Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 296: The world is discussing how to eat me 6

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Mozu Blood Sakura deliberately ran towards a crowded place. How could there be so many mortals here? He concealed his breath. Now if he does n’t say it, I ’m afraid no one can see this shrinking in the street. In the corners and corners, the old man who was embarrassed was the infamous demon ancestor.

Qing Jue took Tang Qing all the way west, although he was looking for the Devil Ancestor, but the laid-back posture seemed to be playing in the mountains and the water, not at all like looking for people.

Tang Qing has just come into this world, and it has risen very much along the way. Look at this and look at it again. The little eggs are very lively.

Qing Jue also spoiled her, letting her jump around in her palm until she came to a prosperous street.

"Xiaowuyou, do you want me to buy you a dress?"

When Tang Qing heard it, he was also intrigued. This eggshell was so ugly. It would be great to find some clothing to cover it, so he nodded and said, "Okay, okay."

Because in the human world, she deliberately lowered her voice, fearing that someone would find her strange, but fortunately this street is very lively, although many people noticed Qing Jue, but no one noticed her small hand in her .

Qing Jue never went shopping to buy clothes for others. Under such zero experience, a boss wanted to pit him.

"This guy, look at this suit, it looks great with this egg." After finishing, he seemed afraid that he wouldn't want to. He took a pair of scissors and cut a large piece of cloth with two clicks, then stepped forward as if he wanted to wrap To that egg.

As soon as Tang Qing looked at the color, the whole egg laying was not good. Look at this color, but it is not the fabric of the charming northeast big jacket!

It's already ugly, and with this big red dress full of small flowers, it can be smashed directly!

Anyway, it's also a fairy. Even if you don't have much experience, you know that this color is really spicy. Just looking at the black egg rolling back and forth in your hand, you can't help but slightly raise the corner of your lips, "Cut one and see."

The boss was thinking about buying and selling. This fabric has been in use for some years. If he ca n’t sell it, he can only throw it away. At present, this young man has extraordinary temperament, and he must have a lot of money. If he sees him cut the fabric, Even if he did n’t want to, he would give some money. Ruyi's abacus was pretty good, but he didn't expect this boy to actually try it. For a while, he was dumbfounded.

This young man, holding this egg is ugly enough, but he can still look at his cloth, this aesthetic is simply amazing.

Although I vomited in my heart, my hands and feet were very easy to use: "Good boy, wait a minute, there is a tailor at the back of this shop. I will get it right for you with this little needle and thread." Ran out immediately.

The boss ran away, but Tang Qing was angry!

Looking at the gradient of the lines on the black egg in his hand, Qing Jue seemed to guess what she was going to do, so she didn't wait for her to take it, but actually gave her to her.

"Worry-free, you can't move now, otherwise people will be scared."

In the cold and pleasant voice, Tang Qing was angry and fart! Say yes to treat her well, this day hasn't arrived yet, there is no egg right?

The boss was very fast. After a while, he walked out with the little jacket, and even said with great enthusiasm: "Son, do you want me to put on your eggs?"

Tang Qing, who was still angry for a moment, and after hearing the boss's words, the whole egg was stupid. At this time, she was full of words echoing in her mind.

It's your egg ... your egg ...

Compared with Tang Qing, Qing Jue was very calm, not only dressed her personally, but even appreciated it.

I have to say that the black egg is ugly, and with this outfit, it is simply ugly! However, Qing Jue didn't feel ugly. Instead, he reached out and touched the round egg. "It's a good match."

Hearing this, the system endured a burst of laughter and then said, "Oh, our Qingqing is not the same as the flamboyant outsiders!"

Tang Qing: "... You can shut up!"

Rao is a well-known cloth selling boss who looked at this scene. He couldn't boast about it.

"People ... You think you look good." When it comes to this, he is really not good at killing people, because he thinks that this good-looking son may not have a good brain.

Qing Juesi did not know that he was treated as an intellectual disability, and left the cloth shop after paying the bill.

Walking out of the cloth shop, although Tang Qing was relieved of his curse, he didn't want to move at all, but he didn't want to. Qing Jue's voice came over his head.

"Looking like this, nobody should recognize you in the future."

As soon as the words came out, Tang Qing was shocked for a moment. Now his entire egg life is wrapped in this red flower jacket. Who can think of such a thing that can upset the Three Realms?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that she should not be angry, because he was also for his own good.

Qing Jue saw that the ugly egg in his hand was rubbing himself hard, and could not help making a chuckle. His little guy was still cheating like before.

Tang Qing didn't know that she was deceived. This would be full of touch, but when she was half moved, she suddenly became quiet.

Seeing that, Qing Jue reached out and nodded her chubby eggshell, "Do you feel it too?"

The round egg couldn't make a nod, so she jumped twice in the warm palm, indicating that she was the same as he thought.

Mozu Blood Sakura curled up in the corner at the moment. Although he was seriously injured, he did not dare to treat himself. After all, the first-grade elixir would definitely leak out. He can only rely on himself at this moment to repair this little by little. Broken body.

Seeing that it was getting dark, just when he thought he had escaped temporarily, a copper plate suddenly dropped on his face.

Suddenly, his self-esteem as a demon ancestor made him unable to break his mouth and scolded, "I'm not a beggar to take back your broken stuff!"

"Looking at what you are doing now, I thought you were a beggar." Qing Jue's casual mouth opened, but his eyes looked at him like he looked at the dead.

The Mozu was horrified. He slowly raised his head, with unbelievable, clearly he had condensed his breath, why can he still find it, is it true that as he said before, will Heaven not allow him? But why is this man ruining the heavens and the earth, but Heavenly Dao still allows him to walk in this world intact?

This is not fair! unfair!

If Tang Qing knew his thoughts, he would sneer. Heavenly Dao would have been unfair. If it were fair, there would still be her appearance, but now she jumped up with a red flower and wanted to take a good look. How did the devil who dare to refine her die, but did not expect the other party to curse at her: "Ugly things, don't come over!"

Mozu really did not expect that such a spicy-eyed gadget would be the son of the demon of the previous life, and only thought it was a powerful weapon of Qing Jue, and then he sweared.

However, Tang Qing was angry. She knew she was ugly, but she didn't need others to remind her again and again!

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