"Ahem! I suddenly remembered... This should be my second restoration of the 'knight transformation'..."

"Then... Let me see."

"How good is my restoration?"

Mumbling these incomprehensible words, the Snake Knight raised his head slightly and looked at the screen that was just illuminated by the moonlight. Seeing his own appearance reflected on it, which was not much different from the special warrior in his impression, "blood stalk"... or "blood lurking", he couldn't help but laugh.

Then, he placed his right hand on his chest armor, shook it, and coughed a few times, as if clearing his throat.

And after doing this series of actions...

He also slowly spoke in a changed, "noise-filled" and much lower voice:

"So... Gray Shadow, did you expect the current situation?"

"You now..."

As he spoke, the Snake Knight's tone once again brought a mocking smile.

"Do you still have a chance to defeat me?"

"...Don't talk to me like you think you've already won!"

Although the changes in the Snake Knight were indeed beyond his expectations, judging from the feeling of strength, it should not have increased too much. Therefore, Gray Shadow just snorted coldly, raised his left hand, and fired a green lightning towards the position of the Snake Knight.


Immediately after the lightning exploded, he rushed forward again, and according to the "prediction" given to him by the database, he raised the sword again!

"No matter what you can become, it's useless!"

"You, who have already obtained the information from me...you will not have a chance to win!"

"No matter how strong you are, my actions and strength will always be above yours!"

"Roar~? Familiar words?"

While dodging the "fierce" attack of Gray Shadow, the Snake Knight continued:

"But such words...before you have that kind of 'infinite' strength, I advise you not to say it so arrogantly?"


Laughing, just when Gray Shadow was about to chop his body with the sword - two blue-green giant snakes suddenly emerged from the breastplate! Attacking Gray Shadow who was waving the sword!

"?! Why can 'snakes' be used at this time?! If there was no sword, why would it be..."

Seeing the two blue-green giant snakes with their mouths wide open biting towards him, Gray Shadow sighed, then stopped his actions in time, jumped high, and tried to avoid the attack of the blue-green giant snakes head-on.

But the two green giant snakes also reacted quickly. Seeing the gray shadow's evasive look, they quickly changed their actions and bit the gray shadow in the air again.

In the air, the gray shadow did not have a good point of force, which means that this time, he might not be able to dodge the attack.


He had studied the fighting style of the snake knight before. Although it was only a few fragments, it was enough for him to plan a response.

So, at the moment when the green giant snakes were about to bite him-

The "propulsion engine" hidden in the gray shadow, which had not been used, suddenly emerged from various parts of his body! Then it pushed him and flew towards the direction of the snake knight-

And the snake knight, as if "shocked" by his sudden change of action, stayed in place and did not move for a while.

After deciding the failure of the snake knight in his heart, the gray shadow laughed disdainfully, and then threw away the sword in his hand-choosing to use his fists to knock the snake knight down directly.

After all, according to his data calculations... the current sharp weapon attacks may not work on the Snake Knight.

Then, just rely on your fists and blunt weapons to knock him down!

"So I said it long ago!"


After punching the Snake Knight, watching the sparks burst out on his chest armor and him fall down again, this time Gray Shadow did not hesitate at all and pressed on him instantly! He kept swinging his fists and hitting the Snake Knight's chest and face!

"No matter what posture you change!"

As the strength of the attack continued to increase, Gray Shadow's tone became more and more angry when he saw the "unresisting" Snake Knight.

"My strength - is always above yours!"


Feeling Gray Shadow's continuous attacks, the Snake Knight did not say anything, as if... now he has been completely knocked down and surrendered.

But in fact...

"Resistance to blows…It doesn’t seem to have any effect…”

“…No, should I say it’s because of my current strength, so it’s not very obvious?”

While talking to himself, the Snake Knight sighed, and then suddenly pushed back the attack of the Gray Shadow with his left hand.

The next moment! The Snake Knight lying on the ground stretched out his right hand, and a "rope" suddenly appeared from under his wrist! It flew towards the "gun" that fell to the ground in the distance, wrapped around it, and pulled it back into his hand!

And after doing all this…the Gray Shadow attacked again!

But this time…his attack.

It has no effect.

Because, at the moment when he attacked.


"Uh? ! "

A strange white smoke suddenly shot out from the muzzle of the Snake Knight's gun! As a result, He, who was very close to the Snake Knight, inevitably took on this attack! He was knocked far away and fell to the ground!

And this attack was extremely terrifying, because Gray Shadow felt that... all the data in his body was destroyed in this attack! And the various functions and module devices of the body were also greatly damaged!

Just one blow... the first effective blow after the Snake Knight changed his form, and He was defeated!

The entire battle lasted... only 16 seconds!

"Alas~ My expectations are a bit wasted~ Gray Shadow."

Slowly sitting up from the ground, the Snake Knight said with regret, and after patting the "dust" on the breastplate, he stood up and walked towards Him.

Then, looking at Gray Shadow, who looked even more miserable than last time, he smiled:

"So, are you calm now? Gray Shadow? ”

“Are you interested in…listening to my ‘friendly’ proposal?”


After a while, Gray Shadow used an intermittent electronic voice and said:

“You guy…”

“What kind of power do you have?”

Listening to the question asked by Gray Shadow after he “calmed down”, Snake Knight took out a bottle from the front of the gun, shook it in front of Him, and said:

“Rider System”

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