At night, on the top of a tall building in the city.

The black and white weirdo, Snake Knight, also known as Youyu, was standing on this tall building at the moment, looking down at everything below.

His eyes kept sweeping over the shops at the bottom, and finally, he set his sights on a place called "cake shop".

Then, with his superhuman vision, he looked into the shop, at the blonde girl with twin ponytails standing at the front desk, who was now paying for people.


After looking at her for a while, Youyu retracted his gaze, lowered his head, took out his mobile phone, and compared the information on it.

"Liu Meng, 20 years old, graduated from Rainbow University. After graduating at the age of 18, she worked as a pastry chef. However, after working for a while, she disappeared, lost her life track, and lost contact with her family..."

"However, two years later, she suddenly reappeared and came to work in this cake shop."

"So, what did she do in these two years?"

"She became a magical girl!"

"Yes, that's right."

Nodding and acknowledging that Mamba's statement was correct, Youyu once again focused on the cake shop and said:

"Although the investigation process is a bit troublesome, now it is finally clear what the origin of the magical girl Yantu is."

"She was a magical girl who appeared long before Wu Yue and Bai Yu, and she has been active as a magical girl for two years."

"... No wonder, when I first met her in those previous time periods, she was so powerful. "

After saying this with a sigh, Mamba continued:

"According to what you said, Yuyu, this magical girl Yantu has been active for two years, a senior magical girl, and her strength is stronger than that Lan Ye."

"Are you sure you want to contact her at this time? Yuyu? Wu Yue and Bai Yu haven't finished their affairs yet, are you planning to get her?"

After hearing what Mamba said, Yuyu shook his head and said:

"No, not really, the main reason is that I don't have anything to do now. After all, negative emotions are constantly being acquired, and I don't need to actively acquire them."

"So-there is only this thing left to do."

Not only is she a golden-haired twin-tailed magical girl...but she is also a senior. Well, when these settings are added together, Yuyu feels very interested.

It would be even better if she could use dual guns.

"Is that so?"

After listening to Youyu's words, Mamba thought for a while, and then said:

"Then, what are you going to do about Wuyue and Baiyu?"

"You will have to appear in front of them sooner or later, right? When do you decide to do it?"

"Just leave them alone?"

"For the time being, that's the case."

Youyu nodded.

"I need to observe their reactions...see how their emotions and behaviors change."

"After confirming all this, I will give them an opportunity to take the initiative to fight with them."

Moreover, taking this opportunity, Wuyue should also have the opportunity to have a good talk with Baiyu, resolve the previous misunderstandings, and improve their relationship.

After all, some things still have to be handled by them themselves. If he always does it himself, then they will not be able to grow...

Especially in terms of interpersonal relationships.

"After the battle, I'll think about whether I should go back to them immediately."

"Or should I say..."

Looking at Liu Meng in the cake shop, You Yu murmured:

"Open a new path."


The usual training ground for the magic girls.

It was the third day after "You Yu" was taken away by the snake knight. Although he was missing, Wu Yue and Bai Yu still transformed into magic girls and carried out the usual combat training.

Moreover, the level of combat training was even stronger than before.



"Hey?! Are you okay, Bai Yu?"

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Bai Yu gritted her teeth and supported herself on the ground. After recovering from Wu Yue's powerful blow, she stood up, paused for a while, and said:

"Sorry, Wu Yue, I was distracted just now. Let's do it again. It won't be like this this time."

Looking at her reluctant look, Wu Yue sighed and said:

"It's not that bad, Bai Yu, what's wrong with you? You always looked absent-minded during the recent training period.. We will soon fight with the snake knight and rescue Youyu. If you have any worries, you should speak them out in time. "

"Actually, that's what I'm worried about."

Listening to Wu Yue's words, Bai Yu hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said:

"After all, the snake knight has recently informed us... saying that he will give us a chance to fight in the next few days."

"That means that we have to come up with a way to deal with the snake knight in these few days."

"After defeating him, rescuing Youyu is that simple."

"But... I'm always worried that before we go to rescue him, he will have an accident because of the actions of the snake knight."

"I've been worried about this, afraid that our efforts afterwards will be in vain."

"...So, I can't concentrate."

"Wu Yue, how can you still stay like this? "

After listening to Bai Yu's words, Wu Yue was silent for a while and said:

"...Of course, as long as there is still a little hope, we must do our best to fight for it! No matter what the cost!"


As she said, Wu Yue lowered her head and looked at the red gem on her neck.

Looking at the glowing gem, Wu Yue inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief and explained:

"When I became a magical girl, my wish was to protect Youyu."

"If Youyu really had an accident, then this gem should have dimmed, after all, this means that my wish has failed."

"And hasn't dimmed yet."

"So, there should still be a chance! Although these are all my guesses, I don't know if this can really prove that Youyu didn't have an accident...but, at least there is still hope, right? "

After hearing Wu Yue's explanation, Bai Yu was stunned for a while and said:

"... So that's it, you rely on the mechanism of the source of the magic girl's power to judge You Yu's life or death? No wonder you haven't been nervous these days."

"Yeah! Sorry! Bai Yu, I forgot to tell you this information, causing you to worry about these things..."

Looking at her, Wu Yue said embarrassedly.

"No, it's okay. Anyway, if You Yu is okay, it's fine."

After a sigh of relief, Bai Yu shook his head and continued:

"Then let's rest for a while and continue training. Next time, I should be able to perform well."

"Yeah! "

Nodding, Wu Yue did not refuse. After canceling the transformation, she walked over to the bench.

She sat down, looked at her phone, looked at the photos she had taken with You Yu before, and smiled as silly as before.


After looking at Wu Yue, Bai Yu turned her head and looked at the sky in the distance.

It was already covered with dark clouds, and it looked like it was about to rain.

"It's going to rain..."

Looking at the darkening sky, Bai Yu always felt that the first full-state face-to-face battle with the Snake Knight later...

would not be that simple.


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