

After listening to Bai Yu's questioning, You Yu was silent for a long time, and then, as if he had accepted his fate, he said with some self-mockery:

"If it is really as you said... I deny this promise, which is equivalent to denying the past."

"Then, everything I did may be a lie."

As he said this, he sighed deeply.


After hearing Youyu's words, Bai Yu calmed down a little. After a moment of silence and calming down, she let go of the hand that was holding Youyu's collar, frowned, and continued:

"No, I didn't mean that. I saw everything you did for Wuyue at that time."

"What you did, what you did."

"All of it was... from the heart, not a lie."


After saying that, Bai Yu exhaled again and continued:

"Just now I was a little excited... Sorry, I just want to ask you, are you really going to reject her for this reason? Then what did you say at that time? Why do you think so now?"

Bai Yu has not forgotten what she wanted to do when she asked Youyu out this time. The "small conflict" just now was just an accident.

Because what she really wants to do is to understand their situation and then help them resolve the conflict.

Arguing over these things would only make things more complicated, and emotions would get the better of you.

So, she still managed to control herself in time and didn't let the conflict develop further.


"Just now, I have made it very clear why I rejected her."

"However, you will definitely feel dissatisfied with my answer, right?"


Looking at Bai Yu who had fallen silent, You Yu thought for a while, then sighed and said:

"Then, I will tell you the most fundamental reason."

"In short, I am afraid."


After hearing You Yu's answer, Bai Yu was stunned, then frowned, and asked in confusion and surprise:

"You said you are afraid? Are you... joking? During those battles, whether you were saving Wu Yue or saving me, you dared to rush out like a fearless person, and now you tell me... you are afraid?"

A person like You Yu, who is even more fearless than them to some extent, would actually say such a thing?

It is really a bit... unbelievable, she did not even think of the possibility in this regard.


"Then you..."

"Sit down and talk first."

Nodding, Youyu sat back on the bench, motioned Baiyu to sit down as well, and then he continued:

"Because, unlike those things, the difference between this time and Wuyue is... whether I made a promise to her."

"In the future, I may encounter several situations like the previous one. I can't guarantee that I will get out of it unscathed every time, and I can't guarantee that I won't die every time."

"So, I can't easily agree to her request, and I don't have that idea. It's impossible for me to have that kind of idea to establish that kind of relationship with her."

"Because... if I die, the damage to her will be extremely huge."

"Maybe it will have a lifelong impact."


"Then if you do this now, won't it happen?"

Listen Listening to Youyu's words, Bai Yu's annoying emotions came over her again. She had to try her best to keep her emotions stable, but she still asked in an angry tone:

"If you don't establish that relationship with her, won't you die? Do you think that if you reject her, she won't be sad if you have an 'accident' in the future?"

"Don't deceive yourself! Youyu! She's not even afraid, so what are you afraid of? You say you're just afraid of death? Are you afraid that your own death will affect her? I tell you, she won't be that fragile, Youyu!"

"Rather, it's because of your rejection that she has become what she is now!"

"You... are really contradictory!"

"If you're afraid that your death will affect her, then why don't you just leave her side from the beginning?!"


Back to square one.

Listening to Bai Yu's words, Youyu's heart was mixed with mixed feelings for a while.

To be honest, he didn't expect that after coming here, he wouldBeing challenged by Bai Yu... and it was about this matter.

Did she really want him to agree to Wu Yue? She seemed to be more anxious than Wu Yue.

However, it was also indirectly confirmed that Bai Yu was indeed more concerned about his companions than before.

It was indeed a good thing to know this news.

But this time, he came here...

not to quarrel.

"Indeed, as you said, I am a contradictory person, and I admit it myself."

Nodding, facing Bai Yu's angry eyes, You Yu said without any evasion.

"I was thinking about being good to Wu Yue, while doing things that might hurt her. Obviously, according to your method, staying away from her as soon as possible and not having anything to do with her might be the best way to deal with her."

"But... I can't do it."

Speaking, You Yu shook his head and laughed at himself.

"If you don't understand... then let me tell you a story."

"Before, when I was in school, I often didn't understand my parents. The living expenses I earned from my part-time job were barely enough, but they would often call me and ask me if I needed anything, and if they wanted me to pay more..."

"Every time, I refused them, because our family is relatively poor, so the financial ability is also relatively difficult, I can't let them spend money on me."

"But... every time it didn't work, every time, they still directly transferred the money to my card, and when I asked them why, they just said that I should eat more meat."

"At that time, I was in school and my studies were tight, so I never had much time to understand their affairs , until one day... my mother called back and said that my father was ill, and I rushed back to take a look. ”

“After returning, after my mother told me, I learned that he was exhausted because of work.”

“After asking in detail... I learned that at that time, they worked very hard. They were worried about me and wanted to prevent me from living alone in school. The living expenses were not enough, so they kept working hard to make money without telling me.”

“At that time, I was naturally very sad! And also... angry! I wanted them to stop, but they only said it. When I didn’t know, they would still do this kind of thing secretly.”

Speaking, Youyu sighed.

"Later, after several attempts to dissuade them failed, I gave up. After giving up, I asked them a question, why did they do this?"

"They smiled and told me that I was the one they loved."

"At that time, I didn't understand, can you do this to this extent if you love someone?"

"At that time... I really didn't understand."


After a moment of silence, Youyu continued:

"But now, I understand."

"... This should be a kind of, 'clumsy' love."

"Even if you know that your love may hurt yourself and the other person, you still have to do it, even, Sometimes, in order to avoid hurting the other person, you have to hide the fact that you are hurt. "

"So... the reason why I am like this now."

"It is because this 'love' inherited the clumsiness of my family, so... I can't do what you said and leave Wu Yue."

"Knowing that I might get hurt, or the other person, I still have to do it."

"That may be because I... 'love' Wu Yue."

So, is it so contradictory?

After listening to the "story" told by You Yu, Bai Yu, whose emotions have almost calmed down, thought so.


"You are really a... complicated guy."

The words he said, the things he experienced.

Just like what she experienced before... when her "home" was still there.


What's wrong with inheriting.

But, I inherited this...

Bai Yu smiled helplessly.

However, I also figured out why he is like this now.

And... at least what he said now is not a lie.

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