Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

195 Visit An Yitian's Home

After hearing what An Yitian said, Li Yang froze in place.

The father-in-law asked An Yitian to go home for dinner? Including himself, after all, An Yitian used "we" instead of "I".

After moving his throat, Li Yang said:

"Yi Tian, ​​did I hear you right? Your father told us to go to your house for dinner?"

After seeing Li Yang's unbelievable expression, Anyi nodded, and then said:

"Yes, my dad asked me if I'm free today, and it's best to bring you home for dinner, he wants to see you.

After getting confirmation from An Yitian, Li Yang walked back and forth a few steps, and then thought about what to bring to the old man's house.

Although it is not "scared", but the "Chinese cabbage" that my father-in-law has raised for so many years said that he would "arch" if he was "arched" by himself, and he would not want to let him go.

Isn't there a saying, "The father-in-law looks at his son-in-law, and the more he looks at him, the more anxious he becomes."

So I still have to bring the things I should bring, and it is best to satisfy my father-in-law. An Yitian's mother Li Yang has met "I don't know what kind of person her father is."

"Yi Tian, ​​how is your father? I'll buy something for him if he likes something.

After hearing Li Yang's words, An Yitian smiled helplessly, and then said:

"My dad is actually pretty good. Anyway, I think he's pretty good. He doesn't belong to the 'strict father' type at all, and he doesn't buy anything. It's time for dinner. If we go We have to go, there is no time."

After An Yitian said this, Li Yang felt a little relieved. After all, it is good that the old man is not so "fierce", and it won't make him embarrassing himself when the time comes.

As for things, since I don't have time now, let's just grab some from home.

There is nothing else in the house, only a lot of various honeys, and I don’t know if my father-in-law has finished drinking at home, anyway, I will bring him a few bottles of each variety.

Seeing where Li Yang was "busy" and "busy", the corner of An Yitian's mouth slightly raised. This feeling is very good. He cares about his father's feelings, which is a kind of performance that he cares about himself.

After putting a bunch of honey into the trunk, Li Yang greeted An Yitian to sit in the co-pilot, and then walked towards her home according to her guidance.

"Yi Tian, ​​just tell me the place, I'll see if I know the way, I'll drive faster if I know the way, or don't let your parents wait for us two.

After hearing Li Yang's words, An Yitian said the name of a community.

"Lakeside Mansion", this place Li Yang knows, is one of the best so-called "rich districts" in Pingyang, where all the villas are for sale, along the lakeside, and the environment is particularly good.

Every villa in it starts at 100 million yuan, and the people who live there are basically masters who do not lack money.

As I thought, An Yitian's house was not ordinary in any way.

Although the "Lakeside Mansion" is a villa area, its location is not in the suburbs, but near the city center. There seem to be 36 villas in it [each one represents a level.

The higher the number, the better. Of course, the price is more expensive, and when it comes to villa No. 6-1, there is a number and a level.

No. 1 is a level, the best villa in the "Lakeside Mansion", the remaining No. 2 to No. 6 are in descending order, and then No. 7 to No. 16 is a level, and so on for the rest.

I don't know what villa is An Yitian's house, but after thinking about it, Li Yang asked directly:

"By the way, Yi Tian, ​​which villa does your family live in in the 'Lakeside Mansion'?"

After hearing Li Yang's question, An Yitian directly opened her mouth and threw a number.

"Number one.

After the car drove into the community, Li Yang drove to the gate of the innermost villa under the guidance of An Yitian.

After stopping the car, Li Yang took a look, tsk tsk, this place is really nice, the whole villa is leaning against the lake, and there is even a small pier where small canoes can be parked, and occasionally you can go rowing by yourself.

The area of ​​the entire villa is also very large. Li Yang looks like it occupies an area of ​​two or three acres, because the villa has not only a lawn, but also a swimming pool, garage and so on.

There were also housekeepers inside. After seeing the car, the door was raised, and then a person came directly inside. Li Yang knew him.

It's that Uncle Li from last time.

"Miss, Mr. Li.

After nodding in response, Li Yang also handed him the car keys, and he will park the car in the garage, including the contents in the trunk.

After glancing at Li Yang, An Yitian took a deep breath. She wanted to do something she had never done before, but for Ji Yang's sake, let's do it.

After making up her mind, An Yitian stretched out her hand and squeezed Li Yang's hand without hesitation.

When I went to Wufeng Li Yang's house for the first time, I was so nervous and scared to death, Li Yang should be the same as me at that time now, give him some encouragement.

This is An Yitian's idea.

After suddenly feeling a chill coming from her hand, Li Yang looked at An Yitian in surprise, this girl took the initiative to hold her hand for the first time.

Thinking of this, Li Yang even used a little bit of ".~feeling".

"Well, soft as boneless, very comfortable."

Where does Li Yang have any fearful thoughts? If An Yitian knew that what he was thinking about was "very comfortable", she would probably pull her hand out of his hand immediately.

The two of them walked to the gate holding hands like this, and then a servant inside directly opened the gate.

Li Yang also saw the whole picture of the villa. After the door was opened, there was a hollow spiral staircase inside, and there was a crystal chandelier estimated to be several meters in the middle.

The decoration of the whole home reveals two words of information.


But Li Yang didn't reject it either, the two of them walked in a few steps and then came to the inner position, and then Li Yang also saw An Yitian's mother.

The woman from last time seemed to be in good condition. A middle-aged man next to him also turned his head. His face looked determined, but now he saw Li Yang and An Yitian. The person's eyes widened directly. .

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