
With Bai Yu, You Yu ran a long distance.

After confirming that the Night Demon did not catch up, You Yu stopped. While he seemed relieved, he secretly felt a little regretful in his heart.

It was a pity that the Night Demon did not catch up.

If He could catch up and hit him a few times, he might be able to perfectly "regret for life".

But...this situation is also OK now.

Because, now, Bai Yu's heart has been opened.

Thinking so, You Yu looked at Bai Yu in his arms.

Well...counting Wu Yue, this should be the second time he hugged a girl. By the way, Bai Yu's face seemed to be redder than Wu Yue's? Maybe he was angry.

Thinking so, You Yu put her down, and at the same time leaned against the wall, pretending to breathe heavily.

Seeing him like this, Bai Yu pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but she finally put those thoughts aside and just said with concern:

"You... you should be okay? Just now I saw you running so fast, you don't look injured... Is it because you took me away that your injury relapsed again?"

"... Well, maybe it's like this."


"Sorry, because of me, you become like this."

"... Actually, you don't have to say such things, after all, it's normal, isn't it?"

Shaking his head indifferently, Youyu panted for a while and coughed a few times, then he sat down against the wall and said:

"This kind of trouble... may happen in the future, I have already prepared myself mentally, you don't need to apologize."

"It wouldn't be surprising if I died one day or something happened..."



Looking at Youyu's profile, Bai Yu wanted to say something, but when he saw his drowsy look, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

Then, after hesitating for a while, Bai Yu turned her eyes away from his face and said in a slightly low voice:

"So you are now... because of the injury, you are very dizzy and sleepy?"

"... You can see it, right?"


After hearing Youyu's answer, Bai Yu nodded, then took a deep breath, looked at the endless sky, and then knelt down.

Then, he said to Youyu:

"Then... if, if you don't mind, you can lean on this 'place' for a while."

"... There are no pillows or anything like that nearby, so I can only make do with it for now."

"... What are you talking about?"

Hearing what Bai Yu said to him, Youyu turned his head and looked in her direction, and then saw that she was kneeling down and patting her thighs with her hands.


The intention was very obvious.

For a moment, Youyu felt a little subtle in his heart.

Well... there is no doubt that the scene in front of him is the classic "knee pillow" scene. To be honest, he didn't think that this would happen... or, he didn't imagine that Bai Yu could do this faster than Wu Yue.

But the facts proved that his guess was wrong.

So it seems... his "rescue" this time was quite effective?

So... after thinking for a while, Youyu's answer was-

"Well... OK, let's make do with it, but it won't take too long. I have to go and see how Wu Yue is doing later..."

Well, I guess this memory will come in handy after that kind of scene happens in the future!

He accepted her knee pillow just for this reason, and there was no other purpose.

Explaining to himself in his heart, Youyu slowly moved to her side, then adjusted his position, and then fell back and leaned on her thighs.

Then... As expected, what he saw was her slightly shy face, but she didn't show too much, just a vague feeling.

It was as if she just wanted him to rest for a while, and then she gave him a lap pillow.

After seeing Youyu lying down, Bai Yu sighed, and did not choose to look at his face, but at the sky in the distance, and said:

"... Sorry, I said those words to you just now."

"I don't want to refuse your help, but..."

"It's just that you don't want to see the same thing happen again, right?"


"You know everything?"

"I know a little bit, I got it from online research before. "

After watching Bai Yu fall silent again, You Yu sighed, left the lap pillow he had been lying on for a while, and said:

"But... I don't know too much, I just roughly guessed some reasons, can you tell me what happened specifically?"



Nodding, Bai Yu decided to tell You Yu about her past that she had always been reluctant to mention.


So, after talking for a while, she briefly told You Yu everything about her life before and after becoming a magical girl.

After listening to what she said, You Yu fell into deep thought.

"... So, that's how it was. "

According to Bai Yu, after she became a magical girl, she has been living alone with her father, and occasionally, she fights as a magical girl to "avenge".

But... because of a mistake in a battle, or because the Night Demon came to her door, she could not defeat Him, which led to her failure in the battle.

Then... at that time, her father saw her in such a miserable state, and couldn't bear to let her go on like this, so he stood in front of her and begged the Night Demon to spare Bai Yu's life.

Then... the Night Demon agreed, but the price was his life.

Although he didn't know why the Night Demon did this, in order to keep his daughter alive, he just wanted to save her. He had to grab the only hope.

So, he died.

Bai Yu watched her father die with her own eyes.

Since then, she has been devastated. Even if the hatred still exists, it is not as strong as before.

Because she is already very tired... She doesn't understand why she has worked so hard before and after? In the end, her family still died.

So... It is precisely because of this, because she remembered this, when she saw Youyu doing such a thing in front of her, her mentality collapsed.

In short, this is Bai Yu's past, a bad and boring story.

"... I doubt Mamba's statement more and more."

How could these magical girls win in the original world line?

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