Did they lose again? They didn't win, because they fell down again because of failure.

Looking at the snake knight who was gradually going away, Wu Yue thought painfully.

In the past few days, in order to come up with a way to deal with him, they have trained many times and explored various moves.

Originally thought, if they couldn't win in terms of strength, then they would rely on skills and plans, and cooperate with each other to defeat him.

However, after the snake knight revealed his further strength, the cooperation between them was like a joke, and was smashed to pieces by the snake knight.

It seems that there is no chance of winning.

... But, do you really have to give up?


"No, there is only this one chance...!"

Looking down, looking at the ruby ​​on her neck that was still shining, Wu Yue gritted her teeth, endured the pain, and staggered to get up from the ground.

Seeing Wu Yue standing up again, Bai Yu was startled. Just as he was about to say something, he whimpered and closed his mouth because of the pain in his body.

Looking at the back of the snake knight, Wu Yue picked up the sword on the ground, let it burn again, and then shouted at him:

"Snake Knight! Hurry up and turn your head back!"

"The battle! It's not over yet!"

Hearing Wu Yue's shouting behind him, the snake knight paused for a moment, then stopped, turned around, and looked at Wu Yue.

At this time, Wu Yue held the sword again and pointed it at him with a firm look in her eyes.

Even now, the scars on her body are causing her pain every moment, but she has no signs of retreating or falling down.

"You are ready to die, right?"

Watching her stand up again, the Snake Knight was filled with emotion. While stopping the manipulation of a certain existence, he picked up his sword again, pointed it at her, and said with a mocking laugh:

"I really didn't expect that, Magical Girl Firebird, you can still stand up? Under such an attack?"

"But... judging from your current body, you can't hold on for long, right?"

"Do you want to save people or die?"

"...Even if I die today! I must defeat you!"

"Then, save Youyu!"

After saying this, Wu Yue, who had just stood up not long ago, once again swung the flaming sword and slashed at the Snake Knight.

The Snake Knight did not dodge at all, but just stood there and took her attack with his sword.

"The power is even weaker than before~ Firebird."

After easily lifting it up and bouncing back Wu Yue's attack, the Snake Knight pushed forward with his empty left hand and pushed it on Wu Yue's body.


The next moment, this seemingly powerless attack actually made Wu Yue fly backwards and hit the ground.

Seeing her like this, the Snake Knight shook his head and said in a flat tone:

"It's almost time for you to stop, right? Magical girl."

"When your body can no longer support you, you still have to continue fighting. The final outcome is death. You know it better than me."

"You said that you have to save that man even if you die?"

"Then I can only say that you are really stupid."

"If he knew that you died here to save her, I wonder what he would think?"

After saying this, the Snake Knight did not make any more sounds, but just looked at them lying on the ground quietly, letting the raindrops hit him and them.

"Still... can't win?"

Looking at the current bad situation, even if Bai Yu didn't want to admit it, she had to face the reality.

They lost this battle.

What kind of situation will they face next?

She no longer wanted to think about it.

"Stupid, stupid! Say whatever you want to me!"

However, just when Bai Yu fell into a state of numbness due to despair, suddenly, Wu Yue, who had fallen down, stood up again.

Moreover, not only the sword in her hand, but even her body, emitted a faint pink light.

Seeing this scene, not only Bai Yu, but even the snake knight who seemed to be at ease all the time couldn't help but be stunned, stopped in place, and looked at her in surprise.

Then, as if he realized something, he raised his sword again and ran towards her. While running, he said with a strange and excited tone:

"Interesting... It seemsAre you going to show your true power~? Magical girl? "

While saying this, he had already arrived in front of Wu Yue, and then swung his sword down - against the flaming sword that was almost as powerful as his.

Knowing that this was a great opportunity, the Snake Knight took advantage of the stalemate and began to bombard Wu Yue with words:

"You didn't win at that time, do you think you can defeat me now? Magical girl? !"

"You didn't succeed in saving that man, and he turned into a negative beast. If it weren't for me, he might have been taken back to that night demon!"

"At that time...you didn't use your own power, but at this time, you suddenly became determined? Become stronger?"

"Isn't it too late for you to make up your mind to this extent? !"

"Boom! "

As he spoke, a violent explosion occurred at the place where the two swords collided, knocking both of them back!

But this time, Wu Yue did not fall down again, but held the sword in her hand tightly, which was almost melted, and said seriously:

"Indeed! At that time, I was incompetent! Weak! I had no ability and courage to save Youyu!"

"In the end... I even had to kill him!"

"After he disappeared, I thought I would always remember what he said to me at that time. Even if he was gone, I would still be myself and would not indulge in sadness... But I found that I couldn't do it! "

"Because of my weakness and incompetence, I let him go and let him disappear!"

"I have been regretting and blaming myself for my incompetence!"

"...It has continued until now. "

And all of this was caused by her wrong decision.

Even at that time, it was a last resort.

But if there was still a chance and strength, would it be possible to change the result at that time?

If you still maintain your determination and believe that you can definitely save Youyu...

Then will the final result be different?

She thought about these things many times, even in the battle just now.

So... she came to a conclusion.

In this battle, she must maintain her determination.

The determination to defeat the snake knight and bring Youyu back!

After all, the root of all her weakness is because her "heart" and desire are not firm enough, which ultimately leads to the result!

And... she also has a hunch that the "power" of the magical girl seems to be related to the heart.


"This time, I will not give up again! I will definitely grab his "hand"!"

"This is my determination!"

The next moment after this sentence was spoken.

"Boom! "

The sword in Wu Yue's hand burned with a bigger flame, almost enveloping her whole body.

After the flames dissipated.

What appeared in front of the Snake Knight was a sword with flame patterns and a red hilt.

"...Finally appeared?"

After seeing the sword, with all kinds of complicated emotions, the Snake Knight became serious for the first time.

"The magic girl's...weapon."

According to Mamba, this is the first weapon He has encountered that has the characteristics of idealistic power.

"Then, let me try it!"

"Idealistic power..."

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