticized for many years.

This led to the fact that Sang Lao Er could not find a decent daughter-in-law when he became an adult.

Father Sang was extremely annoyed by this.

So recently, for the marriage of Sang Lao Er, Sang Father took the money scraped from Jiu Xi and planned to pick up a beautiful daughter-in-law for Sang Lao Er.

But the woman's family heard what the Sang family had done to Jiuxi many years ago, and they were unwilling to marry their daughter to this kind of family.

After all, how good can a person who can even sweep his own daughter out of the house be good to his daughter-in-law?

This led to the fact that even if Sang's father took a lot of money, no decent family was willing to marry his daughter to Sang Laoer.

Unlike the previous life, when he had unlimited scenery and made a fortune in business, Sang Laoer in this life has always been depressed.

You can't get in the factory.

I didn't get into college.

The young girl did not want to be with others.

Sang Lao Er only felt that life was hopeless.

He couldn't sleep for many days and nights.

Sometimes he thinks that if only his parents hadn't kicked his eldest sister out.

Then the Sang family will not become a cold-blooded and ruthless family among the people, and the six relatives do not recognize it.

You won't be left alone with an object.

Of course, there are country girls.

But he and the Sang family couldn't look at each other.

He's a town hukou!

How is it possible to humiliate yourself downward?

That's it.

Sang Lao Er has never been able to get a daughter-in-law, and he is unwilling to marry a hardworking and capable rural girl.

The two members of the Sang family couldn't sleep because of this.

It was also at this time that Sang Laosan broke his leg in the school bathhouse.

A sum of money is urgently needed to treat the legs.

At this time, the planned economy had just been canceled.

Some thoughtful people do business with the money they have.

But most people are accustomed to the distribution of the planned economy.

The Yisang family only knows how to take a dead salary and save money, but they have no intention of investing.

The two couples of the Sang family couldn't get so much money in the middle for a while.

I borrowed only fifty yuan from my relatives.

Of course, this money is far from enough.

For this reason, the Sang family couple turned white.

It was at this time that the bereaved couple remembered Jiuxi.

But the two never remembered the phone number from Jiuxi.

Years have passed, and the note that the community wrote to them has long been missing.

The two rummaged through the cabinets in the middle of the night.

The atmosphere of the Sang family became solemn for a while.

Sang Lao Er looked at the two Sang family members who were full of worry, and the jealousy in his heart could not stop surging.

What the Sang family didn't know was that Sang Laozhong was clutching an old note.

On it, it was the number that Jiu Xi called back.

Somewhere deep.

As one of the earlier graduates to work in the Science and Technology Zone, Jiuxi has now made a number of outstanding achievements in locomotive construction by relying on excellent research and development capabilities.

When Tan Zhiguan graduated, Jiu Xi was already on his feet.

Tan Zhiguan was originally going to stay at his alma mater as a teacher.

But Jiu Xi told him: "If you want to apply what you have learned and not bury your years of dedication, you may as well come here, I recommend a professor to you, he still lacks a senior student in the computer science department." Then

, he went to a certain depth without hesitation.

Anyway, he has no relatives and no reason.

Jiu Xi is his closest relative.

In his eyes, Jiu Xi is his sister.

Years later, Tan Zhiguan, who took his wife's hand and recalled the past, sighed: "Xiaoxi knife-mouthed tofu heart, she helped me a lot at the beginning, but she refused to admit this kindness, very arrogant."

"She helped me a lot, but I couldn't repay anything."

At this time, Tan Zhiguan's wife held his hand and said: "You let the world remember her, you have been doing good deeds all your life, you have also developed a convenience software in the name of Xiaoxi, she is still the godmother of Yangyang, and Yangyang will be filial to her."

Tan Zhiguan smiled and did not speak.

When the Sang family couple rushed to Sang Laosan's school with the money, they found that Sang Laosan had not broken his leg at all.

All this is just a lie.

Sang Laosan was obsessed with mahjong.

He lost a lot of money, so that's how lies were born.

The Sang family couple was infarcted by the myocardial infarction of this excellent son in their eyes.

Help Sang Laosan pay off his gambling debts, and his family belongings will only have less than forty yuan left.

But as soon as the two left on the front foot, Sang Laosan, who had just cried and swore that he would no longer gamble, fell into gambling again.

Soon after the Sang family arrived home, Sang Laosan was also expelled from school.

In fact, this thing has been in my life.

But at that time, Sang Lianxing's means were good, and most of them were rich second-generation in order to please her, and rushed to help the Sang family solve the matter of Sang Laosan.

Now that Sang Lian Xing is completely wasted, naturally there is no such unjust head.

Here the son was expelled.

Over there, Sang Lianxing was actually pregnant and gave birth to a son in less than a month.

This can choke the two of the Sang family.

Previously, they had not noticed the abnormality of Sang Lian Xing.

Coupled with the bad things that happened for a while, the two members of the Sang family couldn't withstand the blow and both fainted.

When the two woke up, rumors about the bad Sang family had spread all over the sky.

The two rolled their eyes and fainted again.

Since then, the two have been left with heart palpitations.

Sang Lianxing had only one of the few remaining reputations of the Sang family because she had children out of wedlock, and it completely stinked.

So after she sat for half a month of confinement, she was kicked out of the Sang family and left to fend for herself.

This time, the Sang family couple was determined to break off relations with Sang Lianxing.

Sang Mu was no longer soft on her.

Sang Lianxing cried to no avail, and finally gritted her teeth and left the Sang family with the child.

As for where it ended up, no one knows.

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