Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 74: Brotherhood of Immortal Cultivation 5

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

The only baby daughter of the elder Qingxuzi, looking at the entire Jianxuanzong or Cultivation Realm, and few people did not know it, plus what happened before, several outside disciples suddenly came over.

This repair, I am afraid that it has caused this distinguished young lady again.

But what does this have to do with them?

Even, they have some gloating.

How could Tang Qing not know their minds, but she was too lazy to mind, after all, these are just weak people.

Qi Xiu was quickly found out of the rubble piles, but he was injured one after another within this day. Even if he had taken the Elixir before, no matter how good the Elixir needed to rest, he was so tossed by him, even if he was hit by iron He couldn't bear it anymore, so although he was open now, he was very weak.

It's just that, even if he is weak and difficult to stand, he still looks ruthless.

Tang Qing looked at the blood-stained young boy in front of him, and there was something wrong in his heart, but he said badly on the face, "What are you doing, do you want Miss Ben to ask you to leave? But a servant, dare to leave without permission! It seems that it is necessary for Miss Ben to teach you how to be a competent servant! "After he finished speaking, he was still unmoved and couldn't help but anger:" I haven't followed! "


Qi Xiu was paralyzed, limping and stepped forward.

In front, although Tang Qing left proudly, she kept watching him secretly, and she even slowed down when she heard the movement behind her.

In Xiyao Xiaoyuan, Qi Xiu seemed to be a good learner this time, but he took the initiative to speak.

"Sister, what do I need to do?"

After so much trouble, the sky is a little bit bright. Tang Qing looked at him with a pale face, a look that would faint at any time, pinched his nose, his face was disgusted, "Go to the bath, Miss Ben do n’t want a stinky one. People are waiting for me! "

"Oh." Qi Xiu had already fainted in his eyes, and he didn't faint by holding on. He just finished saying this, and he didn't wait for him to turn around to leave. The whole person was black, but, the sister who clearly hated him, How could there be a look of worry in the moment before his coma?

Tang Qing was shocked when he saw him fainting, and even stepped forward without even noticing that he still had a trace of consciousness.

Fortunately, it does not matter.

However, although the person is okay, she began to suffer.

"System, you said I asked someone to help him, or did I do it myself?"

The system, "The unconscious man, do you think other people will fall into the rock? After all, this one can offend you on the surface, maybe someone will please you and try to toss him again."

Systematic words, let Tang Qing rest this thought.

Qi Xiu is about the same age as Feng Yao, but it is clear that he is already a 16-year-old boy, but he is very light in his hugs. Even Tang Qing is not too tired. After silently pitying him, but when she walked to the hot spring water, she began to be in trouble.

This is a teenager, she can't take off her clothes!

The system seemed to perceive her thoughts, and suddenly said quietly, "Qingqing, do you remember Chu Yue? Whether it is a teenager or an adult man, the clothes can't be taken off."

This completely stimulated her, and Mrs. Chu Yue of the previous life would hide. If he had torn his face until the end, she still thought he hated himself. Who can think of him as a pig and a tiger!

Without any hesitation, Tang Qing directly threw the person into the hot spring water.

The temperature of the hot spring water was moderate, and she added a few drops of the spiritual spring water in her space. The spiritual spring water had the same effect as the spiritual water of this world. After the incense time passed, Qi Xiu opened his eyes again.

Qi Xiu, who had never felt so comfortable, had a moment of unwillingness to open his eyes, but ... he had to be vigilant for years of experience.

However, there was no one around the hot spring water except the brand-new clothes scattered on the ground.

Without the outsider, Qi Xiu's eyes, like the backwaters, finally had a touch of emotion.

There is spiritual water in the hot spring water, he is sure, after all, he had just been in contact with him yesterday, and it is impossible to admit his mistake. It ’s just that the spiritual water should not leave the spiritual pool for too long, otherwise it will have no effect. Reiki, it was proved that someone put him in this hot spring before adding Lingshui.

Lingshui is very precious, who would do this?

At this time, Feng Yao's face suddenly appeared in her mind. Although she disliked herself very much, he did not reject her, because compared with others, the so-called embarrassment she gave was nothing at all, even intentional. Inadvertently, he also helped himself.

I don't know if it was the first time I was so cared for by someone, and my ever-dead heart felt a beat.

Qi Xiu slowly raised his hand and touched the heart of his chest. Such a beating made him very fascinated, even crazy to ask for more ...

In another place, Tang Qing didn't know that he had almost dropped the vest. This would be seriously practicing the exercises given by cheap dads until he glanced at the blue figure.

"Hey, that servant."

Although Qi Xi wondered whether she had done the previous move, he didn't speak, but instead walked forward quietly, until she spoke.

"Pick up the scrap metal on the ground to practice with Miss Ben. I'll see if you can win that Miss Lucky that way!" Tang Qing raised her head proudly, which should have been disgusting. It's like, but I don't know if it is accompanied by the clear eyes without magazines, and it almost makes people fall.

After a short absence, Qi Xiu picked up the scrap iron on the ground and said that it was scrap iron. In fact, it was just an ordinary sword that had not been unsealed.

What Tang Qing holds is the Feiyu sword presented by the cheap father. The sword is as light as a feather, but it is extremely sharp.

The first-level magic weapon, but can't stand the sword bearer is only in the middle period of gas refining, while Qi Xiu has already refined gas in the next period. Even if you hold this ordinary iron sword, there is still a possibility of winning. However, he should have been able to win, but in the end deliberately put water.

Tang Qing didn't notice his small movements, but raised his lips and smiled triumphantly, "Miss Ben knew that **** was only a fluke! How could an outside disciple win me."

Qi Xiu collapsed, but his dark heart was illuminated by that bright smile, which made him reluctant to look away.

"Servant, are you willing to lose?" Since you want to humiliate, you have to be humiliated completely.

Qi Xiu wanted to say willingly, but he didn't dare. He couldn't say this in his own way, so he didn't speak, but just picked up the sword and climbed up silently from the ground.

"Sister Sister still wants me to do something."

Tang Qing understands what it feels like to play on cotton in a lap, although she is just acting, but it also needs the cooperation of the other party!

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