But all the laws are connected, and Jiu Xi grasped a trace of the power of the magic and understood the operating rules after a little thought.

Jiu Xi hooked the corners of his lips, and reacted to the rune paper after changing the rules of the occult technique he had just comprehended, only to hear a bang and dozens of rune papers exploded and spontaneously combusted and flew towards the three.

The three were taken aback by this sudden situation, and found that Jiu Xi could actually get rid of the shackles of the talisman paper, and immediately stabbed at Jiu Xi with a sword in a hurry.

Jiu Xi didn't look at the other two, rolled up a violent wind and smashed the other two hard towards the distant house, and then five fingers into claws grabbed the crooked heroine Silk White Ripple.

The heroine Si Bailian was caught by Jiu Xi without panic, and her mouth was still talking non-stop.

"Jiuxi, don't be obsessed anymore! Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground. There is no good end for you to kill like this! You'd better let us go, so I can still intercede for you in front of the master!"

"Who did I kill?" Wasn't it interrupted by three fools who were crooked and self-righteous before they could do it? "

You!" Si Bailian was obviously angered by Jiuxi's unceremonious words, and her delicate and cute face was full of anger: "How can you say that about me!" I'm also for your good, aren't I?

"Good for me? For my good, you come up and smash me with talisman paper, regardless of whether it is good or bad? For my good, you want to destroy me with two fools? Si Bailian, don't forget, if it weren't for me, you would have been defiled by someone!

"Now come again to pretend to be a good person to prevent me from taking revenge, among the few people who were abducted, you scolded the trafficker the most, why, you forgot your scars when you escaped?" You are so kind that even the enemy can be spared, why can't you pity me, an innocent victim? Si

Bailian's face was flushed, because Jiu Xi looked at her very unpleasantly, and changed the posture of pinching Si Bailian's neck, and after a long time, Si Bailian began to have difficulty breathing.

"I, I, human ghosts, ghosts, you you can't,"


Before Si Bailian finished speaking, he was thrown to the ground by Jiu Xi like a garbage, and his eyes fainted.

Since then, two fools and a genius of occult arts have been wiped out.

Jiu Xi looked at the trembling human traffickers and the embarrassed villagers, smiled with fangs, and frightened everyone knelt down and begged for mercy.

[System: Host, you won't kill them, will you?] [

Jiuxi: Stupid system, you have to know that death is a relief, these villagers have been trading with human traffickers for many years, everyone has sins in them, and it is not too cheap to kill them.

Everyone knelt for two or three hours, until it was dark and Jiuxi asked someone to hang the three fools under the big banyan tree in the village.

He also forced traffickers to call the county police station to report the abduction of women and children and the abduction of rich people in the boys' village.

Of course, traffickers are unwilling, isn't this throwing themselves into the net?

But after looking at the fierce and vicious female ghost Jiuxi, I felt that life was more important, and it was better to fight than to be eaten by this powerful ghost.

The baby boys' village is also the den of criminals who forced the original owner to death, and the people here have been patriarchal for generations, and when they give birth to baby girls, they either strangle them or sell them.

So for generations, there have been no baby girls in the village.

People in other villages did not dare to marry their daughters to the boys' villages, and gradually the men in the boys' villages could not marry daughters-in-law, and had to sell women and children as wives by traffickers.

The boy baby village has been committing sins for generations, because in the eyes of Jiu Xi, the boy baby village at night is full of ghosts, and the branches of the big banyan tree are full of female ghosts.

The female ghosts seemed to be restrained, and could only stare at the villagers of the boy baby village with resentment from an inch.


"Mom, I hurt so much, my heart was eaten by my brother, I want to take my heart back."

"Parents, I miss you so much, I want to go back, you guys come and save me..." The

female ghosts around kept making noise, their voices were sharp, dead and ugly, and the blocked temples of Jiu Xi were protruding.

"Shut up! Noisy to death! I'll beat you up if I make any more noise! Jiu

Xi looked at the female ghosts and raised his fist threateningly, and the people in the boy village could not see the female ghosts, because the villagers thought that Jiu Xi was talking about them.

Immediately, the villagers did not even dare to mumble quietly.

Throughout the night, men, women and children of the boys' village gathered under the big banyan tree and knelt to burn incense paper for Jiuxi to make offerings.

For a while, there was smoke and the smell of roast chicken.

Jiu Xi looked at the clothes in his hand, disgusted, and casually threw it to a female ghost: "Here you go, who cut the ugly clothes and don't pull a few."

"And this chicken, the taste is not right, this paper money for me to burn quickly, put all the incense paper candles in your ancestral hall, hurry up!" Otherwise I'll eat you!

"Yes, yes, as long as you are happy, I will immediately take someone to move." The village chief of the baby boy village nodded and bowed, and ran towards the ancestral hall with his two sons.

The village chief originally thought that he could take the opportunity to run away and move the rescuers, but he didn't want to walk around in place, and he understood that this was a ghost hitting the wall.

Jiu Xi sneered, looked at the village chief in the system monitoring, and said to a hanged ghost with a tongue sticking out: "You go to scare the village chief who just left, as long as it doesn't kill anyone, play casually." The

hanged ghost fluttered on all fours, nodding vigorously on the strip of cloth on the branch.

"Big sister, I am willing, I am willing, as long as you help me get rid of this binding spirit, it is up the sword mountain and the sea of fire!"

Jiu Xi's fingertips gathered their strength to bounce towards the female ghost, and in an instant, a cold aura dispersed, and the female ghost who had regained her freedom laughed up to the sky, and her long blood-stained hair was windless and automatic.

"Hahaha! The old lady has finally freed herself from the shackles of the earth spirit! You are all going to die for me today!" I'll swallow this new ghost of yours first, and then I'll tear it apart"

The female ghost's words stopped abruptly, looking at Jiu Xi incredulously, and the next second it turned into nutrients and poured into Jiu Xi's body.

"Noisy white-eyed wolves are the most annoying." Jiu Xi looked at his soul body that had solidified a little more with satisfaction, and then looked up at the other female ghosts.

Other female ghosts: Lying groove, that is a very resentful eighty years of hanging ghosts, just like this devoured by a new ghost? So awesome?

"Just the two of you to scare the village chief, if you can't satisfy me, you will bear the consequences, understand?"

The two ghosts who were named: understand and understand! Go right away!

It was late autumn, and the climate in the mountains was even colder.

The three people who were hanging finally couldn't bear the cold and woke up.

As soon as the three of them opened their eyes, they saw Jiu Xi sitting under the big banyan tree like an underworld boss, and the people kneeling on the ground behind them burned paper and lit candles, and the scene was strange and arrogant.

When did a ghost dare to have such a big pomp and circumstance? He also forced a group of old and young people to kneel on the ground in the middle of the night.

Simply inhumane! Oh no, there is no good heart!

At this time, the heroine Si Bailian who has a heavy responsibility should appear.

Si Bailian is full of righteousness, accusing Jiu Xi of not abusing the villagers like this, people and ghosts have different paths, there are laws in the world to punish these villagers, you a female ghost is not qualified to replace the law to maintain fairness and justice!

The other two fools were also in the gang, saying that Jiu Xi was a demon who had lost her mind, and she should ask the master to destroy her!

Jiu Xi looked at the three people lightly and asked rhetorically: "You have long found out that the cat in the boy baby village is tired, why haven't you called the police until now?" I see that you get along harmoniously with the villagers! Si

Bai Lian was speechless, and the dead duck's mouth was hard: "We have our own rules for doing things, and we can't let you a female ghost dictate!" Hugh wants to splash dirty water on us! "

Anyway, it's all kinds of confusion and not explaining why they don't call the police to rescue the trafficked."

Two fools were also in that gang: "You are a devil, what qualifications do you have to question our work?" Everything has cause and effect, since being abducted and sold here is the cause of the past life, it is the best arrangement for us to choose not to call the police! When

Si Bailian heard the two stupid words, a trace of pride and recognition flashed in her eyes.

The senior brothers are right, why are only the abducted people in this village sold to this village? That must have been the cause of evil planted in her previous life, and it was not her fault that she did not go to the police, this is God's arrangement!

Si Bailian, who was still on the weak side just now, exuded a strong confidence, and the smug and cold eyes on his face were very spicy in Jiu Xi.

"How do you know that a past life was the cause of evil? With your three-legged cat's Taoist kung fu? Or is it because you are self-righteous and hide your good selfishness? You just want the trafficked person to stay in the boys' village forever, so that no one knows about your unbearable past! Jiu

Xi looked at Si Bailian coldly, completely unconcealed his mocking disdain for Si Bailian.

Si Bailian was defeated under Jiu Xi's eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and then became angry.

"You talk nonsense! I have justice in my heart, and the Taoist salvation is always in my heart! Sure enough, it is a devil, and the ghost words he says disturb people's hearts one after another, I see that you are hopeless!

"Huh! Dead duck mouth hard! Blind Bibi's face is hot, "Jiu Xi sneered coldly, "Let's see if it's your mouth or my whip hard!"

Jiu Xi came to the kneeling villagers and pointed out the three: "You you you come out, take the rattan to smoke them, whoever can smoke until dawn can leave." The

three people who were called were overjoyed in their hearts, and did not dare to ask more, looking around for the three people who were whipping and hanging with rattan.

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