"Phase one... completed."

After saying this, the snake knight turned around, looked at Wu Yue who had fainted on the ground, and walked towards her.

Then, he picked her up and placed her under a nearby tree.


After doing all this, he returned to where "You Yu" was, and then put his hand on "You Yu".


The next moment, with the outbreak of a burst of black mist, "You Yu" instantly changed from the state of a plant-type negative beast to what he should have been.

Then, he fell to the ground, motionless.

"...I didn't expect that you would master the ability to make puppets so quickly..."

"You Yu."

At this moment, the Mamba in the snake knight's body couldn't help but say.

"Well, after all, this is not a difficult thing. As long as you learn a little, you can do it."

Nodding, the snake knight replied.

That's right. In fact, the "Youyu" on the ground is not the real Youyu at all. It's just a puppet created by him - Youyu who has become a "Snake Knight" through negative emotions.

After all, as early as the moment when the Night Demon was about to attack him, he used his ability to teleport and his ability to make puppets with negative emotions to replace the real with the fake without anyone noticing.

Although it stands to reason that with the ability of the Night Demon, as long as he pays a little attention, he should be able to notice that he replaced the real with the fake.

But... the current Night Demon, His general actions are carried out by acting as a puppet, and His body does not go out in person.

This also leads to the limitation of where He can exert his own strength. It is not surprising that he can be suppressed by his ability in some aspects.

Not to mention, he has Mamba to help him.

"So what is your plan next?"

Looking at Youyu who was resting against the tree after completing all this, Mamba asked.

"Or, as you said when you woke me up before, for the next period of time... you will act as a 'Snake Knight'?"

"Yes, that's right."

Nodding, Youyu confirmed what Mamba said.

Then, he turned his attention to Wu Yue who was unconscious, and said:

"After all, I haven't forgotten what I said to you. One day, I will 'die' once sooner or later, so that they will regret it for the rest of their lives."

"Although I can't really 'die' now, but... if I just 'die' for a while, then it should be okay."

"And it just so happens that I also have some things I want to confirm."

"So, you have to leave these magical girls and confirm those things?"

After thinking for a while, Mamba asked:

"Can you tell me what it is? I want to understand your plan. During this period of dormancy, I still remembered a lot of things, maybe I can help you, Youyu."

"Thank you, Mamba, but I don't need your help with this matter, because what I have to do now is just to confirm."

Shaking his head, Youyu said.

"What I want to confirm is... whether Wu Yue will persist after I leave."

"And... is it possible for her to become the thing called 'witch' in Night Demon's mouth after I leave."

"'Witch'... I have heard of it. It is a creature obtained after the despair of the magical girl."

"Based on my current observation, Youyu, you don't need to worry too much. That Wu Yue... should not be that fragile."

"Well, you are right, but there is always a chance of something happening, so I still want to confirm it."

"After all... this is related to my future plans."

After coughing, Youyu turned his eyes away from Wu Yue, looked in one direction, and said:

"Actually... since I had a good conversation with Wu Yue yesterday, I thought of a question."

"That is, are these magical girls really as fragile as I imagined?"

"All along, facing Wu Yue... well, I can say that I treat her in a 'spoiled' way. Although I will guide and correct her when she makes mistakes, most of the time, facing her requests, I basically follow her."

"Even, there are some things that she can do by herself, I also help her do it."

"Under this way of treating her... I have formed that stereotype myself, thinking that she is not good without someone to take care of her."

"But... if sheIf it really can't work, then how did she defeat you again and again in the timeline where you were originally in, Mamba, without me?"

"How could she make up her mind to kill 'me' during the battle just now?"


"I understand what you mean, Youyu."

After a moment of silence, Mamba said:

"You mean, you want to temporarily leave her for a while and let her grow up on her own?"

"But you are still worried now, so you want to observe for a while?"

"That's right."

Youyu nodded and confirmed what Mamba said.

"Excessive care and doting... will not make a person grow, but may harm a person."

"Sometimes, you still have to let go and rely on her to do it and learn on her own."

"Only in this way can she grow up."

"In this way... I think it can be called cultivation."


"I didn't expect you to say these words, Youyu. ”

“Well… As expected, under the premise of implementing the plan of ‘regret for life’, you must treat them well from the bottom of your heart, right? I understand this truth, Youyu.”

“… Don’t make me sound so great. I know my own worth.”

Shaking his head, Youyu denied his statement.

“I am a villain now. If I really want to treat them well, I won’t do that.”

“In the final analysis… It’s just doing evil while maintaining the bottom line.”

“Is that so…”


After listening to Youyu’s words, Mamba fell into silence and didn’t speak for a long time.

And Youyu also picked up the rapier in his right hand and looked at it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, he closed his eyes.

He is waiting now.


“Here it comes. "

After a while, Youyu opened his eyes, left the tree he was leaning against, walked out of the shade, turned around, and looked in one direction.

Looking at... the blue figure running towards him.

Looking at her, the snake knight said with a teasing laugh:

"Hey, Magical Girl Lan Ye."

"You're here now... It seems a little late, right?"

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