ps: The protagonist now officially uses the name of his previous life - Qin Yiguan.

Hua La La~

The silver essence is rolling and surging.

The essence of the third-level Gu Master is silver.

The initial level of essence is as smooth as water, with only a shallow layer, so it is called light silver essence.

The intermediate level of essence is silvery and mottled, with some deep and some light, like the dew in the morning, so it is called flower silver essence.

The high-level essence has uniform silver light, bright and soft, called bright silver essence.

The peak essence is silvery white like snow, delicate and dense, known as snow silver essence.

At this moment, Qin Yiguan's empty cavity is mainly composed of the bright silver essence refined by the seven-fragrant wine worm, supplemented by the self-produced flower silver essence.

In the surging sea of ​​essence, there are a group of Gu worms floating.

The old Gu, who was full of sorrow and unhappy, swayed his body and drifted with the small and exquisite, purple-leaved Gu.

Like a blooming Epiphyllum, the white and jade-like Life-Endless Gu settled in a corner and floated on the sea.

The Three-Step Grass Gu was like a tender green grass ball, hiding alone under the wall of the hole, not daring to approach the center.

The Steel Bristle Gu, with black needles and hair all over its body, like a sea urchin, sank to the bottom of the sea and crawled slowly. Not far away were the Love Parting Gu with the appearance of a black spider and the Shadow Running Gu emitting black mist.

The Thunder Wing Gu, with a pair of lightning wings, was like a gorgeous butterfly, living on the back and turning into a lightning tattoo.

The Wind Seeking Gu, which looked like a green whirlwind, was located on the soles of the feet.

The Blood Moon Gu and the Moon Xuan Gu, which were distinctly red and green, parasitized Qin Yiguan's left and right palms respectively.

The cage grass woven with creeping stems and grass strips, and the crystal-textured, dark blue bud Gu, turned into green clouds and blue lines, attached to the mouth and arms.

The slender, long-segmented scorpion poison Gu turned into a small section of cartilage, parasitizing at the end of Qin Yiguan's spine, between his thighs, without affecting his daily sitting and lying.

The flat, thin eagle eye Gu attached to the iris of Qin Yiguan's right eye.

The soft and smooth body, ring-shaped shape, and dense tiny hairs on the edge of the poison mist Gu parasitized the inside of the nasal cavity and swayed with the rhythm of breathing.

The blue and white, holy and elegant Tianyuan Baojun Lotus was firmly rooted at the bottom of the cavity, and the petals swayed like a clear spring, continuously producing natural true essence, gurgling.

However, the most eye-catching thing in the cavity at this moment was a delicate, spotted leopard leg-shaped "little sausage", which was radiant and shining on Qin Yiguan's body, nourishing every inch of muscle and tendon, and the black iron bones were matte.

The numbness and itchiness that accompanied the use of the beast power Gu were happening all the time, but it was difficult to make Qin Yiguan's face show the slightest ripple.

Since using the Iron Bone Gu and enduring the heart-wrenching pain, Qin Yiguan personally felt that his tolerance for pain had been significantly improved. When faced with a little burning and stinging, his reaction to touch was temporarily slowed down, and it seemed like dementia and loss of feeling to others.

There was a sense of "once you have seen the sea, you will never be satisfied with the water again".

About a quarter of an hour later, Qin Yiguan stopped the infusion of true essence, stood up and opened the two door curtains one after another, and left the tent.

What he saw was that under the setting sun and clouds, the mountains were full of bustling crowds, and the hawking of ordinary people in the distance was endless.

Qin Yiguan looked around twice and retracted his gaze.

Since he finished using the Iron Bone Gu, he joined Jia Gui's caravan and has been winding north for a week.

Jia Gui was quite fond of him, and the various resettlement benefits were quite high. He only asked the caravan to help when it encountered trouble.

The independent large tent was also equipped with some servants, but they were all driven away by Qin Yiguan with excuses.

And all of this was obtained by using the bright silver true essence refined by the seven-fragrant wine worm to pretend to be a high-level third-level cultivation.

Only strength is everything!

Shuttled between giant toads and black-skinned fat beetles, Qin Yiguan walked vigorously, turned left and right, and moved towards the front of the team.

The scale of the entire caravan was only that of a medium-sized caravan, with only one fourth-level Gu Master Jia Gui, nearly forty third-level Gu Masters, and more than 200 second-level Gu Masters as the backbone, not to mention the first-level Gu Masters who were responsible for logistical assistance.

The number of Gu Masters in the entire caravan alone was comparable to the strength of a medium-sized mountain village.

The leader of the caravan was naturally Jia Gui, and most of the caravan members were also from the Jia family. Of course, there are also some Gu Masters who defected and joined other villages along the way, and their strengths are uneven.


Passing by a notice board, he saw two new wanted posters posted on the wall. The Yuanshi bounty is quite high. The information price alone is 1,000 Yuanshi, and the arrest price is 5,800 Yuanshi.

Looking at the wanted posters, the two familiar faces made him feel very close.

Fang Yuan is still the same Fang Yuan. Even though the lines of his facial features are a little blurred after repeated rubbing, the eyes that burst out of his bright eyes are particularly vivid.

In addition, what made him look more closely was the female version of Bai Ningbing.

A melon-shaped face, beautiful features, clear contours, high nose and jade neck, a pair of smart eyes, looking around and shining, charming, and cold.

It must be said that Bai Ningbing's appearance after becoming a woman is really unique!

"I think they should have already set off from Ziyou Mountain, right? Tsk tsk, Shang Xinci~"

After a while, Qin Yiguan arrived in front of a huge tent with strict security and a black flag on the top of the tent.

The guard at the door saw Qin Yiguan coming and took the initiative to bow and salute, opened the curtain, revealing a curtain of rushing water, and then activated the poisonous insect to make a gap for one person to pass through.

As soon as I stepped inside, the water curtain instantly recovered, and the noise that had just faintly penetrated my ears was swept away, leaving only the sound of the water flowing and the whispers of the people inside the tent.

"It also has a soundproofing effect!"

Qin Yiguan took five steps forward, opened a door curtain again, and officially entered the venue.

The venue is ring-shaped with a diameter of seven feet, somewhat similar to the Colosseum in previous generations. The edges are convex and sunken toward the center, and there are seats all around.

At this moment, a group of Gu Masters were sitting around in twos and threes, all turning three or three times, waiting for the opening ceremony. When Qin Yiguan arrived, many people greeted him, and Qin Yiguan responded with a smile.

As a pieced together group, the caravan also has a small market inside. Transactions between mortals occur almost every day, while transactions between Gu Masters occur once every seven days, and the grades are also different.

Qin Yiguan's arrival attracted the attention of some people to a certain extent, and they secretly watched his movements.

This ring-shaped seat looks like you can sit anywhere, but in fact there are differences.

People come and go in the caravan, and they are in the wild. The objective conditions make it form a small, closed society for a short time.

Among them, there are also differences.

Those mortals who have no food to eat are at the bottom as always. There are very few who can become the servants or maids of the Gu Master and can use their power to bully others.

Further up, there are Gu Masters of course, and they are distinguished by cultivation. Rank three is the top level, and the top is the only rank four - Jia Gui!

This situation is not much different from the situation in Qingmao Mountain. Qin Yiguan can skillfully integrate into it with his experience.

He chose a location that was close to a group of small forces, but not far from the Jia family's Gu Masters. He had interactions with both parties without neglecting any one party.

Qin Yiguan knew very well that his identity was that of a foreign Gu Master of unknown origin, and gathering people to unite without overly revealing his deviation from the major forces was a reasonable behavior consistent with his identity.

After a while, Qin Yiguan chatted and laughed with both parties, secretly approached a group of small forces, and received a warm welcome.

A quarter of an hour later, the transaction officially started.

Instead of making noise like ordinary people, the Gu Masters stood up in turn, walked to the center of the venue, and stated their demands, whether to sell or buy, and everyone then made a quotation.

As a newcomer, Qin Yiguan should be ranked last.

This also allowed him to have an overview of the whole situation.

To be honest, Qin Yiguan's current demand is not much. Unless something like the third-level silver relic Gu appears, he will be willing to take action.

He had collected most of the other poisonous food in Red Salt Mountain, and there were still a lot of moon orchid petals, which he could manage for more than half a year. On weekdays, he only needed to feed the Leopard Power Gu and buy some leopard meat.

After looking back and forth for more than an hour, it was Qin Yi's turn to watch.

But Qin Yiguan was not in a hurry, and simply shook his head to indicate that he had no need. Immediately, the trade fair came to an end and everyone dispersed.

In the next seven days, Qin Yiguan followed the caravan and slowly headed north.

Occasionally, it would be fine to kill some charging beasts, but most of the time it would be used to warm and nourish the body.

The high-grade bright silver essence extracted from the seven-flavored wine bug is still much more durable than the self-produced flower silver essence, and the temperature and maintenance efficiency has been improved by leaps and bounds.

When the second Gu Master Trade Fair was called, Qin Yiguan finally took action and used Yuan Stone to buy a second-turn Moon Dao Gu worm from a Jia family Gu Master.

Thanks to Unlucky Boy 2 for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to Suye Fengxi for the 100 starting coin reward! Thanks to liyanddd for the 100 starting coin reward!

There will be another update soon...

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