Fortunately, this blackout didn't last long. With her willpower, Bai Yu still tried her best to open her eyes and see the situation clearly.

The situation was that Youyu took her to a lawn on the side of the road, and blood was flowing from his forehead at some point. Behind him, there was a black figure.

"! Youyu?!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Bai Yu gritted her teeth and stood up immediately. At the same time, she helped Youyu, who looked very bad, up and said:

"You...are you okay?! Where are you injured?! Except your head..."

Bai Yu was a little flustered in the face of the situation, but she still forced herself to calm down and began to observe his injuries. doesn't matter if she doesn't look, but when she looks at it, she is really shocked. At this moment, there is a big hole on Youyu's forehead, and blood is constantly flowing from his forehead. It looks very urgent.

Seeing Youyu's condition, Bai Yu suddenly felt an unknown regret and guilt. After all, just now... if it weren't for her negligence, this situation wouldn't have happened.

"... Wait, Youyu, I'll take you away now."

"No, Magical Girl Lan Ye, you don't have that chance now."

However, just when Bai Yu was about to take Youyu away, the black figure - Night Demon, suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked their way.


Seeing the Night Demon in front of her, nameless anger instantly rose from Bai Yu's heart. Whether it was the first time or the last time, it was the Night Demon's good deeds. She had tried her best to forget the disturbing pain, but she didn't expect that "it" would catch up again.

But... facing this pain, she no longer had the energy to "hate", that is, she couldn't exert any full power now, and could only look for opportunities to escape with Youyu.

Or... if this thing's purpose was her, then Youyu would survive.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu took a deep breath and asked:

"What is your purpose?! If you want to find me, I will go with you!"

"No, Magic Girl Lan Ye, killing you now will not do us any good."

However, unexpectedly, the next moment she asked this question, Ye Mo instantly denied her.

Then, Ye Mo looked at You Yu who was on her body and said:

"I want to kill... the man on you."


That's right, Ye Mo had been planning this from the beginning, by making someone around Bai Yu fall into pain, and then let Bai Yu return to that kind of "pain" again. This is His fundamental purpose.

He originally planned to take Wu Yue as the first person, but when he saw You Yu carrying Bai Yu and running away, He changed his mind.

After all, if he took action against Wu Yue, not only would there be a risk of failure, but He couldn't kill her directly, which also led to the fact that the shock and influence he could cause would not have much effect.

And if he was going to attack Youyu... except that he had known magical girls and had made some "friendships" with them, such an ordinary person would be fine if he died, because he had no use value anyway.

... No, it would be better to say that now is the time to make use of his value.

That is to use his death to restore Bai Yu's strength to the powerful level of that time.

"... Why?!"

Just when she was about to ask, Bai Yu closed her mouth, because she knew that asking the non-human creature in front of her had no practical meaning.

But... if his target was really Youyu and he really wanted to kill him, then it would be bad!

If Youyu's death was caused by her, let alone whether Wu Yue would forgive her, even she herself would probably not forgive herself.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu took a deep breath, and just when she was about to put Youyu on the ground and go to fight by herself - she found that Youyu, who had fainted, had woken up at some point.

Moreover, there seemed to be a strange light in his eyes.

However, Bai Yu did not notice this, but said excitedly:

"Youyu?! Are you awake?! If you have the ability now, run away quickly! That guy's goal is to kill you! Although I don't know why he did this..."

"But I will do my best, even if it costs my life, I will protect you!"

"I don't want to... repeat the same mistake again!"

"But you..."

"It doesn't matter to me! The important thing isYou, and Wu Yue! Isn't it?! Anyway, I am just a stranger to you, right?! So, you don't need to care about me so much, and you don't need to care about me so much! Leave now, just leave here!"

Almost angrily, after saying this quickly, Bai Yu sighed deeply, and then activated her magic power, covering You Yu's body, and then in an instant, she "bounced" him a long distance away.

This is the move she used to deal with enemies in the past, but it would not hurt ordinary people, so after improving it, she turned it into a means of saving people and escaping on the spot.

... This is all she can do now.

Then what she has to do...

is to fight this night demon, the shadow that existed in the past, with all her strength.

Even if... this is likely to put her life in danger.

She has to keep fighting.


"You really sacrifice yourself for others, Magical Girl Lan Ye, your spirit makes me admire you. "

Ye Mo was not surprised by You Yu's departure. He said slowly:

"But your method may not work, because I have many ways to make those people or things that are important to you disappear in front of you."

"Until the end... you will realize that escaping can't solve any problems."

"Why don't you accept the wish in your heart?"


"If you want to fight, just fight, don't talk so much nonsense!"


"You didn't choose to continue chasing me..."


"What a pity, if He can catch up, then I may have a chance to catch this puppet and reverse His memory..."

"But it doesn't matter."

"If He wants to use this method to lure me out, then give it a try."

You Yu looked at Ye Mo's fierce attack and thought deep in his heart:

Then he will use his trick against him.

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