Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 443: Fairy and cheap, poisonous! 28

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Xiao Qiao looked cute, and she didn't let her grow up much in a year. At the moment, she was lying in the treatment instrument, and her pale face was even more distressing.

Although Tang Qing was already prepared, he was shocked when he saw the situation.

"All hit, life index!"

However, the system did not reply immediately. Instead, it took a long time before slowly saying: "Strange."

Tang Qing's question mark all over his face, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, would you tell me these two words?"

The system, "Oh, it's very weird." After that, I did not forget to add Moe Meng, "This time it's six characters, plus punctuation marks can make up eight characters!"

Tang Qing: ...

This mentally retarded thing!

The originally tense atmosphere was completely lost by the spicy chicken in the system. The star robber who sent Joe back looked at her carefully. Sirius everyone knows that this little follower is a deep lady's favorite. Now he is seriously injured. I don't know if they will anger them, although they are also very innocent.

Tang Qing sighed, "All right, let me go down."

After hearing these words, the star thieves swiftly smoked and all ran fast, afraid that she would regret it suddenly, and then they would be brought back to clean up.

The extra people were gone. Tang Qing looked at Xiao Qiaoyi, who was lying motionless on the therapeutic apparatus, and spoke again, "Give me a good talk!"

This time, the system was n’t funny, but seriously said: "The life index has fallen below 10%, but this index is not dangerous to her." It is also because of this, he said strangely before, if this is a change Almost everyone can say that it is not far from death.

Tang Qing frowned, "Why can't I understand you?"

The system spread its hands, but it was rare not to despise: "Because I can't figure out her physical condition."

Just when she was at a loss, Mo Ju suddenly came over.

"what happened?"

Tang Qing looked at Xiao Qiaoyi, and was a bit discouraged: "Her life characteristics are too strange." Then, she repeated the system with what she said before, how come she just finished, but See Mo Ju suddenly started.

Everything came too suddenly, and when she reacted, Xiao Qiao was seriously injured again, and the system in his mind also reminded again: "Warning, Qiao Yi's life index is less than 5%!"

Tang Qing, "whatthe ****!"

Forgive her for being rude, but she really can't understand the scene in front of her!

Mo Ju didn't realize that he had done something wrong, but instead looked at her in amazement, seeing the expression of the New World, "You actually swear."

Tang Qing was expressionless, "Hehe, I can't think of it."

"It's not expected." In the impression, the little girl in her family almost never swears, even if she is anxious, at most, she stares at herself with those charming eyes. Of course, sometimes he still enjoys being stared by these eyes, after all, it is too charming.

She may not know that even though her appearance has changed countless times, her eyes have almost never changed, and she has clearly experienced various dirty and dark scenes in the world, but she can still remain clear and bright.

And at this moment, the system suddenly spoke again, "Wait, there is a situation!"

With the system, Tang Qing couldn't help but focus on Qiao Yi, but, on the surface, she still didn't change a little.


"Oh my God!"

The system was able to make such surprises twice a day, which really made Tang Qing also curious.

"Qingqing, guess what I saw!"

Tang Qing, "You said so."

The system was shocked, "I actually saw your colleague. Oh, of course, there are my colleagues."

Tang Qing couldn't understand more, but the system still remembered to explain, "Qiao Yi, although it can't be regarded as a human, it is also a fast-wearing mission host, and she also has a system in her body. But, no Knowing what happened to her, she lost all her memory, and even her system seemed to be broken. "

This made Tang Qing completely dumbfounded. She never thought that there could be two hosts in a world, and that the other party still failed!

"Can you reach the other party's system?"

The system shook his head, "No, it's too weak."

Just when she was at a loss, he heard him say again: "But you can try to save Qiao Yi, I guess the power to protect her should come from her system. And, now that I can feel all this It is estimated that she is not far from remembering everything. "

The existence of the golden finger of the magician, and the life-saving panacea in the system mall, to save a person with a life index of less than 5%, it is a breeze, although twenty points are wasted.

Tang Qing, "Yo, our deducted brother is willing to pay this time."

The life-saving pill required 30 points, but this time the system did not let her pay it all, and even took out his 10 points.

The system is very angry, "What is buckling brother! I treat you well, you talk about the devil eggs you play, which cost you money ?!"

Tang Qing pouted, and the devil's egg was not good. When I mentioned it, I remembered some bad memories, but forget it, he did want to help himself.

With the help of one person and one system, Xiao Qiao didn't coma for too long, but in a day, he opened his eyes completely.

Mo Ju stood still aside, seeing her wake up and immediately protecting Tang Qing behind her.

With a single person single heading the entire military department, you can still come back alive. Even Mo Jiu has to be weighed behind him. Such a dangerous character makes him have to defend.

As soon as Qiao woke up again, when he saw him so alert, he could not help laughing, but this smile was with a touch of light, imperceptible sorrow.

"Don't be afraid, although I woke up now, my body is still very bad." Halfway through, she seemed to suddenly think of something, "Mo Ju, your palm is really painful. "

Although she was in a coma, her consciousness was still there, and the trick he played was naturally very clear.

Mo Ju frowned, looking at her like this, but it seemed like she remembered something.


Qiao didn't pay attention to Mo Ju, but instead showed a playful smile to Tang Qing behind him, "Little Miss, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Tang Qing stood behind Mo Ju, just tilted her head and looked at her, "You are ... remembering anything?"

"Yes, for this matter, I really want to thank the little girl." Although she said so, she looked at Mo Ju.

She is very vengeful.

Mo Ju's expression was indifferent, and she didn't show any other emotions because of her eyes, just said: "Since you are sober, then our cooperation is over."

After having memory, Qiao did not hate Mo Ju so much, but in such an indifferent look, he still couldn't help complaining, "Huh, speaking of this cooperation is a bit of a loss, it is me who helped you complete the task I'm still slapped. "

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