"...Snake Knight!"

Hearing the voice coming from the other end of the phone, Bai Yu suppressed the anger that suddenly emerged in his heart, took a deep breath, and said in a cold tone:

"What do you want to see me for? Snake Knight, are you going to make another offer to us?"

"If that's the case, then hang up! Apart from Youyu's matter, don't bother us again! Even if you don't come out, no matter how much you mock us, we will definitely keep searching until we find you!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ Listen to the tone of your voice~ Can't you be more careful? ? Lan Ye, the man you are talking about is still in my hands now, right? "

"If you talk to me like this and make me feel bad..."


"Tsk! What do you want to say? If you want to say it, say it quickly, don't waste time!"

After listening to Bai Yu's dissatisfied tsk and trying to change the subject, the snake knight smiled and said:

"Don't get excited, Lan Ye, I'm not that boring. I came to you this time because I have to bring you good news."

"The good news is - tomorrow, go to the place I sent you. address, you and another magical girl, come together. "

"Then, there, you will get what you want and meet the Youyu you want to meet~"

"Of course, the premise is..."

"You have to defeat me first~"

After listening to what the snake knight said, Bai Yu calmed down for a rare time, frowned, and said:

"Are we going to fight you tomorrow? How can we be sure that Youyu is still with you? How can we be sure that Youyu is still alive now?"

"What should we do if we go to a place and Youyu is not there, and you are deceiving us?"

"So, Before that - at least let me talk to him and confirm his current condition! "


After Bai Yu finished speaking, the Snake Knight on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and then, with a regretful tone, he said:

"Ha! Lan Ye, I really want to agree to your request. After all, there is hope and motivation, right? "

"But, unfortunately... the man now seems a little inconvenient. "

"What do you mean by this? !"

After hearing the answer from the Snake Knight, Bai Yu was shocked and asked angrily.

However, this time, the Snake Knight did not answer her question, but sighed helplessly and said with a smile:

"The meaning of this sentence~ That's the literal meaning~ He is not very convenient now, in all senses."

"If you want to find out what his current situation is, then come to this place tomorrow. I have sent it to your mobile phone~"

"It's... an old place you are quite familiar with."

"After going there and defeating me, it's not too late for you to ask slowly."

"Then, it's still the same."


After saying this, the Snake Knight hung up the phone.


After taking the phone from her ear, Bai Yu frowned as she looked at the anonymous message.

Then, she clicked in and looked at the picture inside——

The content in the picture was the venue where they had been training all the time.

"Snake Knight..."

Looking at this picture, Bai Yu gritted his teeth and muttered:

"So you have been eyeing us for a long time..."


After thinking for a while, Bai Yu did not forget what he should do next, so he called Wu Yue and told her about what the Snake Knight had just said to her.

"What? Are we going to fight tomorrow?"

"And... it's in this place."

"Yeah, that's right."

After sighing, Bai Yu looked at the rain outside the window and said:

"Although the sooner the better, but with the short training we have just received in the past few days, can we really deal with the snake knight?"

"I'm a little worried. We didn't save Youyu, but we got ourselves into trouble."

"...You're right, Bai Yu. With our current strength, we may not be able to do it."

"But now, no matter what, since he has come to our door, we must try to defeat him."

"After all, we can't be sure that he will give us a chance next time. If we fail to defeat him, I dare not even think about what he will do to Youyu!"

After saying this, Wu Yue paused for a moment, as if she was brewing something, and said:

"Bai Yu, I know you are very anxious... so am I, but now, we have no other choice but to stay calm and face tomorrow's battle. "

"That's it, Bai Yu."

After saying this, Wu Yue hung up the phone, and Bai Yu was a little dazed for a while.

After a long time, after reacting, he felt something was wrong.

"Wu Yue was so calm just now..."

I don't know what she was thinking.

It is probably because she became so cold after hearing the threats from the snake knight. After all, the words he said just now were naked threats.

Then she had to get ready quickly.


Wu Yue's home.

At this time, Wu Yue was standing at home, standing in front of the mirror in the room, looking at herself in the mirror who had become a magical girl, and was slightly dazed.

Then, she looked down at the neck. The ruby ​​seemed to have dimmed a little. After a moment of silence, she raised her head again.

Just now, after she heard the information from Bai Yu and the words that the snake knight said to her, which were close to "threatening", her heart began to be filled with anger, and a part of panic - from the worry about Youyu's life safety.

It was after this worry that Wu Yue seemed to find that the ruby ​​on her neck seemed to have dimmed a little. Although it was not easy to detect, Wu Yue, who had been observing it for the past few days, still saw it at the first time.

So... could this mean that her previous judgment was slightly wrong?



Can't think too much anymore.

If you continue to think about it, your strength may be weakened.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow you must defeat him and rescue Youyu!"

"Then... protect him well and don't let those enemies touch him again! "

Looking at myself in the mirror - the blazing flames of magic power burning on my fist again.

Wu Yue made up her mind.

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