
"What did you say?"

As if he didn't hear Bai Yu's words clearly, or he didn't dare to believe it, You Yu frowned and asked again.

"I said--"

And the response from Bai Yu was the same as before.

"You have to sleep with me tonight."


After hearing her answer, Youyu lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head and asked:


"It shouldn't be because there are not enough rooms, right? This house is so big, it's impossible that there are only-"

While saying this, Youyu suddenly remembered Bai Yu's family background, so he paused for a moment and changed the subject:

"...Forget it, I just want to ask, why do you want me to sleep with you? Bai Yu?"

"Although I should know you...but our relationship should not have reached that point, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

Bai Yu nodded, and said honestly as before:

"I want you to sleep with me...just to prevent some unexpected situations-such as you leaving."

"...Just for this reason?"

"It's such a simple reason."

Bai Yu nodded, and Youyu fell silent again.

But this time he recovered quickly. After a while, he continued:

"It shouldn't be necessary to do this, right? If you're afraid that I'll leave... Forget it. In other words, if you're worried that I'll run away, then you can just handcuff me like before?"

"Sleeping together or something, there's no need for that, right?"


After hearing Youyu's words, Bai Yu seemed to be touched a little, but soon she shook her head and rejected his method.

Then he said:

"Besides being afraid that you would run away... there is another reason."

"What reason?"


After hearing Youyu's question, Bai Yu was silent for a moment, and did not choose to answer his question directly, but continued to say what she wanted to say:

"Nothing, anyway... at least tonight, I must be by your side, and it has nothing to do with what state you will be in."

"No matter where you want to sleep, I will be by your side watching you."

"... as long as you don't leave here."


Listening to what Bai Yu said, Youyu pondered for a while, then met her eyes that seemed to be a little shaken, and began to think.

After thinking for a while, Youyu finally sighed, and put the task of "investigating Bai Yu's thoughts" that had just been completed on the schedule again, and said:

"Okay, Bai Yu, if this is related to your future plans... then I promise you."

"Just... let me confirm, just being in the same room is enough?"

In order to determine a key issue, Youyu asked.



After a moment of silence, Bai Yu nodded.

"When the time comes, you sleep on the bed and I sleep on the floor."

After hearing what Bai Yu said, You Yu seemed to realize something, and then frowned and said:

"No! How can this be possible? Bai Yu, you obviously want to help me so much, it's just a matter of "sleeping", there's no need to be so exaggerated, or I'll sleep on the floor, and you-"


However, Bai Yu interrupted You Yu before he finished speaking.

Then, she looked at him with the same firm eyes as before, and said:

"I've already said that I can do anything, but this level... is nothing."

"And, the most important thing is-I'm the one who brought you back now."

"If I can't take good care of you..."

"Then, whether it's Liu Meng or Wu Yue, they will be sad."


You Yu was silent for a while.

After all, what Bai Yu said was half true and half false, and maybe she herself didn't know.

But no matter what, Youyu had already determined one thing.

The situation that would happen next was inevitable.

So, after a moment of silence, he sighed, nodded, and said:



After Youyu agreed, time passed quickly, and soon two hours passed.

And in these two hours... she had helped Youyu complete what he was going to do tonight, whether it was cooking for him or buying some clothes for him to change, she had done it all.

After doing all this, Youyu went to bed, and she was able to do her own thing..

So now...


After taking a shower, Bai Yu, who had changed her clothes in the bathroom long ago, pushed open the door, wiped the few remaining water drops on her hair, and walked out of the bathroom.

After walking out, she stayed there for a while, and then saw the screen of her mobile phone on the table not far away, which was sometimes bright and sometimes dark-it was Wu Yue and Liu Meng sending this message to her.

"Didn't I tell them a long time ago..."


So, after staying there for a while, Bai Yu walked forward, then picked up the phone, looked at the information displayed on the phone, and squinted slightly.

Looking at those messages, Bai Yu clicked in, and then gave simple replies to the questions asked by Liu Meng and Wu Yue one by one.

After replying, Bai Yu moved her eyes away from the phone and moved to the door of her room.

Looking at it, Bai Yu walked to the door, then stretched out her hand and gently pushed the door open-the room was pitch black.


She fumbled and pressed the switch on the wall, and the dark room became bright again, and Youyu's sleeping appearance was revealed to her without reservation.


Looking at Youyu on the bed, Bai Yu walked to his side quietly without making any sound, then squatted down and looked at his profile quietly.

After watching for a while, Bai Yu suddenly remembered something, and then after a moment of silence, he raised the phone in his hand again.



The phone made a crisp and quiet sound, indicating that it recorded Youyu's sleeping face.

After taking the photo, she opened the chat interface between her, Wu Yue and Liu Meng, and sent the photo without hesitation.

After sending the photo, Bai Yu stood up, walked out of the room, turned off the lights in the living room, then walked back, closed the door of the room, and turned off the lights in the room.

Then... she turned her head and looked at Youyu lying on the bed.


Then, ignoring the mat that had been laid on the ground, she slowly walked forward and walked to the side of the bed.

Walked to the side of the bed... and sat on it.

After sitting on it.

Bai Yu leaned over to the small empty space next to Youyu...

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