Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

185 New Sales Record, Reached 600 Million!

After a night of nothing, An Yitian woke up the next day and found that the "dividing line" she created had disappeared, and her own person was still attached to Li Yang.

And I seem to sleep soundly, actually drooling......

Seeing a little mark on Li Yang's shirt, An Yitian chose to pretend not to know, and went directly to the bathroom to wash up.

Hearing the sound of washing from the bathroom, Li Yang yawned and opened his eyes, and then noticed the marks on his body.

"Yi Tian, ​​is this really a five-star hotel? Why is the air conditioner still leaking? I'll go, it made my clothes a little wet.

An Yitian, who was washing up, wanted to bury her head in the sink after hearing Li Yang's complaint.

"I...I don't know, maybe you are unlucky, the air conditioner just happened to leak."

An Yitian would never admit this, even if she was killed.

After washing up, the two of them walked out together. The driver whom An Yitian called "Uncle Liang" yesterday had already parked his car outside the hotel and waited.

The two of them had breakfast at the hotel casually, and then got in the car directly after going out, and asked that Uncle Ran to take the two of them to the airport in Shancheng City.

The flight ticket back to Pingyang has been booked, and now the flagship stores in Jiangzhou City and Shancheng City have all opened.

There was nothing else to do, so Li Yang chose to go back with An Yitian.

When he arrived at the airport, that Uncle Liang followed An Yitian with his suitcase, checked the luggage competently, and then said goodbye to An Yitian.

"Miss, Mr. Li, you have a good journey, I will take my leave first."

After hearing Uncle Liang's words, Anyi nodded sweetly.

"Uncle Liang, please go back~||."

After Uncle Liang left, Li Yang asked suspiciously.

"Yi Tian, ​​why is this Uncle Liang so kind to you? Is he the driver who has been driving your family for many years?"

After Li Yang finished speaking, An Yitian told Li Yang about it while walking to the security check passage with Li Yang.

It turned out that Uncle Liang had been her father's driver as far back as An Yitian could remember. Although he was the driver, he also took on a lot of roles in taking care of An Yitian.

So she respects this Uncle Liang very much, and after hearing what An Yitian said, Li Yang understood.

Three days later, Li Yang sat in the office and poured a glass of honey water, which contained "pear nectar". If he smokes now, he must drink the water soaked in "pear nectar".

After taking a big gulp, Li Yang lit a cigarette and took a satisfied puff before opening the document in front of him.

This is the monthly financial report. In order to maintain a sense of curiosity and surprise, Li Yang has never looked at the sales of this month before, and now is the time to open up this "curiosity".

Last month, there were three areas in Pingyang, Rongcheng, and Shancheng. There were five flagship stores in Pingyang, nine in Rongcheng, and nine in Shancheng.

The total sales of a total of 23 flagship stores directly reached 560 million.

On average, the sales of each flagship store are more than 23 million, which is a terrifying and exaggerated sales.

And after the third round of expansion in Yueshan City, the number of flagship stores has reached thirteen, and there are five more flagship stores in Jiangzhou.

Although these newly opened flagship stores have only been open for less than a week, Li Yang feels that he can contribute a little bit of sales, and see if he can break a record.

Thinking of this, Li Yang turned his attention to the financial statement on the table.

The total sales volume in Pingyang area reached 144 million this month, which is still a very stable value without much fluctuation.

The monthly sales in Rongcheng reached 242 million, directly breaking the record of 200 million. It seems that as the brand of Liyang Biotechnology has become more and more rooted in Rongcheng, the market has slowly begun to Reverse "catering" to your own company.

Because of the previous two waves of expansion in Shancheng City, plus the sales of the four newly opened flagship stores in the past few days, the combined sales reached 196 million, which is also a very objective figure, and it almost broke two. 100 million.

Seeing this, Li Yang can judge that, as long as there are no major accidents, as time goes by, the sales in Shancheng City will increase like that in Rongcheng.

Finally, there are a total of five new flagship stores in Jiangzhou City. Jiangzhou is a newly opened market, and this month’s sales are actually only five days in total, so Li Yang does not report any special hopes for this.

According to Li Yang's own thinking, if the total sales of the five flagship stores in Jiangzhou in five days can reach more than 10 million, it is considered qualified.

But Li Yang was still taken aback when he glanced at the last page. The five-day sales in Jiangzhou Market gave him a pleasant surprise.

A total of 18 million in five days, calculated on average, each store reached 770,000 to close to 800,000 lives per day.

This figure made Li Yang gasp. It seems that he still underestimated the consumption potential of the Jiangzhou market or underestimated the marketing effect of the advertising department this time.

You know, when the first flagship store in Pingyang opened, it took a long time to break the figure of one million in single-day sales.

On the other hand, Jiangzhou (Nuowang’s) has an average of nearly 800,000 a day, and the average sales volume is expected to exceed one million, and this is average. The highest flagship store in Jiangzhou has a single-day sales of 100,000 Two hundred and thirty thousand.

Calculated in this way, the final agreed sales of this month have just reached 600 million! This is only one month's sales, and it is the result of only five days' sales of the nine flagship stores in Shancheng City and Jiangzhou.

It can be predicted that next month's sales will definitely hit a new high!

And the release date of ".~Pear Blossom Honey" next month has to be put on the agenda, this is Li Yang's "big killer".

After thinking of this, Li Yang directly asked his assistant to notify the finance, and went to the bank to withdraw 200,000 cash, and he went to the advertising department to give them bonuses to stimulate them. .

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