Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 323: The world is discussing how to eat me 33

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing heard that Miss Egg, her non-existent mouth straightened slightly, looking at the demon shivering and kneeling on the ground, she sighed and said systematically: "Hey, I am destined to be the king, only It ’s a lonely egg, I really want to try some human suffering ~ "

The system listened to such irritating words, and a sentence of intellectual disability was already on the lips, "Yes, human suffering, I know."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Qing was dumbfounded. "Ah, don't ..."

Before she finished, the system said: "Don't what? My king, Qingqing."

Tang Qing cried, "You can't chat happily anymore."

The system smiled, "I have never been happy with you."

Tang Qing thought that he would not wait too long. After all, the address of the Devil Palace was not too concealed and could be found after a little inquiry. However, she landed day after day, and even Emperor Yan came over, but the result did not wait for him.

On this day, the attendant hurriedly ran over, and the devil had already been instructed. Once Yan Emperor came over, he must inform him.

"Wang, there is movement in the Beyond Courtyard." Then, he paused, and said with great respect: "The Emperor Yan is here."

When Tang Qing heard it, he put the matter of Qing Jue aside temporarily. After all, if Emperor Yan came, it must have been a good show, so he ordered the demon king to go to the other court.

Sure enough, as soon as I walked to the other courtyard, I heard a very confused voice, "Girl!"

Jingwei followed the instructions. When Yan Emperor arrived, his already dull eyes moved slightly, and then used a very cruel method to let Yan Emperor look at himself a little bit and slowly die ...

Jing Wei died extremely miserably. There was not a single piece of shiny feathers that had been covered with oil, and the slightly open pointed mouth poked himself in the heart. In this scene, Yan Emperor almost got into trouble.

"Father, calm down! There is something wrong with this!"

That was Yao Ji's voice. Although she was shocked by her sister's sudden hang-up, she calmed down, but guessed that it must be a conspiracy. Some time ago, when the sister learned that she could be resurrected, she was happily impressed. How can you hang yourself suddenly in just a few days?

Yan Di's eyes were scarlet, and in that terrifying look, he asked, "Who would it be! Who killed my daughter!"

Yao Ji looked at his irrational father, opened his mouth, and said angrily: "Look for the devil first, here is his site, the baby girl is in trouble, he can't escape the relationship!"

The words made Emperor Yan recover a little. He murmured, but the words he spoke were extremely lunar, "Yes, find the devil!"

Tang Qing stood outside the courtyard to hear this, and did not plan to hide, and directly ordered the devil to go out.

As soon as the Demon King appeared in the other courtyard, he was attacked by the Yan Emperor, and the successive attacks made people caught off guard.

Tang Qing was stunned for a moment, she hadn't had time to give orders yet! The devil will not fight back! She left him to the present, but didn't want him to die!

However, the demon did not stand silly and let the other party beat, but instead reacted quickly, only to see him raise his hand, the aura suddenly burst in the air, then to see the aura quickly condensed, and finally formed a dark sword, and then saw a sharp Jian Qi directly resisted Yan Emperor's tricks.

Between the electric light and the flint, the surrounding momentum quickly burned the glass. Under the tumult of that huge force, everyone stepped back. As for the dead and secret Jingwei, it was directly shattered into fragments and dropped in the other courtyard. Every corner.

The scene was too bloody, although the shape of Jingwei was not large, but the piece of meat fell right in front of Tang Qing, and the impact was not small.

She stared at the wings that fell in front of her eyes. She moved her lips and couldn't help but say to the system: "Suddenly miss the gluttony?"

The system hasn't responded yet, and directly asked a question, which one she actually said with emotion: "This is fresh wings, even the hair is polished! The fried gold wings are delicious!"

The blood stalk in the throat of the system was half loud, and he spit out, "Frustrated!"

Tang Qing sighed, "How can this be said to be heartbroken, the creature of bird was originally in the human diet."

After this scene happened, Emperor Yan was completely mad. He looked at the devil with a faint face, and the pain and anger of his heart made him breath down.

"Yu Junxie, I killed you!"

The devil still stood motionless, as if frozen, but when the opponent attacked again, he immediately responded quickly.

Emperor Yan was irrational. Fortunately, there was Yao Ji. She immediately pulled back her father and whispered in his ear: "Father, it's not right, you see Sujunxie, why didn't you even open the conversation from beginning to end. Are you looking at his dull look, is it exactly the same as the previous Jingwei. "

The previous short showdown has actually caused Yan Emperor some injuries. During this period, he cleared the heavens and his body had already reached the limit. If it was not for the death of Jingwei to let him burst the limit, he would not be able to move at all.

When Yao Ji saw him stop, he immediately said: "Father, come to Japan to take the lead, let's go back to Heaven and investigate this matter first." After speaking, afraid that he would not leave with himself, he could not help saying: "Father, if you don't go, go back Who avenged the baby girl? "

Yan Di's scarlet pupils regained a trace of clarity, and he looked at the devil hazy, and finally left with a thick unwillingness.

The troublesome person left, but Tang Qing suddenly stared at the demon king, and his eyes seemed to see through.

Half-sounding, the supposedly sluggish demon suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the wicked look, Tang Qing's crystal-clear egg was cracked. It seemed that she finally could not bear it. She gritted her teeth and said, "You are sick!"

The evil-looking Jun Rong began to blur slowly, and then the Qing Leng Jun beauty face that should belong to Qing Jue slowly appeared.

"Then ... can Xiaoyou have medicine?"

Listening to the slow and good mood, Tang Qing was so angry that she waited for him for so long in the magic palace, and even wondered if he had an accident halfway. If Yan Emperor appeared today, she was ready to go out to find him Now, the result! As a result, the **** guy did not appear well in front of her, what role-playing!

"I think you are ill, and there is no cure!"

Qing Jue was wearing a red coat at the moment, which was different from his pastel-colored brocade. This dazzling red brocade accompanied him at the moment like a non-smiling look, and suddenly made his supposedly cold temperament a bit evil.

"Xiaowuyou, where is this going to go?" He looked at the egg that was leaving in a bounced way angrily.

When Tang Qing thought that he had deceived himself so much, let alone answer him, this would not even want to see him!

Upon seeing this, Qing Jue slightly longitudinally blocked her path, and then took her in her hands regardless of her wishes, "Xiao Wuyou doesn't want to know why I want to become the devil?"

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