But... even if Bai Yu has "collapsed" now, You Yu can't stop the ongoing plan and has to continue.

After all, reality is not a game, there is no pause button for him to press.

"Then I have to think about what to do next..."

Judging from the current situation, Bai Yu has been affected by Wu Yue, and her mentality has begun to become a little unstable. If she continues, then it is very likely that something bad will happen.

So... he has to find an opportunity to talk to Bai Yu about this matter and ask her not to join the game again?


After thinking for a while, You Yu came to a conclusion.

No, it should not be necessary.

Because... judging from Bai Yu's personality, she is a person who doesn't like to cause trouble to others. If she knows that this matter will become more troublesome because of her interference, then it is very likely that she will take the initiative to choose to withdraw.

Although there is no definite evidence to prove that Bai Yu will withdraw from his and Wu Yue's affairs... but, judging from the speed at which she just spoke and the attitude of the last sentence, it should be about the same.

After all, it was the most difficult for her to control her emotions at times like this.

"Then... Bai Yu's side shouldn't be a big problem. The main thing is to talk to Wu Yue."

If we leave it alone for now, it shouldn't be a problem, but the price may be that Bai Yu's relationship with them will decline again, but before we are sure that we can pull her back... this is the best way to deal with it.

Anyway, tomorrow, tomorrow is Wu Yue's birthday. On that day, use a birthday party to make Wu Yue open her heart again. After she changes back, the problem should not be a big deal.

As for what to do... he still has some confidence in his heart. After all, Wu Yue has been changed a little in the past few days. As long as they can talk, then everything is not a problem.

Thinking of this, Youyu walked back to the place where they were training.


After returning to the training ground.

Wu Yue and Bai Yu, instead of sitting on the bench and chatting like he did when he brought things back before, did their own things.


It can be said that it is a feeling of "all in vain", after all, their relationship seems to have returned to the way it was at the beginning.

After sighing, Youyu walked over to Wuyue, and then handed her the bread he bought at the convenience store, saying:

"I brought you the bread, eat it, Wuyue."

"...Ah! Thank you, Youyu!"


Looking at Wuyue eating the bread, Youyu was silent for a while, then turned his head and looked at Baiyu leaning against a tree not far away.

At this time, she did not look at them, but looked at the sky in the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

The expression on her face was also extremely calm.

Helplessly, after Wuyue finished eating the bread, Youyu had to say to Wuyue and Baiyu:

"Continue training! This is the last one, you can go home later."

Then, they nodded in agreement, took action, and continued training.

However… during their combat training, Youyu could see that their fighting spirit was not high.

Especially Bai Yu, her attack frequency was much lower than before. It can be said that she was just defending and taking a unilateral beating the whole time.

If Wu Yue had not held back, there would probably be a few more scratches on her body.


After twenty minutes.

The last training of the day ended in a hurry. After all, neither side had any intention to fight, so it ended quickly.

After the training, they started the usual finishing work, which was to bring all their things, and then tell each other a few words, pay attention to safety, and go home...


Before leaving, Bai Yu seemed to suddenly remember something, stopped packing her things, turned around, and wanted to speak.


When she saw that Youyu was still standing next to Wu Yue, she stopped wanting to speak, was silent for a while, and continued to pack her things as if nothing had happened.

In the past few days, she has been reminding Youyu to seize the opportunity to go up and talk to Wuyue, saying that he wants to go home with her, or do anything else.

Although Wuyue always refuses with various reasons, she will review with Youyu after the end and discuss what to do next time.

Although the time for "reviewing" with Youyu is not too long, after all, she has been doing this for the past few days. She is still a little uncomfortable without this link for a while."..."

After all, she didn't intend to get involved in their affairs. They should solve their own problems.

If she had to deal with it... it would only make things worse and make the situation more chaotic.

If she hadn't done that at the beginning, it would be better.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu sighed inwardly, quickly packed up her things, turned around and said to them:

"I have something to do today, I'll go back first!"

"You should get up early too!"

After saying these two words, Bai Yu rode on his bicycle and left without looking back.

Only Youyu and Wuyue were left.

"...Um, Youyu."

Seeing Bai Yu leave, Wuyue seemed to realize something, and asked Youyu with a little uneasiness:

"Bai Yu...what's wrong? At this time, doesn't she always come to you to talk about something? Why did she..."

"She did have something to do today. She told me when she came to me just now."

Youyu shook his head and said.

"......Is that so?"


After hearing Youyu's explanation, Wu Yue was silent for a while, and then said:

"Then, you go back first, Youyu, I still have to take a long way, it will be slow, so you..."

"No need."

Before Wu Yue finished speaking, Youyu, who guessed what she was going to say next, directly rejected her and said:

"This time, I will go back with you."

"Oh? There is no need for this, right? You recently...didn't you take a task? You still have to take photos for others, right? If you waste time on me at this time, it's not good..."


Shaking his head, Youyu denied her statement.

Then he said to her seriously:

"I think there is no such thing as wasting time on you. It's better to say that it's more important to go home with you than that task."


"I just simply want to go home with you! This time, I want it no matter what!"

Seeing that Wu Yue was still trying to shirk, Youyu chose to go straight in.

After all, time can no longer be delayed.

After hearing his words, Wu Yue was stunned and blushed.

"Is it okay?"


Then, she hesitated for a long time and said:

"Well, okay..."

"Well! Then let's go back together!"

Seeing Wu Yue agreed, You Yu nodded and said.

This time, he must talk to Wu Yue, anyway, the timing should be enough.

As long as he talks to Wu Yue on the way home.

Then, tomorrow's finishing plan can be completed smoothly!

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