"Girl, no, the color of many ointments is divided separately, and they take different amounts of time, in case you mess up, it hurts the customer's hair

," "Boss, don't worry, all the responsibilities of this customer are borne by me alone,"

After speaking, she ignored the proprietress and began to get busy, poured several ointments into the bowl according to the proportion and stirred evenly, and after applying all the ointments to the customer, she took off her gloves, put on plastic wrap and waited for 15 minutes, There's no need for heaters or other items, and the reason is that she uses the lightning ability to help her hair absorb quickly.

The two of them went back and forth, and there were a few more customers, and the proprietress didn't care when she went to greet Xu Wuwu, the only thing that made her curious was that the other customer who permed her hair before didn't leave, and she didn't speak, just quietly watching her work.

Time passed minute by minute, and after washing off the stained paste, she began to curl the customer's hair, the process was faster, her hand speed was like a radar, but at the beginning she was a little rusty, and after curling a few, she immediately became proficient

, everyone saw her hands shuttling through the hair, just a blink of an eye A hair curl was rolled up, and it took less than seven minutes for all the hair to be curled, which was more than twice as fast as the proprietress speed.

The proprietress who was cutting the customer's hair had been paying attention to Xu Wuwu's movements, and her heart was secretly shocked, her eyes almost popped out in horror, she never thought that the speed could be so fast.

If you want to say that Xu Wuwu is sloppy, he just plays with it casually, but people do it very well, it is simply the ultimate combination of speed and perfection!

When the time came, Xu Wuwu first removed the hair of a woman in her 30s, washed off the excess ointment on it, wrapped a towel and sat in front of the haircutting mirror.

The hair had not been dried yet, and anyone with eyes present could see that the perm was perfect, looking at the curved arc, the indescribable hair color was stunned, she didn't know that there was such a ointment hair color in the store.

Blowing dry hair, the woman looked at herself in the mirror, and couldn't believe that the beautiful and intellectual woman inside was her, Xu Wuwu's hairstyle for the customer was Hong Kong wind and big waves, fortunately, the customer's hair was long enough, and the curls she did were more flexible and elegant than those made by other barbers.

Comparing the hairstyle of the first customer with that of the proprietress is simply a day and a place, the customer is simply satisfied, and he took Xu Wuwu's hand again and again to thank her, and before leaving, he did not forget to tell her that he would definitely introduce more guests to her in the future.

The proprietress looked very complicated, and in the end she just sighed helplessly, she recognized that her skills were not as good as others, and suddenly came to the idea after thinking about it, just the little girl said, she has no shop, no potions, nothing, a good thing, she can hire the little girl as a barber in the barber shop to work for her to earn money.

The thought of the little girl's craftsmanship made her eyes glow, and the business in the store was going to be rolling from now on.

Xu Wuwu permed the shoulder egg roll for the woman who was looking for trouble, and the whole hairstyle was at least ten years younger, and the middle-aged woman was simply satisfied, and praised Xu Wuwu's good craftsmanship again and again.

Before leaving, he also gave 140 yuan. Obviously, she was quite satisfied with the hairstyle Xu Wuwu gave her.

The rest of the other customers in the store were simply amazed when they saw the results of those two, and one woman had already discussed with the proprietress how to perm her hair. But at this point she regretted it.

"The little master's skills are good, I'll ask her to help with the hair tomorrow."

The proprietress could only laugh awkwardly what she could say

, "Okay, it's too late today, then you come tomorrow,"

the guest who had been guarding was also quite satisfied with Xu Wuwu's craftsmanship, and was the first to make an appointment for tomorrow's number one.

Xu Wuwu naturally greeted him with a smile, and after the guests left, the proprietress looked at Xu Wuwu with a sincere face.

"What's your name, little girl? Where to learn the art of barbering? It's not easy to have this technique at a young age, the future is immeasurable, the future is immeasurable.

"The proprietress praised it, but should we settle today's money first?"

Hearing her say this, the smile on the proprietress that was smiling with flowers on her face immediately faded, but she smiled again after thinking of something.

"Little girl, you have done me a great favor today, and the money you deserve it should be."

With a smile on her face, she took out 180 yuan from her pocket and handed it to Xu Wuwu.

"Thank you, hostess, I'm sorry for causing trouble to the store today

," "Hey, little girl, what are you talking about?" If I say thank you, I should thank you, if you don't make a move today, I'm afraid I will be in big trouble, alas, although the private industry has just emerged, but it is not easy to do!

"By the way, little girl, you haven't said your name yet?" Where do people have jobs?

"My name is Xu Wuwu, I am from the countryside below, and I don't have a job yet, but I want to open a barber shop."

She did not shy away from telling her that she wanted to open a barber shop, and the proprietress listened, how could this work, with the hand that Xu Wuwu had just revealed, if she really went to open a barber shop, then where would they still have room for survival? Isn't this pushing people to a dead end?

"Comrade Xu is not so easy to open a store now, not only do you have to run all kinds of procedures, you also have to rent a house by yourself, and how dangerous it is for you to open a store alone at a little girl's house, just like today, there are not many such customers, and not only that, there will be those who have nothing to do."

"It's okay, if something happens, I can solve it."

Xu Wuwu smiled, her face was light and breezy, as if what happened today seemed irrelevant to her.

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid? Although you handled today's affairs perfectly, what if you encounter that kind of unreasonable? This kind of thing is not impossible, otherwise why don't you come to the eldest sister's shop? I'll pay you 200 yuan a month.

Xu Wuwu looked at her with a smile, his eyes were playful, and he opened his mouth when he looked at the proprietress like this, thinking that she only made two hairs today, and earned 180 yuan, which was completely based on technology, and the 200 yuan she opened was like a joke.

But at today's price, this salary is definitely rare

, "Comrade Xu, don't dislike the 200 yuan to open less, in fact, the business is not easy to do now, and it is not as profitable as you imagined, in addition to labor costs and rent, you have to pay taxes to the state, and there are a group of hooligans nearby, they will ask each store for protection money, so life is not easy."

"Ah, it turns out that the market is so bad now, but I still don't drag you down, and I'm ready to go it alone?"

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