After the sword was swung at the huge yellow gem, the next moment, the yellow gem shattered! Shattered into countless pieces!

Then... those fragments gradually covered Youyu's whole body from bottom to top and merged with him!

So, what appeared in front of the gray shadow now was——

The dark green on his body was replaced with golden yellow, and his arms, legs, and chest... were covered with rocks, like a warrior wearing armor.

And the "hood" he wore also turned golden, and a horn grew at the front of his head.

The sword in his hand also turned into a heavy sword.

And the face... was covered by a mask with a red glow, a V-shaped "eye", and a heavy armor.

"Hmm... not bad, a representative of the power type?"

Through the light reflected by the greatsword, Youyu saw clearly what he looked like now - a powerful "tank" form, which was the only way he could describe it. It is worth mentioning that after changing his form, his body became larger, probably because of the magic power.

"Then... it's time to put an end to this battle."

After watching for a while, Youyu did not forget that there was a gray shadow in front of him, so he raised his head and looked at the gray shadow supporting the upper body.

Then, he sneered disdainfully, carried the greatsword horizontally on his shoulder, and "knocked" it from time to time, making a terrifying sound.

"Ahem... ahem! Damn... what kind of monster did that snake knight create..."

Watching Youyu taking steps and listening to the sound of steady voices getting louder and louder, the gray shadow knew that his body was about to be destroyed here, so he did not run away, raised his head, and tried his best to collect Youyu's data.

But... strangely, his detection of Youyu's body seemed to be blocked by a certain existence, and he could not see anything at all!

The only thing he could see was the scene of his body constantly enlarging.

"... I have no interest in torturing you."

After arriving in front of the gray shadow, Youyu snorted, then squatted down, grabbed the gray shadow's head with one hand, which was exposed due to the damage of the battle, and lifted him up.

After lifting him up, Youyu did not crush his head immediately, but began to... test something.

I saw that his arm that grabbed the gray shadow began to emit a golden light.


"...?! What are you doing?! Why can you..."

The gray shadow clearly felt at this moment that the few negative emotions left in his body were being rapidly absorbed. If it was just this, he would not be shocked.

What really shocked him was that Youyu could actually transform his negative emotions into magic power in this way? ! No... It doesn't look like magic power, but more like a new energy!

"Damn it! What the hell are you?!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Gray Shadow no longer intended to continue his useless efforts, so he activated the self-destruction system of his body without hesitation, trying to make Youyu stop his current behavior.

"Self-destruction?... Forget it, the test on you is almost done anyway."

Facing Gray Shadow's action, Youyu was not surprised. After all, as he said, his small test just now had the result.

So, after He activated the self-destruction system, Youyu easily threw Gray Shadow high into the air.

Then he held the big sword with both hands...


A simple golden sword energy swung out from the big sword and rushed towards Gray Shadow falling from the air.


Afterwards, accurately, before His self-destruction began, His body was cut in half and fell to the ground, making a clicking sound.

After watching the gray shadow being cut in half, falling to the ground, and disappearing into black dust, Youyu "heaved a sigh of relief", knowing that this battle was finally over.

So, he turned around and prepared to return to Liu Meng's side.


"Youyu! Great... You, you really won!"

Liu Meng took a step ahead and ran to him.

At this moment, the expression on her face was a happy and excited expression that Youyu had never seen before.

"How did you defeat Him just now?! My magic... Can you really use it smoothly?! The sword energy you just used was... No, no, now is not the time to talk about these!"

Looking at Youyu in front of him, Liu Meng took a deep breath and calmed herself down, but she still couldn't help asking:

"You are still injured, right? How is your wound now? It has beenIs it healed?"

"Yeah, it's fine now."

Looking at Liu Meng, You Yu smiled and said:

"Thanks to you... This card really worked. It not only healed my wounds, but also gave me a powerful force."

"The most important thing is... I don't look so ugly now, right? I should be like those heroes in special effects dramas now, right?"

"... It's true that I'm not so ugly, but that's not important--"

Shaking her head, Liu Meng looked at You Yu's face, the face covered by the mask, and said with a smile:

"Anyway... I really can't describe my current mood! You Yu, you can defeat him and return safely... It's really incredible!"

"Let's go home now, let's go back quickly! You Yu, I'm really interested in your current state!"

"Okay, okay! Of course I can see it, but before that, these damaged..."

"But they have all been repaired?"

"Ah? "

After hearing what Liu Meng said, Youyu was stunned, and then looked at the damaged places - and then saw that those places were still there, just like before, as if no damage had occurred.

"Didn't I say that? Youyu, after the battle, the magical girl will automatically repair the damaged things around her!"

"So, you don't have to worry!"

"...Is that so?"

Youyu really didn't expect that this characteristic of the magical girl would also be inherited by him...

It seems that in the future, he has to study magic more deeply.

"Then now, follow me back, Youyu!"

"I wonder what you can do after you have my magic power...?"

"Okay. "

Nodding, Youyu canceled the transformation and returned to his original appearance.

After seeing the familiar face appear in front of him, Liu Meng smiled, then stretched out her hand and grabbed Youyu's hand.

Take him to the outside of the mall.


And just one minute after they left.

Two figures, one red and one blue, rushed to the battlefield... rushed to the battlefield that had already ended.

"It was only nine minutes..."

After canceling the transformation, Bai Yu stood in the middle of the mall, looking around the surrounding environment, muttering:

"It's only nine minutes, the battle is over? Moreover, in addition to the magical aura of that magical girl... there seems to be another familiar..."

Feeling the residual energy of the "battlefield", Bai Yu was silent for a while, turned his head, and was about to say something to Wu Yue——

"Huh? !"

But he found that Wu Yue's expression at this moment became very wrong.

"Wu Yue? What are you doing..."

"...Here, there is also the aura of Youyu's negative emotions at that time. "

"I can feel it."

Wu Yue said coldly.

"You Yu... He might have been defeated by another magical girl."

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