Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 93 Blue Face Gu

"Brother Qin, we are here at the right time. In five days, there will be an auction in the city, and then there will be a trade fair between Gu masters. Maybe there will be a lot of scarce materials!"

Zheng Shanchuan's face was slightly red, and he was excited. After that, he handed Qin Yiguan a list booklet.

Regarding the plan of using Green Yao Gu to treat poison injuries, the old man Qishan agreed in principle. He had just searched around the city but found nothing. He didn't expect to know this news by accident.

Qin Yiguan nodded in agreement, opened the booklet, and flipped through the pages.

The booklet was not thick, with only more than ten pages. There were only two items written in it, the name of the auction item and the starting price.

Perhaps due to repeated printing, the font and ink were slightly deformed and crooked, and there were some ink spots on the opposite page.

He looked at the pages, stopping from time to time to recall the information.

The auction items covered a wide range of categories, with a wide variety of types and high grades, including Relic Gu.

"Fist Stone Gu, Sand-Transforming Gu, Earth Prison Gu... There are a lot of Earth Dao Gu worms!" Qin Yiguan muttered to himself, and turned another page. He glanced at one of the columns and found that there were actually three-turn Stone Orifice Gu for sale, and they were sold in dozens. The price was quite cheap.

He also saw several Moon Dao Gu materials needed for refining Gu, and he took note of them.

Since learning the Dao refining skills from the old man Qishan, Qin Yiguan's own Dao refining level has improved a lot. He needs to refine a lot of Gu and put the theory into practice. This auction is just in time.

He gently closed the booklet and returned it to the other party, and asked casually, "What is the situation of the Gu Master Trade Fair?"

Just looking at Zheng Shanchuan's state, he can feel that the latter seems to be far better than the auction.

"The trade fair and the auction are actually similar. They are both transactions, but they focus more on bartering. Most of the participants are high-level Gu Masters, and Gu worms are also rarer. Maybe there will be Green Radiance Gu!"

Qin Yiguan understood.

Due to some well-known reasons, resources in Zhongzhou are relatively scarce, and it is difficult for small forces and independent cultivators to practice. Resource exchange is inevitable, and the trade fair came into being.

In order to ensure the level of the trade fair, the participating Gu Masters must have a cultivation level of at least the third level, which raises the threshold. However, in Zhongzhou, where Gu Masters are numerous, there are still a large number of Gu Masters who meet the requirements and can participate, so the auction and the trade fair are connected.

After a while, Qin Yiguan and Zheng Shanchuan were able to meet with the old man Qishan and go to handle the procedures for participating in the meeting, revealing their true essence and showing their cultivation level.

While waiting for the auction, news came one after another that Gu Masters were repeatedly poisoned by the Blood Dao Demon Cultivators, and the victims were no longer limited to low-level Gu Masters, and some third-level Gu Masters began to die.

However, more information about the Blood Dao Demon Cultivators was finally sent back.

The fourth-level cultivation level, the middle-aged man... and a rough portrait.

But in the Gu world with many Gu Masters who can change their appearance, such a rough portrait is really not enough to play any role.

There were also rumors that the blood-path demon cultivator had sneaked into the city. For a time, the people in the city were in a panic.

Inn bedroom

A ball of light bloomed softly and white, and the light was as bright as fire.

Qin Yiguan kept throwing Yuanshi into the ball of light with his left hand to stabilize the state of the ball of light, and held two poisonous insects in his right hand, staring at it, and feeling it silently.


His hand was like a snake coming out of a hole, and he stretched it straight, and the two poisonous insects in the palm of his hand flew out, one after the other, and merged into the ball of light.

A burst of light flashed rapidly, illuminating the room, and the ball of light suddenly set off layers of waves, and the waves continued.

Qin Yiguan held his breath and concentrated, trying his best to control the sudden fusion of poisonous insects.

This feeling gave him the difficulty as if he was holding a plate and throwing two beer bottles. Not only did he have to catch one of the bottles steadily to ensure that the plate was not broken, but he also had to make the other bottle face down and catch it again with the mouth of the bottle facing the mouth of the bottle.

It requires both strength to lift and cleverness.


The ball of light broke, and the two Gu worms fell down, and none of them survived.

Seeing this, Qin Yiguan combined the experience taught by the old man Qishan and summarized himself.

"My soul, which has been strengthened, helped to survive the impact of the thoughts when the Gu worms merged continuously to a certain extent. The failure may be a problem of timing control..."

Thinking to this, he took out two Gu worms again and prepared to try again.


A few days later, Qin Yiguan was able to successfully implement the re-casting and refining method for the first time, and the auction came as scheduled.

In the auction venue, Qin Yiguan entered a separate box and separated from the master and apprentice of the old man Qishan.

Although there was a poisonous oath Gu between them, some things were still inconvenient to reveal.

The hall of the venue was crowded with people, and there was a group of three-turn Gu masters guarding the periphery.

Above the hall, there were private boxes distributed in a ring, with a total of three floors.

"Everyone, no more nonsense, the auction will officially begin!

The first item is the third-level silver relic Gu!"

On the high platform of the venue, as soon as the host finished speaking, a silver relic Gu that was only the size of a thumb, spherical in appearance, and shining with a silver-white color was unveiled.

Suddenly, the venue suddenly raised a wave of bids.

"Forty-five thousand!"

"Forty-seven thousand."

"Forty-eight thousand and five!"


The price of the silver relic Gu was close to the high price at the beginning, and the subsequent bid increase slowed down, but bidders still emerged in an endless stream.

Obviously, this kind of treasure Gu that can enable Gu Masters to quickly break through a small realm is particularly popular in the Central Continent.

After the bid crossed the threshold of 50,000 Yuanshi, the number of subsequent bidders suddenly decreased, leaving only eight or nine people, and the bid increase also dropped to 100 yuan.

Finally, after a tough competition, a Gu Master who had never spoken in a private room next to Qin Yiguan offered an extremely high price of 58,000 yuan, and the final word was settled.

In the room, Qin Yiguan was eating a fruit plate and subconsciously looked towards the next room, but unfortunately there was a wall blocking him and he could not see anything.

He was suppressed by the aura of Zhongzhou, and his empty cavity contained snow silver true essence, but he only had the third-turn initial stage of cultivation to use it. Even if he used another silver relic Gu, it would be useless.

In the subsequent auctions, Qin Yiguan rarely made a move. Except for the expected few pieces of Moon Dao Gu materials, one of which was lost, he won twelve third-turn stone cavity Gu.

After using the stone cavity Gu, the Gu Master's potential can be squeezed out, and the cultivation level will instantly rise to the peak level in the great realm, but it will also lose the ability to recover the true essence, which is a level of letting go before death.

Qin Yiguan bought so many stone cavity Gu in order to refine the fourth-turn Moon Shadow Gu.

He had long coveted the special ability to suppress the true essence of others' empty acupoints.

Since he couldn't improve himself, he might as well choose to 'degrade' others!

In addition, the Gu Master in the next box who had bought the silver relic Gu before was extraordinary and bought a lot of Gu worms, which made him look sideways.


"Everyone, please look at this Gu worm, the third turn - Blue Face Gu!"

The host raised his hand, and another Gu worm was put on the platform to show everyone.

Its back shell is oval, smooth and round, like a mirror, with an inward edge and a convex middle. The whole body is blue, and the mouthparts and tentacles are all at the bottom of the shell. The width of the palm is just enough to cover the face of an adult male.

"This Gu can be considered!" Qin Yiguan stared at the Blue Face Gu on the platform, which was like a ball of blue dots.

This Gu can change the appearance of male Gu Masters and has a wide range of applications. It is quite tempting for him.

Looking into the empty acupoint, he saw that the old Gu had no expression on his face, neither happy nor angry, and was calculating the possible expenses at the future trade fair...

Then take it too!

After everyone made several offers, Qin Yiguan made a decisive move and successfully won it in one fell swoop.

After a while, the Blue Face Gu was sent to the private box where it was, and the Yuanshi was delivered and the transaction was completed on the spot.

He lifted the Blue Face Gu and found that it was like rice paper.

With the call of true essence, the Blue Face Gu, which was just like a feather, suddenly became heavy and reached the weight of a weight in a moment.

The flat back shell, as the mind changes, successively molded out the facial features, except for the eyes, mouth and nose, which were lifelike.

Qin Yiguan was like kneading plasticine in his previous life, playing with it wantonly, and faces appeared on the back shell of the Blue Face Gu one after another.


He suddenly had a bad taste, and after the face was adjusted, he gently covered it on his face.

The magical thing is that the Blue Face Gu, which was as heavy as a weight just now, immediately became as light as a cicada's wing, accompanied by bursts of blue light, and covered the face without any abnormality.

This face was ordinary, with regular features, but not particularly outstanding. It was the kind that you would not be able to distinguish if you threw it into a crowd without a little guidance.

Only his eyes were shining with a strange light.

The next second, he said in a playful tone:

"Now, if Fang Zheng comes, he has to call me brother, hahaha!"

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