"…No! You——"

After just a moment of shock, Youyu quickly reacted and wanted to say something.

But the blonde girl sitting opposite him spoke faster than him:

"It's Liu Meng~ Well, as you can see, I'm not Wu Yue."

As she spoke, Liu Meng supported one side of her face with her hand, then leaned on the table and said with a smile:

"I just wanted to try to see if I could make you have 'memories' with the power of a magical girl... Actually, I didn't have much hope at first, although I guessed that there should be a high probability."

"And judging from the current results...I succeeded, what do you think? Youyu? You were fooled by my appearance, right?"

"So do you remember anything now?"


"I think I remembered something."

After a moment of silence, Youyu responded.

"But compared to this... I am more curious about how you managed to 'cheat' my eyes?"

Although it was only a short moment, Liu Meng, whose appearance changed to that, had an impact on him.

But... it was still a little incredible, after all, he didn't expect to be "cheated" in this situation.

After hearing Youyu's question, Liu Meng thought for a while and said:

"Well... it's the same as before. After all, I told you that the power of magical girls is affected by wishes."

"So, I just simply changed my hairstyle and thought about helping you recall your memories..."

"It turned out like this."

"Is that so..."

After a pause, Youyu sighed:

"Then the power of your magical girls is indeed quite terrifying."

"In fact, I don't think it's all caused by the power of magical girls, Youyu."

Listening to Youyu's words of emotion, Liu Meng nodded , his tone became serious:

"Youyu, you may not know it yourself, but your current strength is really strong. With my current ability... it is very difficult to affect your body and mind."

"The reason why you were 'cheated' and mistook me for Wu Yue."

"Probably because-"

"You still remember her in your heart now."

"And with this, I can help you find your memory back."

"So, as long as you continue to do this, you can recover your memory..."

As he said, Liu Meng sighed deeply.

"Then, I can feel more at ease."

"... At ease?"

"Well, after all, I have made a decision."

Looking at Youyu's complicated expression, Liu Meng slowly said:

"I have decided that if I can't restore your memory in the future, I will send you back to them."

"After all... Youyu, you should have noticed when I went to help you 'find your memory' these few nights."

"Although I said I would help you find your memory, I often took you to other places after searching for a while, as if I had forgotten about it."

As he said this, Liu Meng laughed at himself.

"At that time, I didn't quite understand. I thought it was just because I was worried that you couldn't get your memory back and had negative emotions, but if you think about it carefully... you can figure it out. It's impossible for this reason."

"The reason I did this is probably because..."

Taking a deep breath, Liu Meng looked directly into You Yu's eyes and said with emotion:

"I'm a little reluctant."

"After all, I've been with you for more than 30 days, and I've been dealing with your affairs almost every day, so it's impossible to say that I don't have any feelings for you."

"Besides, you helped me, helped me a lot...including your victory over that enemy."

"I'm really...very happy."

"But I can't let you stay forever. After all, you still have your own things to deal with and your own past to find back. If you are affected by my personal factors... I don't want to see this happen. "

"Although I know that your departure is inevitable, I still feel sorry. Perhaps it is because of this that I have taken you out for a walk these days under that excuse."

"But... we can't escape reality and we still have to face it in the end."

"That's what you said, Youyu."


After a moment of silence, Liu Meng continued:

"So, after I help you regain your memory, or when the time is up... I will send you back."

"Then,I will go back home and see my sister. "

"Although...my mother called yesterday and said that she is much better and has woken up, but she is still too weak to exercise."

"So I still want to find a time to go back and cure my sister as soon as possible."

"But before that, I still have to help you regain your memory."

"I'll do my best."


"Is that so."

After thinking for a while, Youyu looked at her with mixed emotions, sighed, and said:

"Actually, you don't have to be like this."

"Although it may be inappropriate to say this at this time...but please listen to me, I hope you can go back and help your sister now instead of spending time on...people who don't have any big problems anymore. It's unnecessary."

"Besides, I don't know what method you are going to rely on. If you do it with bad ideas, you may end up dragging yourself down. ”

“So, you…”

“No, I’ve found a way.”

Shaking her head, Liu Meng interrupted him.

“Just now, I’ve found a way to restore your memory.”

“…Method? Do you mean——”

“Yes, that’s right! It’s what you think!”

After taking a deep breath, Liu Meng looked at You Yu’s expression, which could no longer be described by any words, and said:

“Just when I appeared in front of you just now…you said Wu Yue’s name, which means that my method is effective and can restore your memory.”

“So——I have a good method. If it can be successfully implemented, your memory can be restored quickly!”

“Through the memory you restored when you saw ‘Wu Yue’, I can learn more about her from you, and then, I will rely on the information you provided and try my best to play the role of her in your memory.”

“Then…accompanying ‘Wu Yue’, you can remember more things. "

"In short... I just want to use this snowball method to help you recover more memory."

When saying this, Liu Meng's expression was extremely serious.

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