Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

136 \"Hundred Flower Honey\" Is Now On Sale

Li Yang also received feedback from the people below that the sales of "Plum Blossom Nectar" and "Camellia Nectar" have skyrocketed in the past two days, should he take some countermeasures and the like.

Li Yang's answer is to stop the supply, and other stores in the flagship store will be sold naturally without intervention.

The suspension of supply is only for the stocks of "plum nectar" and "camellia nectar" in all central warehouses and bee farms, and these small stocks will be preserved.

Then launch activities from time to time, which is the same as the "Hundred Flower Honey" randomly given by Xiao Ping'er last time.

As for the "Plum Blossom Nectar" and "Camellia Nectar" in the original flagship stores, just let them sell out, and there is no need to "recall".

Two days later, in the Rongcheng flagship store of Daguli Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a woman walked to the shelf, intending to buy a few bottles of "Plum Blossom Honey" and "Camellia Flower Honey" to take home. It's here.

But when she passed a counter, she noticed that there were some more things on it. The shelf was empty before, but now there are jars of honey neatly placed on it.

After the pupils shrank slightly, the woman quickly walked to the shelf and took a can in her hand, and then the three characters "Hundred Flower Honey" on it came into view. 080 "Winter goes to spring, we meet again, 'Hundred Flower Honey' is on the market with spring, welcome to taste."

There is also a small line of words printed on the jar, and the woman was even a little moved when she saw this pair in elementary school.

She still remembers the first time she used "Hundred Flower Honey".

Her skin is naturally dull, but a little darker. Although there is no problem with her facial features, it is because of this skin color problem that she is very distressed.

Usually, she has to use a thick layer of makeup such as concealer to cover the undertone of her skin, which also makes many people think that she has heavy makeup.

But she can't help it, she has to spend time removing her makeup after she goes back. Not only is such a thick layer of foundation concealer for a long time very troublesome, makeup remover, but also (bede) caused even greater damage to her not-so-good skin. harm.

For this reason, she also found a lot of so-called whitening remedies, and even used various so-called "high-tech ion whitening toners" of several thousand yuan.

But it was useless, she had already given up on this matter until she browsed in the little red book before.

It was the same as usual, she just came here to have a look. Although the economic conditions are good, she usually doesn't buy a lot of bags lavishly.

After seeing the whitening post, she smiled wryly. Although it clearly posted pictures before and after use, she still didn't believe it.

It was these "various advertisements" that attracted her to being cheated again and again before, so this time she didn't choose to believe it, and simply forgot about it.

But a few days later, she stumbled across this post by accident, and she didn't expect that there were a lot of replies below, and most of them were really praising this product.

Her first reaction to these praiseworthy accounts was that the navy hired by the company deliberately collected money for praise.

But she dispelled the idea after opening the accounts of those comments. Those accounts were basically real, because the personal information on them was even verified.

They are all executives of big companies and the like, and the income level of these people will definitely not be a "water army".

So after seeing these comments, she couldn't help it anymore, what if... what if this "hundred flower honey" is really useful?

Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still any longer, so she asked for leave and went to the flagship store in the big store according to the address given in the post.

Then I bought two bottles of "Hundred Flower Honey".

After using it for a period of time, she was surprised to find that it was really useful this time. The price of a few hundred yuan brought an effect that those thousands or even tens of thousands of products could not bring.

It's amazing, my naturally dark complexion is really developing in the direction of fairness.

Although it's not too white, at least I don't have to wear thick concealer and foundation when I go out.

She changed from a low self-esteem girl to an ordinary girl, she got rid of her low self-esteem character, which brightened her life.

That's why she was moved.

After putting away the churning emotions in her heart, the woman took a lot of "Hundred Flower Honey" from the shelf, and then went to the counter to pay.

At the same time, the news of the launch of "Hundred Flower Honey" spread rapidly on the Little Red Book APP.

Many people who got the news ran directly to the flagship store closest to them, although it was not as exaggerated as the "Jiuxin Pill" for heart patients.

But "Hundred Flower Honey" has also become an indispensable product in their lives.

This is the nature of women who love beauty.

With the hot sale of "Hundred Flower Honey" after its launch, the flagship stores in Rongcheng and Shancheng have also entered into intense preparations.

Not only is the listing of "Hundred Flower Honey" a gimmick, Li Yang must also launch advertising and marketing.

This time the company has accumulated enough customer groups and sufficient funds, so it opened with a bigger name.

There is no need to use "unique tricks" like the last flagship store in Daguli, Rongcheng to win. Li Yang directly called the advertising department for a meeting.

The idea of ​​the meeting is to carry out precise "regional delivery" of video advertisements in Rongcheng and Shancheng.

Video ads are more expensive to produce, and the cost of advertising on video platforms is much more expensive than those on the Internet.

But the advantage of expensive and expensive is that it is more convincing and has a larger and wider audience.

After all, the small red book is too small compared to some video platforms and has fewer users.

Li Yang's goal is to let more people know about Li Yang Biotechnology, and the more people who know about it, the more users will naturally pay for it.

At that time, sales will naturally go up.

Li Yang's requirement for the content of the video advertisement is to highlight the product features of Liyang Biotechnology, and then let people remember the brand of Liyang Biotechnology.

Of course, unlike those commercials on the market, Li Yang requested that the commercials be shot with more emotion and style. .

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