Imprisoned, in the true sense.

Well, this was expected by Youyu, sooner or later.

However, he did not expect it.

The first person to do this was not Wu Yue and Liu Meng, but Bai Yu...

"But... it shouldn't be a big problem."

Looking down at the slightly frosted floor, Youyu thought.

Although Bai Yu's behavior was indeed a little beyond his expectations, from the current situation... well, although it has not yet fully developed, it is likely that it is just a simple imprisonment, and nothing else will happen.

After all, from Bai Yu's performance, she does not have any strange desires.

Therefore, the current situation is still under his control.

Moreover, his original idea was to use his current "setting" to contact Bai Yu again, but he did not expect it to be in this way.

But it's good, in this way, the only person he needs to deal with is Bai Yu, which is much more convenient.

By the way, these so-called handcuffs are useless at all, as long as he wants, he can break free at any time.

But before that, he still had to figure out one thing.

Why did Bai Yu have such an idea? Would she do such a thing to "imprison" him?

And most importantly...

Looking up, You Yu looked at the "wonderful dark props" piled in the dark corner of the room, and couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat.

"How did she get these things..."

Anyway, You Yu has made up his mind.

He must find out the truth about why she did this.

After all, she never showed any signs of wanting to "imprison" him before.

Did he miss something during this period of time?


After shifting his attention away from those things that were not suitable for children, You Yu shifted his gaze to Bai Yu again. At this time, she was frowning, looking at the whip and red candle in her hand in confusion, as if she didn't understand what these things were used for.

Ignoring the two things in her hand, Youyu sighed and said with a "cautious" expression:

"...Bai Yu, to be honest, I don't understand what you are doing now?"

"You brought me to this strange room for no reason... and handcuffed me with these handcuffs. You have to give some explanation, right?"

"Don't tell me that I have done this with you before... I don't think I would do such a thing."


After hearing Youyu's question, Bai Yu was silent for a while, looking at the things in her hand, as if she wanted to make some explanation.

But in the end, she shook her head helplessly and threw the things in her hand away as an end.

Then, she walked in front of Youyu and said honestly:

"I just want to try to lock you up, Youyu."

"But... these things should be meaningless, Youyu, with your current strength, it should be easy to break free, right?"

"... Indeed."

Youyu nodded. If he didn't want to figure out what was going on, he would never have been handcuffed.

"Is that so..."

Although he was not surprised by Youyu's answer, Bai Yu still felt a little regretful.


After adjusting her state, Bai Yu exhaled, then looked at Youyu, smiled reluctantly and said:

"Should I say thank you for your cooperation, Youyu? Anyway... it's a good thing that they can at least play a little role."

"I know you are confused now, why do I do this to you, so if you have any questions, just ask them."

"Anyway, my current goal... has been achieved."

After hearing her words, Youyu was silent for a while, but he couldn't suppress the huge doubts in his heart and asked:

"So why did you try to 'lock me up'?"

"And how did you get those things?"

"Those things..."

Listening to these questions asked by Youyu, Bai Yu's expression became a little ugly, and there seemed to be a hint of hesitation.

After a pause, she sighed and said:

"Why did I try to 'lock you up'? That's because - this is a request from a friend of mine."

"Because she was worried that something might happen to you, she proposed these ideas to me."

"I didn't care at the time, but until you disappeared again... I remembered her request."

"Maybe it was to make amends... maybe to put my mind at ease."

"So - at that timeI bought these things."

Speaking of this, Bai Yu turned his head and looked at those "wonderful dark props". His face did not show any shyness, but a gloomy look.

"Because I can't buy them normally... so I got these through special channels."

"Then... I spent a lot of money."

"But they are of no use at all."


"I understand your feelings, Bai Yu."

After a long silence, You Yu said.

But it's better not to use these things.

"Let's ask something serious..."

Thinking in his heart, You Yu continued:

"So what is your purpose? Why did you bring me here?"

"It can't be just to... uh, try these things of yours?"

"Of course not."

Bai Yu shook his head.

"It was just an accident to be teleported to this room... This is also my home, you don't need to care too much. ”

“As for why I brought you here, the purpose is——”


After pausing for a while, Bai Yu thought about what to say next in his mind, and said in a serious tone:

“Forget it… I am not suitable for telling lies. I will tell you the truth as before, Youyu.”

“The reason why I brought you back here is to prevent you from meeting Wu Yue and Liu Meng.”

“As for why… you should know very well that in the current situation, you must not choose one of the two of them.”

“Once a decision is made, there will be irreversible consequences.”

“But… at that time, if Youyu did not make a decision, then the two of them might really cause a greater conflict because of this matter. Who knows.”

“So… I decided to help you and ‘snatch’ you back from them.”

“In this way, they will turn their spearheads to me, and you will not have to face that painful choice.”

“And… at least it can temporarily ease the conflict between them. "

"But if you do this..."

Listening to what Bai Yu said, You Yu frowned and said:

"Then, won't your relationship with the two of them be very bad?"

"Is it really okay for you to be like this?"

"I think you should think about it again--"

"...It doesn't matter!"

Suddenly interrupting what You Yu was about to say, Bai Yu suddenly stuck in front of You Yu, one hand on the wall beside him, and said in a tough tone:

"Before... it was because of all kinds of hesitation that caused those tragic things to happen! "

Disbelief, lack of confidence.

Because of Youyu's "death" and Wuyue's "confusion", she has been in this state.

This state has been going on for a long time.

... and she has also realized it in a way.

If she doesn't make a change, then nothing can be done.

However, during that time, nothing could make her change her mind.

Therefore-just this time, after being pushed by the environment again, Bai Yu made her decision.

Help Youyu in her own way.

No matter... any means.

"So... I don't want to see that happen."

"And, since the time you "disappeared", I have made a promise to you and Wuyue in my heart. In the future and in the future, I will do my best to help you."


After taking a deep breath, Bai Yu met Youyu's gaze and said word by word:

"For you, I will do everything. "

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