"I'm really convinced..."

Touching his forehead, Youyu, who had just woken up from his coma, sighed, propped himself up, and slowly sat up from lying down.

He really didn't expect that the thunder frequency of that "Judgment" was so fast, just like a certain Platinum O star fighting against the world, hitting him non-stop, and at the same time making him feel the treatment of a "lover".

What can isay? It can only be said that Mamba is worthy of being the king of thunder resistance, and the physical fitness he has improved is really not a little bit stronger.

However, it will still hurt, after all, he has no ability to reduce the pain.

"You woke up? How do you feel?"

"...Mamba, do you think I look good?"

"...Sorry, I didn't expect this. I thought you would be as sober as me."

"So why can't you take the thunder for me?"

"It's okay. I fainted just like you."

"You mean it was me? You're too good."

Complaining helplessly, Youyu began to observe the environment around him - such as the bed he was lying on, the clothes cabinet next to him, the table where he put things, the door and the window next to him.

Obviously, he was in a room now. Well...Thinking carefully, in the last moment before he lost consciousness, he seemed to be thrown above the earth and then fell down.

So he was picked up by someone now?

Just as Youyu was thinking about this, the door of the room suddenly clicked.


The one who pushed the door in was a girl with tied hair, wearing an apron and holding a bowl in her hand.

Noticing Youyu waking up, the girl's blue eyes showed surprise, and then she smiled happily at Youyu, walked towards him quickly, and said:

"Ah! Are you awake? Hurry up! I just made a pot of porridge, you should drink it now!"

"Uh... then, thank you?"

Due to the sudden situation, Youyu was confused by the girl's enthusiasm for a while. Although he had doubts, he still chose to take the bowl of porridge and put it on the table next to him.

"Ah~ Don't you want to eat?"

"Sorry, I just woke up and my appetite is not very good."

"Oh~ I see~"

The girl in front of him nodded as if she understood, and looked very silly and cute... The taste of the two-thorn monkey was really too strong.

So, was it this girl who picked him up?

While thinking, Youyu was about to speak, but the Mamba in his body called out first, looking very excited:

"This! This woman, I know her! She is the Magical Girl Firebird, the woman who has hindered me many times!"

"...Ah? So I was picked up by the Magical Girl? This coincidence is really a coincidence."

"...Don't mention this for now."

Mamba's tone became more and more angry:

"She hasn't obtained that power yet, so! You must kill her now to prevent future troubles!"

After all, in the previous timeline crossings, Mamba had never encountered such a good opportunity, the opportunity to kill them before they transformed.

And if He actually encountered it this time...

Then he must seize it firmly!

"Calm down, calm down, okay? If you act now, wouldn't it be over if you provoke some big daddy? Just like in the animation, the magical girl always has a strong backer..."

"But she hasn't become one yet!"

"No, no, no! You don't understand this. All the magical girls, at the moment when the timeline is set, no matter what, their fate cannot be changed, just like you always want to defeat them, but you can never win."

"If we forcibly change their "fate", then we may face irreversible consequences..."

"...Is that so?"

"That's right."

Youyu said this to Mamba in his heart.

Although in fact, this is his fabricated words, and there are very serious logical loopholes.

But it doesn't matter, just fool him, after all, Mamba is really stupid when communicating, this little bit of rhetoric is enough.

Anyway, even if he wants to be a villain, he won't do anything to kill people, his values ​​are very positive!

After all, he was also forced, so he could only choose a gentler method under such circumstances.

"Um... are you okay?"

"Ah! Ahem! I'm fine, I'm fine!"

The girl's confused tone changed from "faPulling back from the "stun", Youyu drank a mouthful of porridge on the table, and then said with a smile:

"Well, thank you for picking me up. The main reason was that I had heatstroke at that time, so I fainted on the roadside. If it weren't for you, I dare not imagine what I would be like now..."

"Hey? But you seemed to fall from the sky? "Boom!" It was very loud! And there were many wounds on your body that I don't know how they were caused!"

"Oh~ That means I failed in parachuting."


After saying this without changing his expression, ignoring the girl's expression that looked like her CPU was burned, he continued:

"My name is Youyu, what's your name?"

"Name... My name is Wuyue!"

"Wuyue, um, a good name."

Laughing, Youyu continued:

"Then I will remember your life-saving grace. ”

“Ah, alas? Life-saving grace or something… don’t be so exaggerated, I just saw that you were injured all over, so I took you back home… really don’t need to thank me!”

Although she said such humble words, Wu Yue touched the back of her head embarrassedly, and her laughter was enough to show that she was enjoying it now.

What a simple child… and he was so unguarded that he just took him back to his home.

Although there is still a point: why not send him to the hospital directly?

“I think it’s better not to ask this question.”

Can’t just give up the opportunity to contact her in vain.

“…Um, Youyu, where is your home? Or where is your family’s phone number? Tell me, and then I’ll take you back, don’t let them worry!”

“Home? Well… there is no place here, as for family, they are not in this world now. ”

After answering this question subconsciously, Youyu finally reacted and turned to look in Wuyue’s direction.

Then he saw Wuyue who looked like a crying cat.

“Wuwuwu… Sorry! I didn’t mean to ask you this question! Sorry, sorry!”

“Uh… It’s okay, I’m used to it.”

Although it was misunderstood in that sense, his family is indeed not in this world.

By the way, is it really that exaggerated? This crying look is too emotional, right? They are just strangers now, right?

If he died in front of her later, how would she cry? He didn’t even dare to think about it!

“Wuwuwu… I, I’ve decided!”

Wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. Because she felt that she was similar to Youyu in some ways, Wuyue made a decision in her heart, pointed at him, and said seriously:

“Youyu, if you don’t have a home, live in my house!”

“I will accept you! ”


Looking at Wu Yue’s serious expression that didn’t seem like she was joking, You Yu was stunned by disbelief.

No way, sister!

So simple, casual… you let me live in your house? Is it really okay?

After thinking for a long time, You Yu replied:

“…Well, okay.”

“Thank you, Wu Yue.”

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