Since then, Mr. Nishiki's name has appeared in various places in the fiefdom of Princess Shurong.

Some people speculate that Mr. Nishiki was a warlock who hid in the mountains and forests during the previous dynasty.

It is a righteous living immortal.

After all, where Mr. Nishiki has passed, there will always be miracles.

For example, when the wind and rain come, the heavy rain that is temporarily diverted.

Another example is a child who lost his footing and fell into the water and died, but was brought back to life by one of Mr. Xijun's elixir.

Another example is that the cow in the farm station is difficult to give birth and will die, and Mr. Nishi just caresses the cow's belly with his hand, and the cow successfully gives birth to a calf to avoid death.

The list goes on and on.

After Mr. Nishiki leaves, there will be a fetish on the ground that looks like a leaf and is as white as jade.

It is said that those who hold fetish, open wisely, and drive away all evil.

For a moment, Mr. Nishiki alarmed Princess Shurong, who was far away in Kyoto.

Princess Shurong looked at the lake in the distance with an unpredictable expression, and secretly thought in her heart what kind of person Mr. Xijun would be.

Several strategists looked at each other.

The eldest princess had not yet spoken, and they could only wait patiently.


Princess Shurong's voice sounded faintly.

"What do you gentlemen think about the appearance of gods and men in the fief of this palace?"

The middle-aged adviser with a long beard with a fan glanced at the other advisers.

Got up and said to Princess Shurong, "Back to Princess Chang, the grass people think that Mr. Xijun's appearance is beneficial and harmless to the princess, and the eldest princess can take the opportunity to recruit him into the princess for use." "

Oh? How do you say this? Princess

Shurong turned around.

Looking at the several advisers in the hall, a dark light quickly flashed under his eyes.

Seeing Princess Shurong turn around, the long-bearded strategist quickly bent down and lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the face of the eldest princess.

He became more and more respectful: "Back to the eldest princess, the grass people thought that the queen's concubine was virtuous and deya, and the appearance of Mr. Xi Huan was an auspicious omen, isn't this a hint that the queen concubine will have happy events in the near future?" The

long-bearded strategist raised his head, his gaze inadvertently skimmed the coldness in the eyes of Princess Shurong, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He put away the careful thoughts in his heart.

More and more respectful: "It is said that there are miracles everywhere this Mr. Xi Hui has passed, and the grass people speculate why Mr. Xi Hui frequently appears in the fief of the eldest princess?" All stems from the filial piety of the queen mother-in-law to the heavens, and it is to move the gods and people, which is the heavens favoring the queen mother-in-law and the princess Shurongchang!

The other advisers exchanged glances, and they all saw the other's regret in their eyes.

At first, he did not dare to speak rashly.

Now look at the face of the princess.

Obviously, the long-bearded strategist said lightly to the heart of Princess Shurong.

Otherwise, with the behavior of these royal people, the long-bearded adviser would have been punished long ago.


Princess Shurong Chang had a faint smile on her face.

There was appreciation in the eyes of the Nagasu strategist.

He also set his gaze on the adviser, who had not spoken.

"What do gentlemen think?"

The hearts of several people who were asked tightened.

Several people pondered their words.

The blue-shirted old man stroked his beard and smiled lightly: "Princess Hui Chang, I don't agree with the three machine brothers, and what the three machine little brothers say is what the grass people think." "

Old fox!

Several others cursed secretly in their hearts.

Several people also gathered their spirits to express their opinions.

"Back to the eldest princess, the grass people think that I can follow the trend to publicize the name

of the queen's mother-in-law's benevolence and filial piety," "Let the people of the whole Daqing know the model of the queen's mother, so that it can also lay the lead for the queen's mother-in-law's son, so that the position of the queen's mother-in-law will not be shaken."

Princess Shurong listened quietly.


Princess Shurong waved her hand: "Goodness, great goodness, so, according to what the gentlemen said, from now on, all the gentlemen will leave for the fiefdom of the palace, and recruit Mr. Naxi Huan to be used by the palace. "

A few strategists are overjoyed.

Kneel Shane.

Inside the Royal Palace.


"A bunch of trash! How did Hongu give orders?

"Be sure to kill that slut!" No matter how bad it is, she will never see His Majesty, and now you tell the palace that she is gone!" "

The floor in Lady Zhao's palace is full of broken porcelain.

The messenger's chamberlain knelt on the ground, shivering, not daring to speak.

The henchman waited for Zhao Gui's popularity to disappear, and stepped forward to stroke his back.

"Niangniang, it's not worth it to be angry for a lowly singer,"

"I want the slave to say that although the slut was not dead and thrown into the lake, but the slave thought that she, a weak woman who was seriously injured, could escape from the vast lake?"

Zhao Guiren's eyes were resentful, and his chest rose and fell.

Obviously, the gas is not light.

She pushed her henchman away impatiently.

Hate said, "What do you know? Live to see people, die to see corpses! This is the rule! Otherwise, it is to leave behind a scourge!

"If that slut is lucky enough not to die and is used by the enemies of this palace, won't this palace leave a handle for no reason?!"

"The main palace has long said that the little brother is blind with a handsome face! I'm afraid the brain is used to grow that bad face! The

henchman did not dare to say Wei Biyi again.

Instead, he smiled and said: "Niangniang, it's just a small worm, slave sees that Your Majesty has become more and more diligent in your palace recently, Niangniang can seize the opportunity to conceive the dragon son in one fell swoop, and then Niangniang will be the only heir in the palace." "

Speaking of heirs.

Zhao Guiren's excitement gradually subsided.

She looked tenderly at Weiyang Palace, where the Son of Heaven was.

He muttered to himself: "Your Majesty is wise and martial, and I think that the royal son born to this palace and His Majesty must be the best."

"Your Majesty favors Niangniang alone, once Niangniang gives birth to a prince, Niangniang will be the first person to spoil the sixth palace."

Zhao Guiren smiled sweetly, and his tone softened.

Judge the two of them with the woman who has just become angry.

Seeing this, the henchman secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Zhao Guiren seemed to have thought of something.

His eyes lingered.

He ordered the henchman behind him: "The palace still doesn't worry about that slut, so you send a message to your father and brother, tell people to guard near the imperial city, and once there are traces of slut, immediately extinguish." "


The henchman retreated.

Zhao Guiren sneered: "No one wants to take away His Majesty's favor for this palace!" Wei Ji, you can't! "

A mountain village a hundred miles away from the capital.

It is full of peach blossoms.

It is also called Peach Blossom Village.

It is said that originally, it was not called Peach Blossom Village, but Yulian Cave.

When the former dynasty had not yet capsized, a healer passed through this place.

Seeing the Zhong Lingyu show here, the spiritual energy is abundant, it has the effect of nourishing the body, and the benefit of cultivating the mind.

It was here that he settled down here and planted peach trees here.

It is said that the fruit of the first peach tree has the effect of curing diseases and longevity.

But as the world has changed, the method of raising trees that has been handed down has long been lost.

The peach tree becomes an ordinary peach tree.

There are more peach blossoms on the mountains of Peach Blossom Village.

But the terrain above is steep.

Ordinary no one climbs the rock here to explore the style of the top of the mountain.

But the villagers know that the top of the mountain is inhabited.

The descendants of that healer.

Wei Biyi woke up in a burst of flowers.

She remembered.

But I found myself wrapped in something and unable to move.

She thought she had been caught again.

I was shocked at first.

Struggling violently in panic, the whole person moved uncontrollably to the edge of the bed.



Wei Biyi's whole body fell to the ground, and she couldn't help but scream in pain.

This movement attracted the attention of the owner.

"You're awake."

A warm man's voice sounded above Wei Biyi's head.

Wei Biyi was lying on the ground, unable to see people or feel the presence of the other party.

She tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart and spoke: "Who are you?" The

man didn't reply to her.

But she felt that her whole person was picked up from the ground by the other party and placed in a flat place.

"It seems to be good."

"Master, is she awake?"

A little girl's voice came from outside.

"Pedal and pedal~

" "Master, I'll come, I'll come, you go out first."

Wei Biyi felt the movement outside at a loss.

Full of doubts.

Where the hell is she?

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