Listening to Youyu openly saying the purpose of what he was doing now, Mamba was speechless for a while and remained silent for a long time.

It was not until a while later that He spoke again:

"Youyu, although I don't know the specific details of what you did before, I know that you did it for your own "plan."

"But this time--"

Watching Youyu constantly adjusting the bottle in his hand, manipulating magic power and negative emotions, and exchanging them, Mamba paused for a while and said in a serious tone:

"This time, I really can't understand it."

"Youyu, why do you want to "make" new power for those magical girls? It's already the best way for them to obtain it by themselves without too much interference. limit——"

"But if you do this, something bad will happen, something unexpected will happen..."

"It won't do you any good, right? Youyu? Even if you can control the "right to use" these powers, but... according to the characteristics of those magical girls, they may "figure it out" in their hearts one day, and your control over their powers will be useless."

"After losing control... you may be attacked by them."

"It doesn't matter."


Listening to Mamba's surprised voice, Youyu exhaled, put the bottle in his hand aside, and leaned back on the chair.

Then, he turned his head to look at Bai Yu, then turned his head back and said:

"When I made this plan, I had already anticipated this kind of risk."

"So - I have always built this plan within an acceptable 'risk' and carried it out."

"So, you don't have to worry about how 'expanded' their power will become. At least for now, I haven't found a reasonable way to make their power 'stronger'. In the end, it may depend on them to use the power of this bottle by themselves."

"And what I am doing now is to adjust the power of this bottle so that when they use it... even if they don't use it directly, it can serve as a bottom line to prevent them from becoming witches when something particularly bad happens."

"After all, in previous actions, because of this concern, my actions have always been kept within a certain range - —It is impossible for me to really die, on the one hand, it is a matter of time, and on the other hand, it is a matter of witchification. "

"After solving this problem... I can do more."


"But I still don't understand, Youyu."

After a moment of silence, Mamba spoke again:

"I can understand that you took this action to prevent them from becoming witches, but why do you have to increase their power?"

"Even if the gray shadow wants to attack them, the extent of the attack is within your control, right?"

"So, as long as they are within your control, it will be enough to "grow" them reasonably, right?"

"You shouldn't use such an overly "anxious" method."

"You are right, Mamba."

Nodding, Youyu simply admitted what Mamba said without any rebuttal.

After all, no matter how you look at it... Magical girls are his ultimate "enemies".

It is indeed very stupid to do it yourself and make the "enemy" stronger...


"There are reasons for that."

After sighing, Youyu took the bottle in his hand again, stared at it for a long time, and then said:

"Mamba, let me ask you a question first."

"How much of your memory have you recovered now?"

"My memory now?"

After thinking for a while, Mamba replied:

"...Probably all the memories before I was expelled until I traveled through time."

"Do you have anything to ask, Youyu?"


Nodding, Youyu took out the database that he had "exchanged" last time in physical form, and then placed it in front of him. After randomly entering a few strings of characters on it, a screen opened-

The screen showed a huge, white "eye" that was "locked" by an iron chain and buried in an unknown dark place.

And around the huge "eye", twelve unknown characters were engraved, and in the middle of it, there were two "needles", one long and one short.

It looked like... a clock.


Looking at this thing, which was obviously not good at first glance, Youyu asked:

"In your memory, have you ever seen this thing??”

“…It seems not.”

Looking at the image on the database, Mamba thought for a while and answered.

“Well…I really haven’t seen this thing. Is this what you saw from Gray Shadow’s database? Is it its experimental product? Or something else?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know either.”

After hearing Mamba’s answer, Youyu sighed, shook his head, and said:

“But from its appearance and that inexplicable comment——”

[Uninterruptible Process]

“It’s really not good. ”

This “eye” was something that Youyu accidentally discovered when he was browsing the database of Gray Shadow in his spare time.

And when he saw this thing…the first time he saw it, the “magic power” in his body had a strong “resonance”.

So, his intuition and facts told him that this thing was not simple, so after thinking for a long time, he set up his new plan.

After all, even Mamba, who had traveled through time several times, didn’t know the existence of this thing.

It’s…quite intriguing.

“…Mamba, let me ask you another question, although it may be a little late now…”

“Every time you travel through time…no, before you travel through time again, have you tried to stay and observe the final outcome of those magical girls?”


Mamba replied:

“After the failure, I went straight to a new travel without paying attention to what happened afterwards…”

“Did you find anything, Youyu?”

“…Not really. "

"It's just that I feel more and more..."

After looking back at Bai Yu, You Yu murmured:

"It is necessary to make them stronger quickly, and then 'regret for life'..."

After all... it is no coincidence that this thing seen from Huiying's database can resonate with the few magic powers in his body.

There must be other key information hidden in it.

It is information related to magical girls.

"Because it's not possible now..."

"It has entered the main line related to the power of magical girls-"

"It's in the main line."

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