"...Let my magic merge with yours?"

After hearing what Youyu said, Liu Meng was stunned for a while, and began to quickly think about the feasibility of this plan.


After thinking carefully, Liu Meng raised her head, then looked at Youyu, and said with some difficulty:

"Youyu, your plan is indeed good. If it can be successfully completed, it can indeed defeat the enemy."

"But the problem is..."

After a moment of silence, Liu Meng shook her head and sighed.

"I think I may not be able to do it myself."

"Although the situation is indeed as you said, the reason why this card did not hurt you but played a protective role is related to my own wishes."

"However, even if the power of the magical girl is similar to the power of idealism, it is still difficult to fully exert its power, because magic is a very abstract thing... It is not what I want it to play, otherwise I would have cured my sister long ago."

"So... I don't know what method I need to rely on to make it merge with you smoothly."

Paused for a while After that, Liu Meng continued:

"Although in theory, if I add more magic power to that card, it will be more effective, and you... will also have the opportunity to use the power of that card."

"But if I add too much magic power to this card... then it will not be a tool for protection, but a weapon for fighting."

"At that time, this card is likely to be out of control, causing you... to have an accident."


"Is that so..."

Seeing Liu Meng fall silent after saying this, You Yu did not speak and began to think.

Then, as if he had made a decision, he said with an apologetic tone:

"But now, there is no other way except this one."

"I think you should understand, Liu Meng."


"I know... it is very difficult for you to make this choice."

"In your personal opinion, no matter which way or which method, the chance of my survival is not very high, it is nothing more than 0% and 1%."

"But... we can't not do it because of the risk."

"No matter how much we escape, we still have to face reality in the end."


"Even if it is according to what I said before, if it is not me who fights, but you who fights-"

"Can you really accept that your sister has an accident because of this battle?"


Listening to the questions asked by Youyu, Liu Meng opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she didn't know how to start.

Seeing her wavering, Youyu continued:

"So... instead of waiting until the end and facing that difficult choice, you might as well make a choice for me right now."

"At least for me, you should be able to relax a lot."






However, just as Liu Meng was about to speak, a green lightning struck Youyu's back, exploding "blood".

After taking a deep breath, Youyu looked at Liu Meng, and after making sure she was not injured, he slowly stood up and looked back.

Then he saw that he raised an arm again and pointed it at his gray shadow.

And in his unraised hand, he also picked up the sword he had thrown away. After all, the sword was formed by negative emotions, and he could make another one at any time.

Seeing the gray shadow approaching, Youyu knew that time was running out, so he sighed and said to Liu Meng:

"I'm sorry, Liu Meng, I can't say much to you now, you must make a choice immediately."

"If... it's really hard for you to make a decision, or you're afraid that you can't control the power of the card, just remember what I said--"

After taking a deep breath, Youyu continued:

"... I want to live, Liu Meng."

"So... please!"

After saying this, Youyu turned around, turned his back to Liu Meng, and took a fighting stance again.

Then, he dragged his already broken body, raised his fist, and rushed forward again.

Now... he wanted to take the gray shadow away from here to prevent their fight from accidentally injuring Liu Meng.

As for what the next result would be.

That depends on Liu Meng's decision.

"Hmph,Do you dare to come and seek death without knowing your own strength? It's useless except saving my time!"

"If I don't get closer to you... how can I beat you up in the face? !"

While saying words to encourage himself and feeling the lightning bursting around him, Youyu's speed gradually increased - and then he swung a heavy punch at the sword raised by the gray shadow.


"Humph! Your strength is still... wait, why did it suddenly become stronger? ! "

After taking Youyu's attack, Huiying snorted coldly. Just as he was about to deflect his fist and attack him, he found that his movements this time were not as easy as before!

After a closer look, he found that Youyu's fist that attacked him had a yellow light at some point!

And that light... was the magic power of a magical girl!

It was not only "burning" the sword in his hand, but also "burning" his own body.

"No wonder this sword can't exert its power..."

"Although I don't know how you got the power of a magical girl...but do you think this kind of suicide attack is really useful?"

As he said that, Huiying suddenly exerted force, relying on "strong bricks flying", and forcibly repelled Youyu back.

Then he held the sword with both hands, slashed it diagonally from top to bottom, and cut it on Youyu's body, causing a burst of sparks.

"Hmm! "

After being knocked back by this attack, Youyu rolled on the ground for a distance before stopping.

After stopping, Youyu didn't bother to check his injuries, and forced himself to stand up again.

Then, facing the gray shadow, without too many words, he just panted heavily and raised his fist again.

After all, now... he no longer has the "strength" to use special abilities.

He can only rely on his current fists to block the attack of the gray shadow.


"So just now, you have been fighting like this? "

Looking at Youyu falling down and standing up again, Liu Meng thought of the noises she heard when she came here, and couldn't help muttering.

Then, she lowered her head and looked at the yellow gem hanging on her neck, and thought of what Youyu had just said-

[I want to live...]



"It seems that there is no way..."

After sighing, Liu Meng was silent for a while, then her expression became serious, and she stretched out her hand and grasped the yellow gem on her neck.

Now, there is really no choice.

After all... Youyu has already said that kind of words to her... those very "cunning" words that forced her to make a choice.

So no matter what...

"I can't refuse it."

"Even if I can't do it, I have to do my best. "

Looking at the gemstone emitting yellow light, Liu Meng exhaled, then looked up at You Yu.

"You Yu..."

Looking at her fighting with the gray shadow with all her strength, Liu Meng said firmly to him and herself in her heart:

"I will definitely let you survive..."

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