Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

133 The Pace Of Flagship Store Expansion

Li Yang has been extremely busy these two days. He just came back from the "Tianshui Town" bee farm and then drove to the "Linye Township" bee farm.

These two places are the top priority of the company, and there should be no mistakes.

The pace of expansion of the flagship store after the beginning of spring is completely determined by the output of the two bee farms.

The days passed quickly, Li Yang no longer needed to wear cotton clothes, and "Linye Township" successfully completed the groundbreaking ceremony, and all bee farms under Li Yang Biotechnology have been put into normal operation.

The 10 million bees in Li Yang's system space have also been extracted, and now Li Yang is looking forward to reaching the threshold of one million honor points soon.

Then you can draw the system reward "337" again.

While thinking about it in the office, Wang Zheng knocked on the door to break Li Yang's thoughts, and after letting him in, Li Yang was still the same as before.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from the desk drawer, opened one for him, and then said:

"What's wrong? Wang Zheng."

After hearing Li Yang's inquiry, Wang Zhen said:

"Brother Yang, isn't this the company's output that will be raised soon? I feel that the transportation team's carts are not enough. Just two carts with a load of tens of tons may not be able to meet the soaring production and transportation demand at that time."

After Wang Zhen finished speaking, Li Yang nodded. He had thought about this matter before, but he just kept procrastinating.

Now that Wang Zhen has brought it up, let him take someone to pick up a few large carts. In Li Yang's opinion, five carts should be enough for the time being.

"Okay, then you bring a person from the purchasing department and finance today, and I will approve the note here, and you go to see the car directly. If it's okay, you can pick up five cars today, the kind with a load capacity of more than tens of tons.

When Wang Zhen came over, he didn't expect Li Yang to be so straightforward, and replied with a smile:

"Brother Yang, it's cool to work under your command. Once you say it, you will approve it directly. If the other bosses don't have to write a few reports, take your time."

"Okay, don't be poor, you can go to the purchasing department and the finance department."

After Wang Zhen left the office, Li Yang turned on the computer, and then searched for maps of Rongcheng City and Shancheng City on it.

In Li Yang's view, the four flagship stores in Rongcheng are not enough to meet the needs of the city [the entire consumer market in Rongcheng with a population of tens of millions has also been developed a little bit by the company.

Not to mention the complete development of the high-end market in Rongcheng City, even if the development is 60 to 70%, these four stores are far from enough.

In Li Yang’s conception, there are a total of eight districts in Rongcheng, among which there are two flagship stores in each of the three most prosperous districts, and one flagship store in each of the remaining five districts. The flagship store in the center of Daguli is another .

In this case, Rongcheng needs at least twelve flagship stores to be considered enough, but now there are only four flagship stores, and there are eight more.

Li Yang frowned when he saw this, and then chose to call He Dong.

"Hello, Dongzi, is it convenient?"

He Dong on the phone should be in the office, very quiet.

It's convenient, Brother Yang, what's the matter?"

After hearing Ho Tung's convenience, Li Yang continued:

"Okay, then you can call Liang Zi, and the three of us will have a video conference."

"Okay, Brother Yang, wait a minute, I'll call you when I'm ready."

Not a while after hanging up the phone, He Dong pulled Li Yang closer to the WeChat group of the three, and then turned on the video.

In the video, He Dong and Zhang Liang looked like they had worked overtime for a few days, their hair was messed up like a chicken coop, Li Yang asked, it turned out that the people from the Rongcheng Branch had received orders from Li Yang in the past two days After that, I was too busy to die.

After all, there is a lot of market preparation work to be done, similar to the marketing activities in the small red book, we need to plan and do it again.

After chatting for a while with a smile, Li Yang then told the two about his plan.

Rongcheng must expand the market again. The flagship store must first cover all the large districts of Rongcheng, and ensure that each district has at least one flagship store of Liyang Biotechnology...

Now Liyang Biotechnology Rongcheng flagship store is in one district with other flagship stores, and the remaining two are in the other two districts.

We only managed to cover three districts, so Li Yang's request is to start looking for stores in the other five districts now, and then decorate and recruit for opening.

He Dong and Zhang Liang were also very excited after listening to Li Yang's speech. After all, they have been waiting for the day of expansion for a long time.

After explaining the business, several people chatted for a while, and Li Yang opened the map of the mountain city again.

The mountain city is much more complicated, the terrain is complex, and various business districts are also intertwined to become more complicated.

But after some research, Li Yang decided that in addition to the flagship store in Xingda Plaza, Shancheng City will add three more stores, first slowly opening up the market like the one in Rongcheng City.

After confirming this decision, Li Yang immediately arranged for an assistant to convene a meeting with the heads of the marketing department and the advertising department.

A week later, Li Yang drove to the bee farm in "Sweet Water Town". The bee farm was full of busy workers, and the flowers in the flower fields were already blooming one after another, although it was not the most blooming season.

But these small flowers and grasses are enough to satisfy the temporary honey-gathering behavior of bees, and 0.3 of these brewed honeys are all "hundred-flower honey"

After a winter of silence, Li Yang believes that this year's first batch of "Hundred Flower Honey" will hit the market.

It is estimated that at that time, I will choose to hoard and buy a large amount of "Hundred Flower Honey", which is a problem in consumer psychology.

For example, people who have been hungry usually have enough food at home. Those who did not buy "Hundred Flower Honey" last winter will probably buy more this year.

Looking at the thousands of acres of flower fields in front of him, Li Yang is confident that he can withstand the pressure of goods demand at that time.

The five Dongfeng trucks on the transportation team with a load of more than 30 tons are also ready, just waiting for the arrival of the first batch of "Hundred Flower Honey" from the bee farm.

Looking at the flower fields in front of him, Li Yang threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, then turned around and got into the car, then stepped on the accelerator and left "Sweet Water Town". .

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