An Yitian turned over early the next morning, intending to take a nap, closed her eyes and reached out to touch it, but she didn't touch the pillow she put beside the bed.

Like a frightened rabbit, An Yitian immediately opened her eyes, and then pulled the quilt tightly to cover herself tightly.

I forgot that this was in Li Yang's room, and Li Yang was lying on the edge of the bed.

After waiting for a while without any movement, An Yitian covered the quilt and slowly moved towards the bed, or "creeping" is more accurate.

Sure enough, Li Yang was still asleep, and after thinking about it, An Yitian immediately tidied up while Li Yang was still asleep, and then woke Li Yang up.

After waking up, Li Yang yawned, the floor was a bit rocky, and he didn't sleep well last night.

"By the way, when I go out for "193", don't reveal that I'm resting on the floor, or my mother will suspect it."

An Yitian blushed and nodded after hearing Li Yang's words.

After all, Li Yang's mother knew about the "cohabitation" of the two of them, and they "lived together" together, so it was okay to rest in the same bed.

After making up the bed, Li Yang and An Yitian went out together. Li Yufang had already prepared breakfast. Seeing the two of them coming out together, she quickly said:

"Yi Tian, ​​come here, have breakfast, I sent Yang Yang's father out to buy warm soy milk fritters."

Li Yang, who was about to answer "Got it", was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that the name of his biological mother was not him, but Yi Tian.

"Auntie, you woke up really early, I'd better wash up before eating, thank you.

After speaking, An Yitian picked up the toiletries in the suitcase and went directly to the bathroom, while Li Yang went to the kitchen to simply rinse his mouth, then picked up the buns and ate them without hesitation.

"Don't tell me, Mom, Dad bought this from Aunt Wang's at the street corner, it tastes really good.

"Look at you, Yi Tian is so knowledgeable and reasonable, do you have to be polite? You can't do anything right after eating a bun."

Listening to my mother's words, the buns in Li Yang's hands suddenly taste bad after eating

Li Yijun had already left for work, and An Yitian also came out of the bathroom. Li Yang's mother said with a smile when she saw this:

"Yi Tian, ​​then I'm going to work, you have to look after the yangyang, don't let this kid scare you away."

After hearing Li Yufang's words, An Yitian sat at the dining table and replied with a smile:

"I see, Auntie, I will look after 'Yangyang!'."

When talking about the word "Yangyang", An Yitian specially added the accent, and the smile couldn't be hidden in her voice.

Li Yang didn't speak until his mother left:

"Hey, Yi Tian, ​​tell me your nickname, otherwise you know mine and I don't know yours, which is unfair.

Curling her lips, Anyi took a sip of soy milk, and then showed a satisfied smile.

"I don't, it was my aunt who told me, not you, right, Yangyang?"

Hearing this, Li Yang became angry, picked up the pillow and said:

"Yi Tian, ​​I think you want to be beaten, right? I'm going to 'revitalize husband gang'

"Come on, if you dare to hit me with a pillow, I will tell auntie later."

After hearing this sentence, Li Yang sighed and threw the pillow back on the sofa.

After lunch, Li Yang took An Yitian to play outside. Wufeng County is actually not that big. The two of them went to the school where Li Yang was a child, and then just spent two days wandering around the entire Wufeng County. .

In the past two days, the relationship between An Yitian and Li Yang's mother was so fierce, but it was my father who accepted his own "bribery" but had no useful "information".

If you have to say something, just say "Your mother is too satisfied with this child."

Li Yang thinks that this is not worth paying for a Huazi plus a box of "royal jelly" [because everyone can see that my mother is very happy with An Yitian, the "daughter-in-law".

A few days have passed in a blink of an eye, and the time is almost up. Li Yang and An Yitian will be back in Pingyang. I haven't been to the company for so many days...

And tomorrow is Monday, and it's time for An Yitian to go back to work, so Li Yang decided to return to Pingyang today.

After dinner, Li Yang and An Yitian packed their luggage, and then planned to go downstairs and drive back to Pingyang.

After coming to the living room, Li Yang saw Li Yufang's expression seemed very reluctant, and Li Yang was also a little moved.

After all, I am my own son, and my mother was still reluctant to leave.

After thinking about it, Li Yang decided to comfort his mother.

"Mom, don't be too sad, I'll come back after a while, it's convenient now......

Li Yang froze before finishing his sentence.

Because Li Yang's mother didn't pay attention to him at all, and directly passed him to An Fentian.

"Yi Tian, ​​Auntie can't bear to miss you. I want to come to accompany Auntie often. Li Yang is bullying you. Remember to contact me, and I will clean him up for you. Anyway, we have contact information."

Li Yang doesn't know how he is feeling now, who will comfort him?

The answer is Father Li, Li Yijun patted Li Yang on the shoulder and said:

"Why are you standing there? Take your luggage and put it in the car first, let the two of them chat for a while."

After waiting in the car downstairs for a long time, An Yitian and her mother walked upstairs 1.0 down.

"Yangyang, drive carefully and be safe."

"Got it, Mom."

After a few more instructions, Li Yang started the car and left the community, then drove towards the highway intersection.

On the way, Li Yang curiously opened his mouth and asked:

"Yi Tian, ​​what are you and my mother talking about up there for so long?"

After thinking about it, An Yitian spoke directly:

"Auntie gave me something."

After hearing that his mother gave An Yitian something, Li Yang frowned, what could his mother give An Yitian.

Could it be that thinking of this, Li Yang's pupils locked.

"Damn, my mother is serious, Yi Tian, ​​what did she give you?".

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