Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

176 Crazy Store Opening Plan!

If Rongcheng is a quasi-first-tier second-tier city, then Jiangzhou City is a serious second-tier city, and the consumer market is naturally lower than that of Rongcheng.

But the resident population of Jiangzhou is about 8 million, which is already a big base.

Moreover, Jiangzhou's various entertainment and new media industries, these companies have one thing in common, that is, the proportion of female employees is relatively large.

The "Hundred Flower Honey" product of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is mainly aimed at the female group.

Therefore, the proportion of Jiangzhou women exceeding 53.6% can still bring great benefits to the development of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

In terms of regions, the urban area of ​​Jiangzhou is divided into six districts, of which the city center belongs to a large district, which is relatively large. The remaining five districts all belong to similar populations and areas.

Seeing this, Li Yang has already thought about how to configure the flagship store in the Jiangzhou market.

There are two flagship stores in the large districts in the city center, and one flagship store in each of the remaining five districts.

And this time, Li Yang does not intend to adopt the previous method of 380. Before that, both Rongcheng and Shancheng companies used to open a flagship store first.

Then slowly expand through this flagship store and open flagship stores in other districts.

This time, Ji Yang plans to open a total of seven flagship stores at the same time!

Moreover, in Li Yang's plan, a total of four stores in Shancheng City should continue to expand, and another five stores in Shancheng City should be added to reach the standard of nine flagship stores in total.

Then, as for the central warehouse in Jiangzhou City, the central warehouse in Shancheng City will be used. There is no need to set up a separate central warehouse in Jiangzhou.

Because the distance between Shancheng City and Jiangzhou City is very close, and it takes less than a few hours to drive, the transportation team will drive a van to pick up the goods from the central warehouse in Shancheng City, and then deliver them directly to the flagships in Jiangzhou. inside the shop.

Another five flagship stores will be opened in Shancheng City, and six flagship stores will be opened in Jiangzhou. A total of eleven flagship stores will be budgeted at around 15 million to 20 million (beai)

Then Li Yang needs to allocate another budget for car purchases to Wang Zhen's transportation team. Now the few vans in Shancheng City are not enough after the opening of the other five stores in Shancheng City.

Not to mention that the central warehouse on the mountain city side has to be responsible for the distribution of goods on the Jiangzhou city side, so Li Yang plans to ask Wang Zhen to purchase ten more vans.

Among them, seven vans were allocated to the central warehouse in Shancheng City, and together with the previous vehicles, they were responsible for the logistics and distribution of a total of 15 flagship stores in Shancheng City and Jiangzhou City.

The remaining three cars will be divided into the area of ​​Rongcheng City, and the surrounding counties will be merged into the urban area of ​​Rongcheng City soon, and there will be one or two more districts in Rongcheng City.

Flagship stores will naturally expand to new locations.

What remains is the biggest problem, which is advertising and marketing. This time, a total of eleven flagship stores will open at the same time, and advertising and marketing must be in place.

Thinking of this, Li Yang called the assistant in, and asked her to call the advertising department for a meeting.

After the assistant left the office, Li Yang went directly to the conference room. After waiting for a few minutes, Liu Sen led the people from the advertising department and came in one after another.

Advertising is the same as the programmers in the technical group. It is a job that needs to burn your head and lose your hair. Basically, they all smoke, so Li Yang does not shy away from it.

He took out a pack of cigarettes directly from his pocket, lit one and smoked one.

Next, Li Yang told the people in the advertising department about his decision to open eleven flagship stores in Shancheng City and Jiangzhou City at the same time.

Their task is to do a good job in the opening marketing work. They have done many opening marketing work before, and they are familiar with this process.

The difference this time is that the volume is relatively large, and a total of eleven flagship stores opened at the same time, which means that the error tolerance rate of the advertising department is low.

So they have to act cautiously, and the plan must be comprehensive. It doesn't matter if the volume is large and the effect is slightly inferior, but it must be stable.

In particular, the marketing plan of Jiangzhou City must be done well, because Jiangzhou is a brand new market, and the "stepping stone" for Liyang Biotechnology to enter Jiangzhou is the marketing plan of their advertising department.

Liu Sen nodded after listening to Li Yang finish the task this time, and then took the lead in expressing his opinion:

"Mr. Li, don't worry, our advertising department will think about some ideas this time on the premise of stability, and see if we can make the best plan."

After Liu Sen finished speaking, Li Yang nodded, and then said:

"Well, I believe you, although the difficulty is relatively high this time, but there is plenty of time for you to think about it sadly."

People from the business department will be sent out on a business trip by Li Yang tomorrow. It should be a month after the completion of the flagship store address in each region, decoration, and the distribution of goods by the transportation team.

Therefore, the advertising department also has more time. They don't have to continue to work overtime to catch up with the plan, but can slowly and normally come out.

After the meeting, Li Yang found the person in charge of the business department again, and then told him about the matter, and asked him to take someone to Jiangzhou tomorrow.

If you want to open up a brand new market, you must have someone with decent ability to watch it in person. You can't just send ordinary employees there on business trips like before.

In the rest of the mountain city, the brand and word of mouth of Li Yang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. have already been opened up, so there is no need to be so cautious. Li Yang can just go and watch for a while when the time comes.

After finishing these, Li Yang finally came to An Yitian's office.

In the past few days, she has thoroughly figured out the company's various processes. Li Yang found her this time to give her a job.

This matter is very important, that is, to develop a few more "bee farms" in the Pingyang area, and the minimum scale must be at the level of "Sweet Water Town".

The basic condition for the company to expand the market so much is that the inventory must be guaranteed, so the increase of bee farms is also within Ji Yang's plan this time.

After talking about this with An Yitian, An Yitian nodded, and she was responsible for this matter. .

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