"...A plan to become stronger?"

After hearing what Youyu said, Bai Yu was silent for a while, and said in a somewhat aggressive tone:

"You are not a magical girl, and you don't know much about their situation. When you don't even understand our power, how can you propose a plan to become stronger? What basis can you propose this plan?"

It's no wonder that she spoke so aggressively... After all, Youyu said that he would help them become stronger... In her opinion, it was completely nonsense, even ridiculous.

A human, an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary, is completely different from these magical girls, both physically and mentally. How could he help them and make them stronger?

"Well, I'll explain it to you now."

Youyu also knew that his words were indeed not very convincing, but his purpose was not to convince Bai Yu now, but to extend the conversation later.

"My plan to make you stronger... is based on what Wu Yue told me, and what you also said."

"That is..."

"Rely on your own wishes to strengthen yourself. The greater the wish, the greater the desire, the stronger the power will be."

"Before, I have experimented with this on Wu Yue."

"...Ah? Why don't I know? You Yu? When did you...experiment on me? I don't even remember this happening?"

"Well...actually, I have been experimenting with it in normal times, but you just don't know."

"Is that so?"

Wu Yue scratched her head in confusion, and it seemed that she still didn't fully understand it.

But it's a good thing that she doesn't understand it...If one day she really faces her inner "wishes" and emotions, it will be really fatal.


After shifting his attention from Wu Yue to Bai Yu, You Yu said:

"So, this is the solution I provide for you to become stronger, that is, do something related to wishes."

"After all, according to my observation... when doing something related to wishes, the mood swings of magical girls will generally increase, and their strength will also increase."

"... I have always wanted to ask you, how do you know that the strength will increase?"

Bai Yu asked with a frown.

It is true that the strength will increase, but how did You Yu see it and make such a conclusion?

And his answer was——

"It's very simple, isn't it enough to let Wu Yue transform and hit? Just from the destructive power, you can see whether the strength has increased, right?"

"I came to this conclusion because I saw it before."

"Yes! You Yu has seen it! I remember... the time was the second day after I transformed into a magical girl! At that time, I was still testing my ability..."


Well, even the person herself said so, then she can't say anything.

So, after having nothing to say, Bai Yu fell silent again.

Seeing her like this, You Yu continued:

"Anyway, this is the plan I proposed to you..."

"Moreover, for 'doing something related to wishes', which does not require direct fighting, I can also provide you with the best possible help so that you can complete it more perfectly."

"So, in my personal opinion, I think this plan is still okay... Of course, whether you accept this plan or not is up to you."

"Okay, okay! No problem at all!"

After You Yu finished speaking, Wu Yue immediately raised her hand in agreement.

"Okay, Wu Yue agrees."

After hearing Wu Yue's answer, You Yu nodded. This result was not beyond his expectations. As long as his proposal was not too outrageous, Wu Yue would basically agree.

And now... Bai Yu is left.

Now we have to see what she thinks.


After thinking for a while with his head down, Bai Yu slowly said:

"In fact, compared to this, we can improve ourselves in a simpler way."

"What do you mean?"

"Through combat practice, as long as Wu Yue and I cooperate with the combat methods, strategies, and skills, then when facing some enemies, the chances of winning the battle will be greater."

"Well... I see, but this does not conflict with 'doing things related to wishes'? As long as the time is adjusted, these two things can be completed at the same time in one day."

After thinking for a while, You Yu said.

"Although it may be difficult to adjust the time arrangement, I will still try my best to helpI will help you, whether it is finding a venue or other places where money is needed, I will help. "

"So, if you are worried about this, it is actually unnecessary, and you have seen it, right? My work account has a good income every day. "

"Yes, yes! Bai Yu, just agree to it! As long as you agree, maybe..."

"Don't force her, okay? Wu Yue, just be quiet and wait for her reply."


After calming down the noisy Wu Yue, You Yu looked at Bai Yu on the sofa opposite again, waiting for her reply.

Anyway, now, he has anticipated two possible situations. Whether it is rejection or agreement, he has a follow-up solution.

So now... let's see what Bai Yu's answer is.


"I don't need to say 'do something related to the wish' or something like that."

After thinking about it, Bai Yu replied.

"But... I can still do the training for the battle. ”

“What do you think, Youyu?”


“Actually, you are the one who made the decision. It doesn’t matter what I think.”

“But… I’ll ask you the reason. Why don’t you want to do that?”


“No reason.”

When asked this, Bai Yu showed an impatient expression.

Seeing her like this, Youyu also roughly guessed that her “heart wall” should be related to her own wishes.

Then… this time it should be enough.

“…Is that so? Then I won’t ask any more questions.”

“Now, it’s okay.”

“Then I’ll go back.”

After hearing what Youyu said, Bai Yu didn’t have any regrets. She simply picked up her things and left.

“Ah, alas?”

Wu Yue was puzzled when she saw this. She was about to run up to stop her, but was stopped by Youyu.

Youyu looked at her and said:

“Let her calm down for a while. ”

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