Liu Dajun hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed the police station closest to the abandoned factory.

The three almost fainted when they heard something under the bed.

Can this luck be carried a little more?

There were corpses on the floor of the room where they slept!

"You guys wait here, I'll go out and take a look."

"Master, we want to go too, in case you need help

" "No, you guys stay here."

After speaking, without waiting for a few people to react, one turned around and walked quickly out of the house and disappeared.

This made the few people who wanted to follow secretly lose their courage.

If you keep up, it's good to say, if you don't keep up, then play big, in case of encountering something dirty, who will save them?

Or honestly listen to the master's words and stay here, the room where the master stayed has righteousness and can ward off evil!

[System: A bunch of bags! ] After

getting rid of a few people, Jiu Xi flew directly up and quickly checked the layout of the abandoned factory.

The factory is rectangular in a north-south direction, surrounded by trees.

Each tree has a ghost hanging from it, and one hundred and eight trees have one hundred and eight ghosts.

There are also one hundred and eight cat carcasses in the cement floor of the abandoned factory workshop, and ten dried eagle corpses in the ceiling of each floor.

Cats, eagles, people.

All indications are that there was a sacrifice here to suppress something.

Jiu Xi flew to the tallest building of the abandoned factory and overlooked the strange factory at his feet.

If her guess is correct, this should be the center of the abandoned factory, and the lightning rod towering into the sky is not so much lightning protection as it is to avoid the washing of the vast qi of heaven and earth.

Jiu Xi stretched out his index finger to touch the sharp lightning rod and felt the cause and effect.

The moment the needle tip touched the index finger, a scene of shattering flashed through Jiuxi's mind.

"You can't die, we want to be husband and wife for the rest of our lives!"

"Heaven and earth are unfair, I will definitely take all things and luck to save you, I will not allow you to forget me!"

"You're going to die a bad death! Treacherous villains, curse you for being separated by yin and yang in this lifetime! "

Aaaaah! Kill, kill, kill!

"You're not my sister, my sister is Abi, so, go die!"

Bang! Bang!

A bolt of lightning appeared in the sky, accompanied by a terrifying thunderous roar.

Jiu Xi opened his eyes and looked thoughtfully to the west.

There are many mysteries in this plane!


sirens sounded, and Jiu Xi immediately appeared behind the three.

Liu Dajun's eyes lit up when he saw Jiu Xi at the door.

"The boss is back! We finally don't have to be afraid. "

Master, you" Zhang Ming was interrupted by several policemen before he finished speaking.

"Did you call the police?" Where was the body found?

Several people looked at Jiu Xi in unison.

"In the concrete floor under that bed," Jiuxi leaned nonchalantly against the door frame, "just smash it open."

A middle-aged policewoman frowned, looked at Jiuxi without a trace, and asked, "How do you know that there are corpses on the cement floor?" Why come to this kind of place? The false alarm is to squat the bureau, you "

tell you to smash, what if it is true?" Jiu Xi looked at the policewoman, "No you looking for me." "

Liu Dajun: Is it okay for the boss to scare the police like this?

Zhang Ming and the three: Same question!

Other policemen: You are the second one who dares to do so against our deputy bureau.


The policewoman looked at Jiu Xi fixedly, and ordered her subordinates to do things with an expressionless face.

Five or six policemen did not have the right tools, and after working for half a day, they only broke a little cement.

"It's almost dark, police officer, if you don't find someone to help you, then it will only consume until the night, and when there is a problem, you will get money if you ask me to help!"

Jiu Xi seemed to laugh and ridicule, but Liu Dajun and several people trembled in fright, and hurriedly looked around Jiu Xi.

"Officer, you quickly call someone to help, otherwise we won't be able to leave when it gets dark!"

Liu Dajun nervously persuaded the female policeman, and Zhang Ming and the three also looked anxious, as if they were very afraid of the upcoming night.

What are these people doing?!

Could it be a drug? It's not like that, the policewoman frowned and looked at Jiuxi and a few people, isn't there anything to be afraid of when it gets dark!

These young people are careless, so daring, and still come here to stroll!

"Deputy Bureau, this cement floor is strange, it can't be smashed, it seems that someone has to be called to help."

"Is it? Then call the bureau and ask someone to send the tools over

" "Officer, are you sure you don't want me to help?" A thousand at a time is a good deal. Jiu Xi looked at the serious policewoman with a smile, "Otherwise, when your people come, it will really be dark."

"Master, we will give 10,000, if you can, let's go and help together?"

"Shut up, you have money?!" Jiu Xi is super unhappy, she is also a lot of gold!

"So, then can we go first, officer? It's okay to ask someone to take us back to the bureau! Zhang Ming and the three pleaded.

The more several people were like this, the more the policewoman suspected that there was fraud in this, plus the people could not be removed, so the policewoman refused without hesitation.

"You guys come and cooperate with the pen confession, and you can leave after you are done."

Jiu Xi indifferently pulled out a chair from the corner, and with one palm, the palm wind blew the dusty iron chair clean.

Even the rust is gone, revealing the new iron inside.

A trace of suspicion flashed in the female policeman's eyes, and she was not sure where Jiu Xi came from.

Several people routinely cooperated, explaining why they came here and explaining how they found the body.

The little policeman who recorded the confession wrote a confession with a difficult word, and the female policeman also looked at Zhang Ming and several people with the eyes of the mentally retarded.

This is all the era of science and technology, and there are still people who believe in the set of occult arts....

When she arrived at Jiuxi, the policewoman basically asked Jiuxi with an indescribably complicated feeling.

"Eh, combined with their confessions, it can be determined that you came here because you want to help them exorcize, cough, and exorcise ghosts, and your identity is a ghost exorcist?"

Jiu Xi nodded proudly, and quickly added: "It's the Xuanshu Heavenly Master, the most awesome kind, and exorcising ghosts is just one of the branches!" "

This deceptive trick, this little girl is still proud?!

The policewoman endured the action of rolling her eyes, thinking that if her daughter was absolutely beaten, she should be kidnapped at the age of college, isn't this a lack of education?

The female policemen, including the other five male policemen, looked at Jiu Xi with a look of I didn't believe it, so I listened to your blind expression.

Seeing that the police did not believe it, Jiu Xi said to the female policeman: "Have you been dreaming about your deceased husband recently?" You have a son who used to be obedient and well-behaved, but now he is rebellious? Disbelief

flashed in the policewoman's eyes, but she didn't show it.

Because she feels that as long as some people go to check it, they will know her recent life status.

In the eyes of the female policeman, Jiu Xi is just a liar who knows how to learn by heart.

Jiu Xi ignored the female policeman and continued to tell the other policemen about his speculation.

"And you, the one who writes, you Yintang is black and red, this is a sign of the disaster of blood and light, you have escaped the promotion to become rich, and you can't hide from being a good man after eighteen years."

The male policeman who wrote the confession turned pale and felt faintly uneasy.

Because Jiu Xi said several of them in a row, one and two is a coincidence, five or six that is definitely two brushes!

The female policeman's skeptical heart was also shaken, could it be that Jiu Xi was really that kind of occult heavenly master?

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